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  1. This issue is still very relevant, if anyone knows about how vampires work in Skyrim and why sometimes you look different i'd love to know. SOLUTION: Deactivate Unofficial Skyrim Patch
  2. I have never used steam workshop in my life since I dont like how it changes so much without my knowledge. I tried deactivating better vampires, I tried starving myself with the mod on and off with no result. Don't get me wrong, I love that mod. It's one of the best mods made that fits perfect to Dawnguard. I am simply trying to figure out why my character looks different all of a sudden so that I can revert it. Here is my mod list as taken from NMM and Wrye Bash http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/4286/modlist.jpg Here is my load order as taken from Wrye Bash Active Mod Files:
  3. SOLUTION: I found it! If you have the same issue as I did, the mod changing this was Unofficial Skyrim Patch! Remove this and you will look badass once again. http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/2454/vampirepm.jpg I used to look like the Before picture and now I look like the After picture. But I did not download a mod that changes vampire apperance. I want to look like the before picture! At least I want the eyes back, the blood around the mouth I can do without. To make everything even more confusing Serana still have the eyes I used to have while I don't. Also I found an old screenshot of lord Harkon and he seems to have the eyes I currently have way back when I did not have them.
  4. Thank you, thats all I needed to hear. Was afraid a mod had screwed up my game. Now I can continue playing without fear of it getting worse at least.
  5. EDIT: How do I edit the thread title? I meant to write VL as in Vampire Lord and not VR. I would love if a mod could fix this or this thread might get the wrong kind of attention. I just finished the Dawnguard campaign and now at Castle Volkihar if I turn into Vampire Lord form people who see me go hostile, (They don't mind me being a Vampire Lord but if they are nearby when I transform they go crazy). Also if I use deltect life spell as Vampire Lord EVERYONE turns hostile. I tried turning off every mod I have to see which one did this but it still persists! Have any one else had this similar issue? Or any clue what created this? I tried to google it but no help. Also I can not completely rule out that this morning before I started the game I installed better vampires mod and Vampire Lord Polished mods, however I deactivated both mods and uninstalled them using Wrye Bash AND loaded a save prior to using those mods and it did not help so I don't think they have anything to do with it. To me it seems more likely Bethesda did something with the Faction of the people in Castle Volkihar once you complete the Dawnguard campaign. If that is the case then I would love to hear someone else having the same issue so I know I did not screw up my game somehow. I have not played so much since I found this bug but I did load an earlier save to try detect life on other NPCs and they were NOT affected. Meaning they did NOT turn hostile on me. I'm not sure if it's only in Castle Volkihar but it seems like it so far. Any ideas? I'm afraid this issue might carry out further than Castle Volkihar and I will end up unable to use detect life at all because everything will just attack me or worse. Just the fact that I am no longer able to roam around as Vampire Lord in Castle Volkihar bugs the hell out of me.
  6. I read somewhere that different mods who alter leveling list does not stack but instead overwrite each other. I would like to know if this is true because I have a few mods that add weapons and armors to the world and it would be a shame if only one works. The mods I want to use are: Axestaff Weapon Pack v2 Immersive Armors v4 Omegared99 - Armor Compilation Weapons of the Third Era 1.3 Anow I was about to install Extended Vanilla Weapons but there it told me about this leveling list thing and I do recall not seeing so many new items as I thought I did. Also if it is true what are my options to combine the leveling lists? Also noteworthy, I don't know any modding at all.
  7. Quick question, anyone know of any mod that removes the red lines around the mouth when you are a vampire in dawnguard while still keeping the veins? http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/2463/veins.jpg I can only find mods that completely revert you to human looks
  8. I'm making a new character just for dawnguard and so I have a few questions about the vampire lord skills. 1. What resource are the new skills using, magicka, stamina or why not, health? 2. Is there any skill tree bsides vampire lord that will improve on the vampire lord skills such as destruction to increase spell damage or illusion to better control your foes?
  9. Anyone know if there is a mod that allows you to use different body types of different types of NPC? For example I would like for Nords to have a stronger body physique than other races and I would like to be able to have different bodies of mage NPCs vs warrior NPCs etc.
  10. I followed your link and guide by the dot and I have good and bad news. The good news is that the latest driver had an update for skyrim so Skyrim now runs at about 45fps instead of the old 30 (yay). However the downside is that when I turn on ENB it returns to it's previous 15FPS. I'm starting to think this is an issue with ENB itself, maybe it's not well compatible with my graphics card?
  11. Ok I found a GPU monitor gadget and I also activated my CPU monitor and it seems the GPU is working at 99% all the time while playing, while the CPU is barely working at all (13-14%). Is there a way for me to force some of the work on the CPU instead of the GPU? I take it ENB is very GPU heavy for example.
  12. I feel a bit stupid but here is my problem, I want to play skyrim with ENB shaders but my game ran on only 10-15 fps with ENB on and around 30 with it off. I found this very low so I recently reinstalled skyrim to use only ENB without any additional mods, assuming texture mods and such sinked my FPS. Lo and behond my FPS was the same, 30 without ENB and 10-15 with, depending on the area. My question is, would you say there a bottleneck in my systemspecs or could this issue be due to some software problem I am not aware of? Is ENB really that demanding that it cuts your FPS in half? And if 30 FPS reasonably with my system specs? I tend to think I have a decent computer that run games very smoothly yet I tried turning down graphics settings on skyrim and use High Performance options on ENB with no change in FPS. High and low performance both give 10-15 fps. Here are my specs Intel Core i7-2630QM GTX 560M 1.5GB GDDR5 DDRIII 8GB ram memory 1TB 7200RPM harddrive (Thinking of getting SSD but not sure if it would help in this case) Win 7 64bit Update: I put skyrim settings on lowest settings with everything off and the game was still playing around 15FPS with ENB.
  13. This thread is beautiful, I never had a doubt in my mind that the age span of todays games is vastly greater than it used to be but see it black on white is really cool. At work most people I talk to that play games regullary are married and over 40, it's their way to dream away a bit I guess. I am 25 myself and my dad who is 68 is mostly stationed in front of the TV or computer. Problem is he doesn't know english very well so I can't introduce him to some brilliant games like Skyrim. It's a shame though because he is also a hunter (And a pretty active one) and there are some amazing games out there I know he would just love. One day, before you know it, you shall be old and wonder "How did all those years just fly by?" That should scare you more than anything. Tip from an "older" person. Do something with your life before you get too old to be able to do it. :thumbsup: Ok that did scare me. Stop saying those things >< I still feel like it was yesterday I was 18.
  14. I smell awesome druid mods as well as vampire mods coming up. I always wanted a new spellschool that instead of focuses on summoning creatures actually twists your own apperance. Maybe this could be it?
  15. This thread perfectly illustrates a bief I have with a lot of the "better something" mods that are out there. Because most of those mods actually do not make anything better, they just make it different. And it's pretty self loving and disrespectful to bethesta to argue that your mod you made single handedly is way better than what they can come up with. In some cases it's true, but to call your mod "better" it needs to actually have higher quality or improve performance somehow, not just make it different.
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