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About CrazyGilbert

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  1. yeah, the morrowind we have today would be much different if it wernt for daggerfall. The problem with dagg was that everything was too random and almost nothing was set to be exept for the main quest and even that changed so much. The graphics were okay at the time but I would hate to play it today. i also hated that every fighters guild quest was THE same seriously. Go kill a spider or get a tiger to come out by ringing a bell.
  2. Malchik, I amnd my blimp are all real...MUAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! it is not virtual reality because I can pinch myself and it hurts see *pinch* *pinch* now you will all suffer for not giving up and begging for mercy!! *crazygilbert comands 100 kamakazee watermelons to explode when close enough to the igloo* the igloo will then melt away because of the extremely hot watermelon juices
  3. EARTH IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CrazyGilber than sends out millions of 'igloo killer rocket 5000s" and fires them straight at the igloo smashing it to little tiny bits
  4. but the ground is non existant! so Chaos makers igloo strts to fall and ends up dead in space!
  5. then the plasma shots blow it up again and then gilbert launches a specialized bomb made for destroying "indestructible igloos" MUAHAHAH *then gilbert starts to play morrowind again*
  6. Gilbert (from his planet launched trillions of those plasma gun shots that destroyed earth into it again but from high powered canons. (trillions) you will all die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Gilbert then sits down and plays morrowind*
  7. suddenly a huge crack appears and widens the size of england and then The blimp rises back into the sky 100 times larger. Gilbert screams and yells! then dwemer skygliders armed with vickers mark1s fly out of the blimp toward earth firing round after round at gilberts opponents!! The big gun recharges and fires again and again over and over untill a hole the size of north america goes straight down to the eartes core, expelling lava from the hole which will soon cover earth and make it a big ball of magma lava MUAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! Gilbert than leaves the galaxy to his home planet made out of play dough.
  8. Dulsya isle Dulsya isle adds an island about 3 quarters the size of Solstheim. This mod does not require any expansions. it adds 2 semi large cities to the island one called Sor vvalan and the other Ralstone. Both are developing cities and you may help them grow which are the main quests of this mod. It also includes a fort Called fort rockridge, you start off here once you get transported there by boat at vivec. (the guy who brings you to dulsya isle is on the opposite side of the existing boat guy beside the foreign quarter ) look around and you will find it) there are numerous sidequests you may take on. Most being the simple bring me a book or weapon ones but fun all the same. It adds numerous caves and very interesting storylines for the mainquests. The mod is good and adds about 3 hours of gameplay and is also a small size i think. The only problem is that it seems to disallow any changes to tel uvirith like green uvirith or other ones so I am in the process of uninstalling it but the mod is good enough to play (make a new save file simply which i did not do) overall rating (myopinion) is 7.5/10 would have been a 9 if it didnt cause problems -CG
  9. CrazyGilbert screams and launches his plasma supergun at the bullets decimating them and flying straight towards chaos maker than he orders his little blimp army to fire guns and chuck stones at him while peppering him with bullets
  10. gilbert catches the sock and chucks it back at 800 million miles an hour blowing you up into little bits (from a sock hahahahah)
  11. I liked medevil alot. i had finished the first and second one quite a few times. i storyline was great and the graphics were fine in the day when it was new. I always liked how everybody thought sir dan was a hero but really he died from the first arrow that was fired
  12. I liked medevil alot. i had finished the first and second one quite a few times. i storyline was great and the graphics were fine in the day when it was new. I always liked how everybody thought sir dan was a hero but really he died from his own arrow
  13. yeah, all games exept for the full multiplayer games like dark age of camelot
  14. yeah, and the "old age price drop" will always be around so I guess this is the only way through it. seriously guys, never have things ever got to be cheaper as the world goes along. Resources get slimmer (prices increase) no matter what there is nothing we can do about it. it may come to piracy but remember that peoples income increases as well somewhat moderatly. -CG
  15. no, chaosmaker i do not "skin through" the pages I fully read them before i post. I must have overlooked who it was. lots of people just sign up and never come back, i have sent Welcome messages to most new people I see but never do i ever get a reply from them
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