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Everything posted by MikeMoore

  1. Howdy, I used to be a Fallout 4 modder but I retired a while back for.. reasons. However, if someone was interested in texturing for me, and we could get some kind of neat joint venture going on, I think I'd really enjoy that. Here's the gun I've been working on: I've been modeling it passively for a game I'm working on, but if someone wanted to take up texturing it, I could make a couple modifications and things, and we could have a good time. I figure it would work one of two ways, either you do only the texturing, and I do all the modeling/creation kit/publishing stuff, OR I only do the modeling, and you do the texturing/ck/publishing stuff, meaning the file on the nexus (and bethnet) are in your name. Anyway, thanks for checking out my post, and if you just want to chat about things that's cool too. I'm not really doing anything today. Here's my discord name if you want to get in contact: MikeMoore#4492
  2. I'm quite late in posting this, but thank you for this tutorial.
  3. In response to post #42710425. #42841785, #42939985, #43462250, #43476370, #43538115 are all replies on the same post. +1
  4. Hey there, I've been working on learning scripting for a little while, and I've got stuck trying to spawn an npc, and stick it in ambush furniture. When I was looking at ObjectReference on the creation kit wiki, I saw that MoveTo() allows the user to force an npc into a piece of furniture, so if I did NPC.MoveTo(Chair) it would move the specified npc straight into the chair without animations. However, when trying to do this with a leveled ghoul that I've spawned, it doesn't seem to want to stick them into the ambush furniture. I'm assuming this is because the ambush furniture works differently, but I'm new to ambushes. Any help that could be provided would be appreciated, and thanks in advance! MikeMoore UPDATE: After taking a short break from this and coming back from it I managed to get an ambush to work that spawns a ghoul every time you hit a button. Super simple, and you could obviously use something other than a button to trigger this, but it works. Here's the code, and an example: Scriptname SpawnGhoul02 extends ObjectReference Const {Spawns a ghoul, attaching it to ambush furniture} Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Actor Spawned = FurnitureTest.PlaceActorAtMe(LvlFeralGhoul,1) Spawned.Disable() Spawned.SetLinkedref(akIdleMarker) Spawned.SetLinkedref(FurnitureTest,LinkAmbushFurniture) Spawned.Enable() Spawned.StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) endEvent ActorBase Property LvlFeralGhoul Auto Const {Attached to ambush furniture} ObjectReference Property FurnitureTest Auto Const {Attached to idle marker from ambush pack in} ObjectReference Property akIdleMarker Auto Const {Auto-fill} Keyword Property LinkAmbushFurniture Auto Const http://i.imgur.com/xPD7XiE.png I'd like to put a [sOLVED] tag in the title for future readers, but I'm unsure of how to do this, so hopefully this will be okay.
  5. Hey there. I've made quite a few weapons on the nexus, and my problem with my own weapons, and other weapon mods that I used before I started modding was always how flakey the leveled list system was. Of course when you have an issue with two or more mods using the same leveled list, the solution is always to make a merged/bashed patch in fo4edit, and it will combine the leveled lists. However, as someone who makes weapons frequently, and gets complained at by the console modding community that is unable to make merged patches, I don't think this is a great idea. I'm very new to creation kit scripting, but is there some way I could make a weapon inject itself into leveled lists when the game starts the first time you load the mod?
  6. Hey there. I've created a new cell in creation kit, and for some reason it's super blurry at long range, like some kind of extreme depth of field. I don't have any enbs, and this is happening on a buddies computer as well. Here's a picture. http://i.imgur.com/CFhcxu8.png Any clue what would cause this or how I could remove it? It happened after I tried to remove the fog.
  7. nono the more melee weapons are going to be in the mod either way, I was just wondering if I should have them included in the mod or as optional files. Seems the consensus is that they should be included in the mod, so I think that's what I'll do.
  8. Hey dudes. I'm working on making a melee only faction. I've already made a few mods that add melee weapons and plan on make more, and the plan is to add the melee weapons I make into the faction's leveled list, so they only use that weapons. The question is should I add those weapons that I've made into the mod by default, or should I have it so you have to download the mods separately and are considered "Required Mods" by the main mod?
  9. Please update me on this Jeff. If there is something specific to Armor and Clothing I would like to make a video so others don't have the same issue. I haven't done much work with armor yet.
  10. This is good advice. Tonicmole knows what they're talking about.
  11. Thank you for your advice Jet, I will update the video with the more convenient steps later on.
  12. Ideally yes, we want the tool to actually tell you what you're changing
  13. If people are still looking for an answer, I can make a quick video illustrating how to change the rate of fire on guns.
  14. Converting OBJ to usable NIF files, converting is possible with both blender and Maya, contrary to your post.
  15. If you want a list of programs you should have, Nifskope FO4Edit Bodyslide/outfit studio And the material Editor Those four are most of what you need to create your own files and convert models. There isn't a lot of videos on the internet about creating mods for fallout 4 yet, but I've created one that covers converting models you've made in Blender/Maya to a FO4 compatible nif if you want to check that out here EDIT, Just saw your above post If you want to make a weapon, you'll want to convert the model with the method in my video, then copy over a similar gun to a new file in FO4Edit and change the model in there. The video should cover everything you need
  16. No problem guys, doesn't matter if you share the video, but share the info.
  17. If you can't seem to get that to work, I made a video recently that will help you with this, just substitute anything that you're doing with the OBJ in the video with your FBX if that's what youre using. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppTXCJ0SZ88
  18. No problem, spread the word! I also heard blender can be used as a video editing software, so that would be interesting to play with!
  19. I've finally figured out how to convert mods to Fallout 4 nifs without using 3DS Max, or first making them into Fallout NV/Skyrim Nifs, converting them straight to FO4NIF using outfit studio! This works with blender, as well as maya https://www.youtube....h?v=ppTXCJ0SZ88 This video will walk you through doing this
  20. I've finally figured out how to convert mods to Fallout 4 nifs without using 3DS Max, or first making them into Fallout NV/Skyrim Nifs, converting them straight to FO4NIF using outfit studio! This works with blender, as well as maya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppTXCJ0SZ88 This video will walk you through doing this
  21. I totally agree, it would be nice if you could just export out of Blender and go straight to nifskope without having to do all these workarounds, but this is pioneer times in Fallout 4 Modding, so we've got to work with what we've got. And I don't have $1400 to spend on 3DS Max, haha
  22. So as of now, I've used Outfit studio, Nifskope, and Blender as a means to get a nif into the game, and it's working. However I've just mucked up a texture along the way so currently I have this http://i.imgur.com/iNOTa27.jpg which I think is pretty comical, but the hard part is over, and it's possible! I'll be posting a video here and on the forums in a new topic to say what I've done so other people can reap the rewards of my labors.
  23. Actually I beg to differ.. I seem to have got a nif loaded into the game that I created with blender and converted using outfit studio. I'll post information on this later.
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