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Everything posted by haohao69869

  1. I made an MOD for you fixed that. Now, all the grenade and missile and molotov will properly kill any one nearby whether enemy themselves. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37128/
  2. I made an MOD for you fixed that. Now, all the grenade and missile and molotov will properly kill any one nearby whether enemy themselves. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37128/
  3. Hello ,modders . How to modify power attack(weapon bash) AP cost? As I know , fActionPointsAttack XXXX under FO4edit Gamesetting is does not work at all , whatever I set the vale. and fPowerAttackCoolDownTime fPowerAttackDefaultBonus fPowerAttackStaminaPenalty which I find in https://www.creation...tegory:Settings , do not work , too. ( It looks like using for skyrim) Now all I know how to modify AP cost of power attack function is to modify the vale : Mod_ReducedPowerAttack_AV [AVIF:00245BDB] under : mod_armor_ReducedPowerAttackPerk "ReducedPowerAttackPerk" [PERK:00245BD8] from -0.01 to any figure be close to 0 just like -0.1 then type ~ use the Console in game click any armor piece on the floor and type : amod 00245BDA ( others armour mod to reduce AP cost of power attack is OK) and then equip that armour piece, your power attack won't cost any action point. BUT this idea is not perfect. What do you think?? Any ways to make it more directly and effectly? Sorry for my very terrible English.
  4. Hello ,modders . How to modify power attack(weapon bash) AP cost? As I know , fActionPointsAttack XXXX under FO4edit Gamesetting is does not work at all , whatever I set the vale. and fPowerAttackCoolDownTime fPowerAttackDefaultBonus fPowerAttackStaminaPenalty which I find in https://www.creation...tegory:Settings , do not work , too. ( It looks like using for skyrim) Now all I know how to modify AP cost of power attack function is to modify the vale : Mod_ReducedPowerAttack_AV [AVIF:00245BDB] under : mod_armor_ReducedPowerAttackPerk "ReducedPowerAttackPerk" [PERK:00245BD8] from -0.01 to any figure be close to 0 just like -0.1 then type ~ use the Console in game click any armor piece on the floor and type : amod 00245BDA ( others armour mod to reduce AP cost of power attack is OK) and then equip that armour piece, your power attack won't cost any action point. BUT this idea is not perfect. What do you think?? Any ways to make it more directly and effectly? Sorry for my very terrible English.
  5. Basically there's nothing to this more than the title and tags. I'm not sure if it already exists, but I think there should be an AI package or whatever it takes to get enemies to kill themselves by accident when they screw up big time with explosives. I've seen it time and again when some jackass tries to launch a fatman nuke at me and it explodes on the ground below his feet or on a rail in front of him. I prematurely burst into laughter only to find him standing there after the smoke clears, loading another nuke into the launcher much to my chagrin and it's ridiculous and should be dealt with, heh. Is there a mod enable Enemy friendly fire? Let he kill himself with RPG or fatman just like player.
  6. Thank you . And if I want to set player's health at X , how I make it ?
  7. I want to use "SetActorHealth(Player, 25.0) " But Creation Kit says “Player” is not defined. So how to define a player? And I saw “playerREF" "AKactor" ....everywhere ,I guess these all mean the "PLAYER" , What is the different? Why we use various name?
  8. Creation Kit 's warning window says : SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "vin_script_playeralias", missing file? And this source file(.pcs) will failed to compile ( to .pex) How to make it??
  9. Make a copy of your .psc and make sure it is in Data/Scripts/Source/User SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "111111", missing file?How to do? It crashes ..
  10. SCRIPTS: Cannot open store for class "111111", missing file?How to deal with this?
  11. Make a copy of your .psc and make sure it is in Data/Scripts/Source/User This word help me a lot! I will try it. thank you.
  12. Thank you . But how I edit that .psc script in the Creation Kit? It is not origin game film . I can‘t find it in creationkit- gameplay- papyrus script manager.
  13. What is the script code of player's health point? I want edit a script with it . Okay,that is. I want edit the mod name "follower revive system " change the player's HP after success revived to 1% instead of 100%. how do I do??
  14. Meanwhile, your question is a little vague. What are you trying to do? I am editing a source file script , add some code into it , but i am really not good at creationkit or some tools.
  15. I have an idea to edit a exist mod It ‘s not difficult for a true modder . but really too hard for me . May use creationkit and ...
  16. Anyone who can help me edit a .psc script for Fallout4 . Thank you.
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