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There's a number of good people here who will always help if they can. If you get no help it's because no one has the answer, not because everyone is avoiding you. No matter how careful I am I still get the "STOP THIEF" routine once in a while. If you're sure you did nothing wrong then I recommend using the console to set it straight and move on. I tried for a long time and eventually found that trying to be a purist through out this whole game can drive you crazy. Chalk it up as a bug and keep your sticky fingers to yourself next time. :wink: Console command I've used many times. Player.SetCrimeGold 0This will remove your bounty by setting it to 0, but any pursuing guards will still have to find you before they'll stop following you. Don't worry, though, as soon as they get to you they'll just engage you in a normal conversation. If you've already been caught and decided to resist arrest it gets more complicated. Even if you type this command in then yield (holding block and pressing activate on them) they may try to arrest you again, due to the 40-gold bounty for resisting. Keep putting this command in then yielding and they'll eventually stop. If you try this command once the guard has talked to you the game will crash.
How to get the name of a spell target?
chambcra replied to chambcra's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Okay, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I didn't know any other characters had the floating horse problem. I'll check that out. I've never seen other archers dry firing but I've seen it reported enough so it's probably not your mods and like you say, not worth the trouble. Thanks -
How to get the name of a spell target?
chambcra replied to chambcra's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Yeah right. 'nother story:) Have you ever looked into the floating horse mount or no arrows problems? -
How to get the name of a spell target?
chambcra replied to chambcra's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Great! Thanks a lot for the quick reply. Just knowing that I'm not missing the easiest thing in the world is worth a lot. I'm not totally against using obse and the name isn't near as important as the aggression. It's just something that would be cool. I'm trying for the best solution to eliminate the rare but very inconvenient times when you kill the one person that you weren't supposed to kill. Also, occasionally you realize you've just slaughtered a dozen harmless creatures. This is a problem when you prefer ranged attacks and not getting a scratch yourself. You can either wait until being attacked first which is rough on companions, beef up companions and let them do all the fighting, or use the console to check aggression. I think this spell with possibly just the aggression will a good way to go. The only reason to not use obse is if other people think this would be useful. I have no idea on that. I think it's just the same name you see when the crosshair is over the npc or creature so it seems like there must be a way. Thanks Edit: It works great with obse. The fact that obse has added MessageEx makes me think there isn't an easy way without it. If I ever decide this is so wonderful the world won't survive without it I'll just put up two versions. Thanks https://ibb.co/StpFng8 -
I'm making a spell to get information on the target. So far I have aggression which works and I'd also like to add the target's name. It seems like it should be easy but I haven't found it and I see using string variables is a feature of obse so maybe it's not so easy. This works: ScriptName 1ccInformationScr Ref Target Short Aggression Begin ScriptEffectStart Set Target to GetSelf Set Aggression to Target.GetActorValue Aggression Message "Aggression: %.0f" Aggression end There doesn't seem to be a %s for a string or a target.name for the variable so I better ask the pro's. Thanks
OBSE and the "Couldn't inject dll." error
chambcra replied to chambcra's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Likewise for me and Linux. Intentionally disabling working software is like if Ford went around and stole the wheels from their old cars, only for safety concerns of course :mellow: -
OBSE and the "Couldn't inject dll." error
chambcra replied to chambcra's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Thanks a lot Striker876. It's good to hear it works for someone else. Now that I know it was the same deal with you, I bet a lot of people have this problem and just live with it. I noticed that same thing at shutdown. Obse has the error window so when you click ok you're only left with an extra copy of gameux.dll and rundll32.exe running the whole time you're running oblivion. When I first started on this, the trouble was only with obse and plain oblivion was ok. I was experimenting with running oblivion in windowed mode and after that oblivion by itself started having the same problem (oblivion has it's own dll's)and when that happens you have an extra copy of the whole oblivion.exe running the whole time. I start oblivion and see a little circle thing go around and then nothing. Try it again and it works but I know there are now two copies running. There's probably a better way to fix it because there's probably an error logged. There is a gameux hack that makes it jump to the end of the program and that might not produce an error. Finding something in the registry to delete so it doesn't even try to run might be better yet. I had done the same thing with installing win7 a couple years ago and running all the updates and then turning it off. I had heard rumors MS was throwing wrenches into the machine to force people to win10 so I guess I can believe it but that's another long story. I think the reason why there was never a problem for years and suddenly there was is because of something that Microsoft did at their end of their wonderful Games Explorer application that is built into Win7. It causes a lot of various problems and is quite difficult to eliminate, if it's even possible ( I've tried ). If you have an internet connection when you start Oblivion, Games Explorer, via the process Gameux.dll, sends this information to MS. It seems this is in order to somehow enhance your experience (until it stops working). Apparently any time a process needs to start with a dll linked the process rundll32.exe starts to do that and then ends. That is what should happen when obse_loader.exe runs. Gameux.dll needs the service of rundll32.exe the same as obse_loader but Gameux and rundll32 get hung up together because of MS taking down their server ( I guess ) and obse_loader doesen't get the service it is requesting and therefore the timeout. Gameux and rundll32 stay hung up until you shut down the computer. So, I guess, the second try obse gets another instance of rundll32 and it works properly. The best solution might be to just run obse_loader twice and don't worry about it but I'm a stubborn bulldog. I'm glad I didn't try a reinstall. I was almost ready to. Here's the link to the hack: https://www.ngemu.com/threads/gameux-hack.168633/ That was interesting about John Aaron and thanks. -
OBSE and the "Couldn't inject dll." error
chambcra replied to chambcra's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I can't believe I finally found the answer. The short version is the problem was with the file Gameux.dll starting and hanging up Rundll32.exe so that obse_loader doesn't get the handle it is requesting. The fix was to rename Gameux.dll so that it doesn't run. It's the main component of Windows Game Explorer that causes a lot of trouble. Because I have Win7 64 bit the copy of Gameux.dll I had to rename is C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gameux.dll. If you have 32 bit windows I think you will have to rename C:\Windows\System32\gameux.dll. I have that copy as well and it starts and runs every time at startup and is always running so renaming that might be a problem but my guess is probably not. I have a long version of this problem analysis if anyone is interested. Here's some links for further study: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ https://www.howtogeek.com/school/sysinternals-pro/lesson1/ https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_other-gaming/windows-7-game-explorer-interfering-with-game/efd39c74-cfab-4c2c-b6c5-834b8849a1b3?page=2&auth=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars/comments/bycdjo/game_is_waiting_for_rundll32exe_forever_on_win7/ https://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-7/windows-7-how-to-delete-files-protected-by-trustedinstaller/ -
Sorry Ignatious5 I can't help with the voice acting but I'd like to encourage you to keep going with the good work. The video looks good. I'd give it a try if I had Morrowind working. It's a good idea. Kilos asked my opinion on some automatically generated speech from text he was trying and I thought it sounded pretty good and better than some real voice acting. The biggest mistake I think amateurs make is too much dramatic pauses. I wonder if they think that sounds more natural or if it's just hard to not do it. Good luck.
A launcher crash issue I'm having with oblivion
chambcra replied to fosterhew's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
I assume steam keeps everything up to date automatically so you have the latest patch. I'm curious about the first bit you post. Is that some kind of steam log or what? Maybe your motherboard has onboard graphics and even though it's not is use it needs to be officially disabled in the bios so oblivion doesn't see it. When you say "won't let me open it again" isn't there a message or something or you double click and nothing happens or what? Instead of deleting the ini you could rename it instead so you could look at it. In the oblivion folder right above the data folder there is the Oblivion_default.ini you can use to compare. On this computer I have a gtx780 and my ini shows this: uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1=3619102270 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2=298799940 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3=394876828 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4=902087196 My game computer has a gtx1080 so yours should work unless there's something wrong with it. -
Okay, then that answers my question about UAC. You can look in TES4Edit_log.txt to see what may have happened before the error. I have verified that you can run the LOD function for a single esp with Tes4Edit. Tes4Edit is not user unfriendly it's just a little different with sort of a bare bones interface and uses the right click more than a normal interface. For example when the first window comes up you right click -> un-select all and then select the esp you want. On the next window you left click to select your esp then right click to see what you can do and you should see LOD. I'm guessing Tes4Edit has command line capability and maybe that's where the batchfile thing is coming from. I would look into Tes4Edit.
For now I can say that whatever was the default install path has been working for me for 10 years on my 64 bit win7 computer. I can also say my wild guessing about UAC is wrong because it does say in the Wikipedia article that UAC does prevent user programs from writing within the Program Files folder. What I don't understand is with UAC you will get a popup when you run Tes4LODGen that says "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?" Is that right? You click Yes. Right? Then the program runs and UAC does not honor your request to let this program make changes to this computer and it denies access to this program. It doesn't make sense. On the Tes4LODGen forum you said you have reinstalled in Program Files (x86) so you probably do have 64 bit. Why not turn UAC off and try it? You can always turn it back on.
Is your hardware and Operating System 32 or 64 bit? This is important. My game computer is 64 bit along with Win7 64 bit. There is both a Program Files and a Program Files (x86) and Oblivion is installed in Program Files (x86). I'm pretty sure I selected the default during installation. I've never really looked into it, I've just assumed that on a 64 bit system Program Files is where 64 bit programs go and Program Files (x86) is where legacy 32 bit programs go and I no doubt made that assumption because that's where Oblivion went after choosing all the defaults. 1) Is this a new project or have you been playing Oblivion on this computer and this install for years? 2) My game comp is in Program Files (x86) and on my work comp I overrode the default and installed directly under C: My game comp is working better in one regard that it doesn't have the OBSE can't inject dll error. I doubt if that is related to the install path but basically that's the only difference.
I don't want to advise on turning off UAC. I don't know if it really has any effect on a program that is running. All I know is that with it turned on every time I try to run an executable program I get a pop up window that asks me if I really want to do this and I'm always going to say yes because I wouldn't be running the program in the first place if I didn't really want to do this. So, I can't see the point so I turn it off. I only have experience with XP and Win7. 1) What OS do you have? 2) I have to make another correction. I said before I don't have a Tamriel.cmp. I see now that in fact I do. I don't know how I can search for .cmp one day and get 8 files and do the same search another day and get ~30 files including Tamriel.cmp. Win7 has known bugs in it's search function is all I know. 3) You could do some serious reading on UAC. If TES4LODGen is written in C language or C++ and it wants to overwrite or create a file, I don't think UAC is going to stop it even if the folder is in Program Files. I could be wrong so take this with a grain of salt. The name User Access Control implies it is for controlling the user, not every single program that wants to write into the Program Files folder. I know I'm going against the grain here but that's my opinion. 4) I did a google search and back in 2014 someone had what looks similar at first glance. I haven't looked into it yet. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/51500-tes4lodgen/page-34&do=findComment&comment=12888188 5) At the top of the Posts page there is a link called FORUM THREAD. It has a search function that is fairly flaky but if you search for Tamriel you get some results. 6) I read somewhere that TES4LODGen is a part of TES4Edit so when you run it the results will be in the TES4Edit log. I have verified this. For a test you could run TES4Edit and see if you can modify an ESP and save it. If you can then I don't think Program Files is the problem.
On second thoughts I don't see anything wrong with your path (C:\Program Files\Gms\The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion). I assume that's what you specified during installation. Sorry, my mistake. I see people saying Program Files is no good because of UAC and they may be right but I have a few computers with Oblivion installed in Program Files with no problem but I have UAC turned off. I have the slider all the way left whatever that does.
Well, rats. I thought we might be getting somewhere. Is that the path where you have Oblivion installed? The default location would be (C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data). A lot of people recommend installing straight under C: like this (C:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data). Where did (\Gms\The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion\) come from? With your data folder being under (The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion) I'm surprised it works at all.
I've searched my Data folder for .cmp files and I have eight that are in the DistantLOD folder. OblivionRD001.cmp through OblivionRD007.cmp and OblivionMQKavatch.cmp. I don't have a Tamriel.cmp. Maybe that is the problem and likely it came from Tamriel landscapes. TES4LODGen will create the entire DistantLOD folder from scratch. Many times I have renamed DistantLOD to DistantLOD_orig then ranTES4LODGen and get a complete new DistantLOD. I would try that and look to see if Tamriel.cmp is in your DistantLOD folder.
You right click -> properties -> attributes Both of mine say read only which I thought meant you can't write to it but it works for me so I'm stumped. I would have to use the shotgun approach to troubleshooting which means try everything you can think of. Re-download, try another computer, PM the guy who wrote the program, etc.
I've noticed these two files on my game computer. Oblivion.cms Oblivion.map They both have the same dates so they probably came from the same mod I'm guessing. I wish I knew where they came from before I permanently delete them. Thanks Edit: D'oh! I wish I could say "I can't believe how stupid I am" but unfortunately I can believe it. For years I've used a joystick in conjunction with programming software for a controller for Oblivion. A while back I went from Saitek to a CH Fighter Stick and that's what those files are for. Oblivion is just the name I picked for the script and map files. It's a very ergonomic left hand setup for me. I seldom have to touch the keyboard.