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Everything posted by SpacemanSpIiff

  1. No one here really said for sure it was going to have 200 power. so no need to get worked up over it. A few guns out there already make the game too easy on anything under hard difficulty. and if your playing anything under normal, then maybe its time to up the difficulty :thumbsup: The gun will be balanced to the game, while keeping in mind the fact that its shooting a much more powerful round when compared to the .308. Its no scoped accuracy would probably be entirely rubbish, and its fire rate would be slower then that of the standard sniper rifle. It would not be capable of shooting multiple times in VATS. On the other hand its power would be more powerful then any other projectile based weapon in the game. It would probably be on par with the missile launcher damage per shot. ...we are still looking for a texture artist. In one of my previous posts i've provided the work that LHammonds has done on the nearly finished UV's.
  2. There has been much debate over every attribute associated over the barret. Which is good, it gives the modders ideas in what the community wants. But we just gotta worry about ever getting one into the game first.
  3. Didnt think of dismemberment, So i guess its a little harder then just importing oblivion bodies :whistling:
  4. Modders should be working on whatever they please really. Its the point of this sight. And yes, we could probably just Port Exnems, but only with the authors Permission.
  5. Little bit of an update on whats going on. I got this in a PM from Hammonds. "...The UVs are in a "usable" state by means of being exportable from Blender into a NIF file but I did not actually finish. I was working on the seams for the main body but did not finish. I used the generic "Smart Projections" just so the export would work. The UVs were not yet combined for use in a single or two texture files. They are all setup as single textures at the moment. The Scope Lens have a special material settings that allows it to inherit the reflections material (assuming it is named the same in Fallout 3 as it is in Oblivion)." He will no Longer be working on UVing it. It can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?jiy0jjzv4tn If anyone out there wants to step up, and Finish this thing. Well, its here. Thank you.
  6. Give it Time, Trust me It wont be long before HGEC body and All of its variants are ported over. And In all honesty I say good. The stock body again is just gross.
  7. I like just in general scouting out locations and picking everyone off 1 by 1 without being shot back at.
  8. theres overlapping geometry? :ohmy: Im sorry. I mustve missed it.
  9. Its not problem Hammonds, Take your time with it. Quality over Quantity.
  10. They definitley seem it, Your teams work is amazing.
  11. 16 pages over a single weapon request is amazing. I never thought a simple weapon request would grab this much attention, let alone actually go through like its been.
  12. Not even an overhaul, just make a new enemy and have it literally be a zombie. Marts Monster Mod for Oblivion Made a mass amount of brand new enemies, so this would be a walk in the park for that team.
  13. *Edit* Post removed because it was relevant to Hammonds Last post, it will be posted in his topic above.
  14. I disagree Hammonds, Doing a UV job is just as important as any other aspect of the mod.
  15. Actually it wouldnt be simpler because we would have to model, uv, and texture a browning m2, and then get that in game. The barrets are on the verge of launch from what i gather. So it would be easier to just modify the loot lists of NPCs, enemies, and containers.
  16. Actually Vashts, Im not opposed to you releasing it asap. Who cares if theres 2 barrets?
  17. As a Reminder, It will be released in 2 seperate .esps. One will have it small arms. One will have it Big.
  18. Would work, it could be a quest, such as like a heap of ghouls came from an underground cave and poured into the wasteland. Bringing glowing ones with them to goul-ify the survivors, and now Mr/Ms Vault 101 is the only one who can save them :whistling:
  19. yea i can imagine firing one without the break would leave a bad mark :rolleyes:
  20. In this thread? Or in another, i mustve missed it.
  21. I understand your concerns with how rare the weapons ammo will be. Rest assured We will distribute the ammo across the container lists, and it will likely be as rare as the .44. I cant say it will be as rare as the .308, because from my experience i seriously cannot find any of that anywhere. On the other hand, it cant be as common as shotgun shells because then youd have such a stock pile of ammo and probably didnt find the barret to use it. We will also provide the console command to get ammo into your inventory if you do not have qualms against cheating a little to enjoy your new gun. As for Repair: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=183 That allows for every weapon to be repaired with scrapmetal and wrenches. I do believe we will include compatibility with that mod. I would love to have another gun use the .50BMG round like the m2. But please, as ive said a few times already in this thread: 1 step at a time.
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