In response to post #24736644. #24737469, #24739084, #24739339, #24739754, #24740069, #24740154, #24740309, #24740314, #24740394, #24740474, #24740484, #24740639, #24741189, #24741329, #24742249 are all replies on the same post. Arthmoor, That's where you're wrong. Mod users are, of course, the consumers of paid mods. Therefore, they have every right to express their opinions on this "option" of monetizing modifications. The customer is always right; that's the view of every successful business. The fact that paid mods received such a negative backlash from the consumer base should tell you that this idea is, at the very least, not ready for primetime. Also, you talk of being betrayed. How about the mod authors that came before you, providing the tools that you use in your work, in the spirit of openness and fun, being betrayed by folks like yourself who turn around and try to make a profit off the collective work of this community? We all stand on the shoulders of giants. You betrayed the community, not the other way around. It exists independent of you, so whether you leave or not, it will go on. For what it's worth, I hope you remember the spirit of fun and collaboration that created this community when you make your decision to leave it or not.