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About InDarkestNight

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  1. Found a nether fortress, turned out it was on the opposite side of that lava lake. I struggled for over an hour to find a spawner. When I did find one, it was blocked by lava. I managed to get past it, but I couldn't block it with the stupid blazes spawning and attacking me. I managed to get 2 blaze rods, despite killing over a dozen blazes. Then I realized; my shield was broken, and I didn't have the means to craft another. With no way to defend myself, I ran. As soon as I got past the lava though, i ran into a wither skeleton of all things. Why do those things have such a high spawn rate? I couldn't enter a room because there was over a dozen of them in there. I ran from that, but ran into a dead end hall way, forcing me to run past it. In my struggles to run, it knocked me into the lava below. I lost everything. My diamond armor and weapon, my blaze rods, and all my diamonds which I was keeping on me so I could craft replacement tools. I now have nothing. I couldn't handle the damned fortress even with diamond gear. I have no way to get more. That playthrough is now dead. All that work, a bloody mansion I never finished, and for what? I regret buying this game now. i don't see how I could ever make money playing this. How can I when I can't handle the game? AND I AM BEYOND SICK OF BEING IGNORED ON HERE. NO CONSOLATION, NOTHING????????? THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET TO POST. IS THE INTERNET DEAD? IS THERE ANY POINT IN USING IT? This game is nothing but heartbreak for me. All those hours building and grinding, and for what? I have nothing now and no way to progress. I was wishing I knew a command so I could just delete the entire world, but I do not BECAUSE I'M A NOOB AND CAN'T FIND HELP ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET FOR ALL THE PROBLEMS I'M HAVING WHO THE HELL LIKES BEING IGNORED? HOW OFTEN DO I EVEN POST HERE? EVEN IF ON THE FREAK OCCASIONS MY EXISTENCE GETS ACKNOWLEDGED, I JUST GET TROLLED. THE INTERNET IS USELSS. I'M TRYING TO MAKE MONEY TO SAVE MY f*#@ING LIFE AND I CAN'T EVEN DO THAT. f*#@ THIS GAME f*#@ THIS SITE f*#@ YOU ALL WHITE SUPREMACISTS ON HERE f*#@ YOU ALL TROLLS I GENUINELY HOPE THERE'S A HELL SO THERE IS AT LEAST SOME JUSTICE IN THIS BULLSHIT WORLD f*#@ YOU ALL TO HELL AND f*#@ MY HOPELESS LIFE
  2. Jesus, what do they have to do to convince people like you that they hate modding? This is like denying that someone is assaulting you while they're in the middle of doing it. What could prove it wrong? They release updates that do nothing but attack code skse needs to work. Also, mods stop working after a few updates even if they don't use skse. When I played, I was literally unable to use any mods that at all that were made more than a few months away from the version I was running. The same mods backported to LE work fine, regardless of when they were made. Suspicious. Look at all the mods on the se nexus; limit them to the ones that were uploaded within the past month or two. That's all you have to pick from. Now, go look at the entirety of the LE nexus. That's all you have to play with. Anyone can test this for themselves. Do you even play SE? You talk like you don't. I used to, I know what its like, what you say is flying in the face of my own experiences. Then explain the AE virus. Those things are all cheap crap that nobody wanted. In fact, It think one of them was never released before. They conflict with over 90% of the mods on the nexus. All perk overhauls, all alchemy mods, just about all spell mods, all survival mods, anything that affects khajiit merchants, and the innumerable patches and translations for said mods. Virtually nothing can be used now, even if it would work on any version. As if that wasn't enough, they even launched their most vicious attack on modding with that 'binary' virus. Literally nothing works from before that; even freaking models. And what happened after that? They changed the file format on textures. So you know all those gigantic retexture mods that everybody uses to make the game look less dated? THEY DESTROYED THOSE BECAUSE THEY HATE THEM. The evidence is pretty damning. What could possibly refute this? Why do mods stop working after just a few versions? Why do they keep attacking SKSE and claiming its for the 'cc s#*!', but oddly enough EVERYONE GETS THIS UPDATES EVEN IF THEY DON'T HAVE A SINGLE PIECE OF CC s#*! INSTALLED, then they force-installed crap 'mods' that were clearly carefully chosen to create the most incompatiblity problems possible, they then did something to the game's binary for no reason other than to stop mods from working, then they changed the file type for textures for no reason. Literally every single thing they've done has been an apocalypse on modding. Why else would they be doing this? Its not necessary to keep the game running; LE still works fine (though in my case it always worked better than s#*! edition for some reason, still no idea why, even changing my OS hasn't fixed the issues I was having with s#*! edition, such as a guanteed crash in dragonsreach, even without a single modification, keep in mind I had to change my harddrive and OS, so there isn't a single thing left installed from last time I used it). They're obviously not dong it to keep the game running, so why else are they doing it? Why bother? Why put in this much effort? Also, why is every single thing they do such an over-the-top attack on mods? Why? What are they doing? What else could they be doing? Also, anyone else does this, they have hell to pay for it. Unity tried to do this, and various indie game companies threatened to sue them for TRYING TO DESTROY WORK THAT WASN'T THEIRS. Imagine if RPG maker did this. Anyone ever tries to do this, they DON'T GET AWAY WITH IT. Why is bethesda allowed to? Is there just too many denialists in this community due to ULFRIC ATTRACTING ALT-RIGHT IDIOTS. And yes, that does happen. I've gotten into debates on the steam boards over whether or not the holocaust happened. They started viciously attacking me when I said I prefered to side with the empire. They used lines to defend Trump but with 'Trump' replaced with 'Ulfric', they used real-world racist language to refer to dark elves, seriously. Reddit has similar problems, and its not hard to find them on youtube. This all makes me think that maybe the game should just die and be forgotten. It just attracts too much of the far right DUE TO IT LITERALLY LETTING YOU JOIN A RACIST FACTION. Granted, they're projecting their own beliefs on him sometimes, but that doesn't change how many of them are here. Even this board has this problem; just look on the banned forum all the bigots they're having to ban. Its rare someone isn't banned for bigotry. And yes, they do deny everything under the sun. My own sister's alt-right fiancee is like this. He literally denies everything no matter how banal it is. I've questioned in the past how he can even function, or hold down a job he's so out of it. Even my schizophrenic father, who refused to acknowledge there was something wrong with him his whole life, was more grounded in reality. What does that say? It seems like I can't escape these people. They rule the internet, they're all over skyrim, the biggest lovecrtaft youtuber is an open white supremacist, and my own home town is ruled by them. I seriously wonder at times if me and my family are the only ones who didn't vote for Trump. Literally my entire neighborhood even has trump signs up, they're still flying their trump flags, they even kept their 2020 election signs up until they just straight disintegrated. They even seem more common now than ever. It makes me depressed simply walking down to my mailbox. What ever happened to this country? Did we ever move away from this? Were they ever defeated? Maybe America is hopeless.
  3. Well, aren't I lucky? Decided to go try to trade with the farmer in that village near my base, so I could at least have some emeralds for the wandering trader for once. I do have plenty of leather now, more than I know what to do with. However, upon entering the village, I found it was almost completely deserted! Every house was empty save for one where a single villager was somehow stuck in a corner. The farmer was gone, along with the iron golem that was there. I'm on an offline server btw. The only thing I can figure that went wrong was that I set up my mine in that village. This was before I built my house. As a consequence, I was going near the village a lot. This must have meant monsters were spawning there and killing all my villagers. Funny story, there used to be two iron golems there, but I saw one get killed by mobs. So now, I only have one villager nearby. Funny story though, I did find another village not too far away while I was trying to find cactus. It had two brewing stands, lucky me. I did try to transfer a villager from there, but as expected as soon as night fell he made a bee line back to his own village, running straight through my village filled with empty beds. So now I've set up a bunch of boats under trees hoping to catch some zombified villagers. No luck so far, though that may be due to me spending most of my time in the nether rather than near my base. I did re-enter the nether and just mined through a wall to find some area that could be traversed. I got hopelessly lost, found half a dozen new biomes, and still no fortress in sight. I ended up having to use f3 to find my way back to my portal. I did, and found I was apparently on the opposite side of it. I literally dug in the same direction! Yeah, I was really badly lost. I had somehow gone in a circle and ended up on the opposite side of my portal from where I started. All I have to show for that trip is some mushrooms and soul sand. Guess now I can make my lanterns, still no blaze rods though. Worse yet, I need those to cure zombie villagers so I can have my own village again. Fml. Can nothing go right?
  4. My life has only taken a turn for the worse ever since quitting kpop five years ago now. To make a long story short, I was into kpop from 2012 to 2019. I quit it because I finally got fed up with all the nightmare stories coming out of the industry. I had always felt bad about listening to it knowing it was a literal slave industry. After idols starting killing themselves because of how they're treated, I finally had enough. For a time, I was happier. Honestly, the horror stories coming out of the industry was doing me more harm then good. Sadly, that did not last. I started having anxiety problems at random. I seem to always be in a foul mood. I'm even starting to have health problems that the doctor told me are due to stress. I have been without music since quitting kpop. I tried to go back to the 'fantasy metal' I was into before. However, after kpop I was much more conciencious about what I listened to. I asked online why all the bands I used to listen to seemed to express right-wing views, and someone told me the truth; viking metal is a white supremacist genre. I had heard about the black metal bands from scandinavia from the early 90s, but I had never bothered to look much into it. I was never into black metal, or true crime either, so why bother? I had no idea that evil genre was in fact the origin of the power metal bands I used to listen to. Now, I can't stomach listening to that s#*! anymore knowing what it is. I keep trying, including earlier today, but it just makes me sick to my stomach. I've tried to find a new genre, or even a single band, but nothing else appeals to me. I've looked at everything from modern pop (I'm in my late 30s just so we know), to stupid obscure things like dungeon synth and math rock. What do I want out of music? I like grandiosity and positivity, Nobody has that. Only metal and kpop have the latter, only kpop has both. Well, glam metal does too, but that's a dead genre that's almost as morally questionable as kpop. I am NOT about to start listening to glam metal. I feel like a vampire honestly. I need the suffering of others to sustain myself. I don't want people to suffer of course, but it seems to get my life back, I have no choice but to tolerate evil. Also, honestly, I still keep checking up on kpop news to this day. That genre is designed to get you emotionally attached to its slaves. I litearlly grieved for 3 days after Sulli offered herself, even though I didn't personally know that woman! Kpop just gets its claws in you and will never, ever let go. If you've never heard kpop before, oh how I wish I was you. Never ever look it up. You will regret it the rest of your life. Aside for my own suffering, honestly I still feel guilty for tolerating the genre as long as I did. I knew it was a slave industry, but I kept consuming it anyway just because it made my happy. I feel disgusted with myself. However, I literally need it. There is no other genre on this planet that appeals to me. I've tried to live without music, though i can't seem to get an answer from anyone as to whether or not that's healthy. I was losing my mind for the longest time; I even contemplating killing all the bards in skyrim just so I would never have to be tortured by music again. I hear any tune, all I can think of is kpop. It makes me 'homesick' for the genre believe it or not. This is so stupid. Doesn't help that youtube keeps shoving both viking metal and kpop into my face regardless of what I'm looking up and even if I don't log in! This is so stupid. I want something different, but youtube won't show me anything. When I do find something that is at least mildly amusing, I always find they cite kpop as an influence. Seriously. Fml. Its like all youtube wants me to watch is kpop and viking metal. Was I led to kpop due to me being into white supremacist metal, even though I was clueless about it for the longest time? I thought I was just listening to fantasy music! I've been left wing my whole life, though I admit kpop, being from a right-wing nation, has sorted branded right-wing beliefs into me I did not hold before. I'm simply not the same person I was before, and that really makes me sick to my stomach. And yes, I did try to get into jpop, but that's even more questionable, and either way it sucks. Can I never be free? Can I never move on with my life? Can I never be free of stress again? I literally have nothing to do but play games. No music, no other form of entertainment at all. I WANT TO BE FREE AND HAPPY AGAIN WHY AM I NOT ALLOWED THAT IN THIS WORLD. Clearly going without music is NOT healthy for you. Its a form of sensory deprivation. Its like I'm deaf, except I can still talk. Its torment and I'm beyond utterly sick of it. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME.
  5. I've gotten better at the game, built myself a mansion, have a nice farm, and plenty of supplies. However, I've hit a roadblock and need resources from the nether to continue. So I finally broke down and built a portal, after getting myself a full set of diamond gear just to be safe. I tried to enchant it, but without villagers I couldn't get much of anything. I think I may have gotten a bad spawn. I found myself in a basalt biome w/e its called. Navigating through it was hard. Found a platform of netherrack, and discovered my surroundings. The area is dominated by this gigantic lava lake that's so large I can't see the other side. Worse yet, the entire area seems to just be small floating islands, making it even more difficulty to navigate around. Only meaningly things I did was kill a few magma cubes and traded with a piglin, that's it. I simply couldn't figure out how to get anywhere. I ended up leaving empty-handed. No potions or brewing stand for me it seems. I'm really at a loss as to what I can do. My nether doesn't look like anything I can find on youtube. Everyone has plenty of solid land they can traverse, I do not. I really don't know what I could do about this. I thought about building a new portal hoping to get a better spawn, but obviously I would have to travel super far away for that. I don't like travelling far from home either, because I keep getting lost. Its why I have no cactus to make green dye, f*#@ my life. I just don't want to travel out far to find it. On a side note, the nether was actually rather scary and atmospheric. Youtube just gave me the wrong impression of this game. Its more vast than I ever could've imagined watching others play. The music and atmosphere is nothing like I expected. I didn't know nearly as much about the mechanics as I thought I did watching all the manhunt videos, and both seasons of empires. I've never seen someone with a nether like I have. I really don't know what to do. I actually had to retreat out of the nether once just to get more blocks to build bridges. Yes, I didn't even have enough blocks to mine to build bridges in the nether. There's nothing there, just this gigantic void with magma at the bottom. What am I supposed to do about this? This like the worst nether a noob like me could possibly get. If anyone can offer help, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm at a loss right now as to what to do. Guess I'll get to building that village so I can have merchants at least. I can't make a brewing stand though, but I have stations for everything else. Besides, it'll probably take me a while anyway.
  6. And before anyone says it, yes I know diamonds are supposed to be rare. What I saw though was ridiculous. Also, watching tutorials on youtube, I really think either my map was screwed up or those videos were outdated. They kept claiming that coal was 'rare', but it was the most common resource on my map! I seriously had more coal than wood. It was even more common than copper. I don't think that's normal. I was also running into coal all the time on the surface, even though that's also supposed to be rare. Also, the amount of time I spent looking, you would think I would at least run into redstone, but I never saw that either. Coal, copper, iron, stone, wood. That's all I had to work with the entire game. Maybe you can understand my desperation to get villagers. Either way, I think I need to take a break from it for a bit after my first experience.
  7. Okay, decided to look up guides rather than going in 'blindly'. Nothing suggests interacting with villagers through the entire playthrough, so maybe it was unneccessary. it certainly wasn't worth the hassle. Hours wasting sailing back and forth across the map and I never got anything out of it. As for combat, I apparently wasn't doing 'critical hits' right. I found through experimentation, that jumping didn't make me kill mobs any faster. Apparently I had to be 'falling' for the extra damage to take effect. As for the non-existant diamond issue, everyone else had a far better chance of finding them than me, even if they were 'unlucky'. I think I just had a bad seed. Perhaps villagers would've helped so I could at least buy a diamond sword from them. Of course, I may have just been better off going to the village to trade with them there rather than trying to set up a colony near my house. I also needed a way to get them close to their 'dorm', which I couldn't do because the entire shoreline as far as I could find was a slope. I couldn't figure out how to get them up to a higher elevation. I thought about digging a tunnel leading to a staircase that they could climb once freed, but I never did do that. Also thinking I need to just start a new world, on easy difficulty this time, at least until I get used to the game. Besides, I had purged all the iron I could find in my vicinity, so I had screwed myself over in that world by throwing a tantrum. I just can't stand beating my head against the wall for no reward. Who enjoys that? Doesn't help that as I said in a previous post, I've rarely completed a game in my life. I used to never give up, but this just lead to me wasiting YEARS of my life trying to complete a game without ever succeeding. I'm just not as willing to keep trying now. If things get too hard, I give up and go do something actually useful. The only reason I stuck with this as long as I did was because I was hoping to make some extra cash on it. And no, I didn't 'enjoy' the game. The scenery was nice, I admit, but that's all I got out of this. That entire world was just getting hopelessly lost, dying for stupid reasons that I couldn't do a damned thing about, running for my life from mobs I couldn't handle, rebuilding over and over as creepers kept blowing up all my stuff, sailing back and forth across the map (which took an entire day/night cycle, so yes it was over 10 minutes one way), and searching the map for hours on end for COMMON items that I needed to progress. What fun is that? Of course, many people don't enjoy offline mode apparently; most prefer to play online. I've also been thinking about what difficulty various youtubers play on. I do know from my experiences with this unnamable game that there's a rampant problem with people playing the game on lower than default settings then claiming they're playing on a super hardcore world. The manhunt series is clearly on normal difficulty. Spiders can poison players, and undead wear armor. Don't know about the empires smp and its various off-shoots, or those hide or hunt videos though. Either way, someone like me clearly needs to stick to easy mode and creative mode (haven't learned yet how to activate that, but w/e). If nothing else, maybe I'll get a better map where diamonds exist outside of chests, and villagers aren't an entire day's boattrip away. This game does need an actual tutorial btw. It doesn't tell you a damned thing. I had crafting tables where I couldn't figure out what items it wanted, or even what they did. The game explains nothing to you; you have to look online to figure out how to play.
  8. If it matters, I think this is the seed I had: 6519440901064800498 I got this by chosing 're-create world'. I have no way to know if its the same seed or not.
  9. I am beyond utterly revolted sick of being ignored on here. Reddit is nothing but trolls. Stack exchange is run by trolls. Every forum is dead on the internet other than this. I know I won't get a single damned reply on here, no matter how much I beg, BUT WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE? The mods will probably delete this without notice AND THEN REFUSE TO TELL ME WHY NO MATTER HOW MUCH I BEG THEM. Anyway, been spending the past few days trying to learn to play minecraft. This game is more brutal than I ever expected. Spawned in a jungle on top of a tree, annoying. Kept dying for stupid reasons, most often fall damage because you can't fall more than 1 block without dying instantly. And yes, I'm playing on 'normal' difficulty. Somehow, I managed to get a house set up in a nearby savana biome. Even manged to get some wool somehow so I could make a bed to set my spawn point so I wouldn't have to keep trying to navigate down that damned tree and through a bamboo maze every single time I died. Nothing went right that run. I died over a dozen times at this shipwreck because I can't figure out for the life of me how the swimming controls work. It seems the only way to ascend is to hold space, but half the time it doesn't work for no apparent reason. After dozens of attempts, I got all the loot out of that damned shipwreck, though that was because I leveled the entire thing just to make sure I could get out. A lot of my deaths were due to me not being able to exit the doorway i came in. Wtf? Penned some cows and sheep, but that's the only thing that went right. I tried mining for diamonds, because I couldn't handle seemingly anything in combat. All I could find is iron after scouring every single cave. I did get lucky on find a treasure map on that ship, but I got hopelessly lost trying to find it. Spent hours sailing around the map trying to find my way home. Funny enough, I did finally stumble upon the treasure somehow, and got 2 diamonds out of it. That's the only diamonds I ever saw. Having failed to find anything mining, I decided to set up some villagers close by. All the villagers I could find were ultra far away. Nothing about that went right. I brought home one, but by the time I got the second one that one had been turned into a zombie. f*#@ my life. And yes, they had a house, though they utterly refused to go to it for some reason. I tried sailing to the left because I thought I ran into another village that was closer by. I just got hopelessly lost again, and never did find the other village. And you know what happened next? When i finally did find my home again, I realized that my diamond sword was missing! I was struggling enough against mobs with that damned thing. I had traveled too long a path to retrace my steps to find it. I then went to the original village to retrieve another villager. Got him home, and you know what? He ran away from my house and back towards his original village. Wtf? I chased him trying to trap him in a boat, but he moved far too erratically for me to do that. It was night time too so I was struggling against stinking spiders and zombies. He ultimately got blown up by a creeper despite my damnedest efforts to save him. And yes, I had set up torches on the ground all around my base. He was well outside of them. Still, for some reason I kept having zombies spawn in my base, and even stinking creepers blowing up everything. Fun times. Keep in mind, it probably took me 10 minutes to get to that village ONE WAY. I finally lost it. I set fire to the villager's home, and my own. Killed the one villager I did get, which was a 'nitwit' anyway I found out trying to find info. I brought him home because I liked his shirt. Game gave me no clue he was useless. I don't even know if he could breed, honestly. I then jumped in lava to delete all my gear. I have nothing, square one. Before I was wishing I had set up close to a village so I wouldn't have to do all that s#*!. What went wrong? How are you supposed to fight mobs? They're stupid over powered. I can barely even handle zombies. And yes, I had a shield, and was using it. Only time I managed to kill a creeper before it blew up was with a bow and arrow, but it took me forever to get the string to craft because you have to kill spiders for it, and they're even more OP than zombies. I searched for diamonds for HOURS only to come up completely empty handed. I have no idea how my diamond sword disappeared. I did get hit by a trident I think while I was lost. Does that unequip weapons? Its the only thing I could figure. Was it a mistake to set up so far from a village? Why did that villager run away instead of going to a bed that was 10 feet away? How are you supposed to protect villagers? Should I have even bothered with them? I did try mining first, but that turned up empty as I said. I was struggling to find enough coal for torches I went through so many tunnels. Yes, I know I threw a tantrum in the end, but who wouldn't be frustrated after all i went though? Struggling for hours and hours on end for utterly nothing. I don't get why i can't handle mobs even with full stinking iron. What am I doing wrong? I don't get it. I'm doing the same thing everyone on youtube does, but its still an epic struggle. People kill freaking endermen with iron, I obviously don't stand a snowball's chance in hell with the same setup. What did I do wrong? What could I have done differently? Was the seed just bad? No villages for miles around spawn. Spawning on a tree in a jungle. Failing to find any diamonds anywhere. Getting hopelessly lost god knows how many times. Having items vanish from my inventory at random. Struggling to kill mobs that nobody else has even the slightest issue with. What else could I have done?
  10. Well, I've bought Minecraft. First new game I've bought in YEARS, and it was microsoft (f*#@ them). I bought the card from a gamestop, so I guess they didn't get any money directly from me. They already got their money when Gamestop bought that card from them, at least that's how I prefer to see it. Its downloading now. It'll be time before I start uploading videos. Still need to test out a lot of stuff, such as my recording software that came with my OS, and editting videos using Microsoft's slideshow over on my laptop. Guess its time to finally see how much money youtube actually makes. I thought for the longest time people only got a few cents per view on their videos, but I've been told that's well below what they actually get. Guess I'll see for myself now. It may not be enough to live off of, but I don't need that. Any extra money is enough. This will be the first time I actually make money. Yes, I've never been 'employed' my whole life. It'll be weird having an income of my own for once. At the same time, it'll be nice and it'll fit the life I have to lead. Let's see how far this goes.
  11. I really need more money. The only thing I can think to do to increase my income is to start making money on my games. Problem is, I suck. I've rarely completed a game in my life. Also, over the past several years all I've been playing is Skyrim, and I'm getting beyond sick of it. I haven't played it in weeks now. I own dozens of games, but I hate most of them. Either because they weren't what I was expecting (false advertising, I even a few months ago had some shady company threaten legal action against me after I showed a screenshot revealing that the game isn't what it was advertised to be), or because they were updated into something I either don't enjoy or can't play (f*#@ you terraria). I've been thinking of starting my own mod review channel, Those are few and they always focus on load orders, and padding out their stinking videos that reveal practically nothing. I want people to learn how to make their own, I want something like brodual back. Of course, I only play LE because I never could get SE stable on my system. And besides, I can't stomach what they've done with the ae update. I did re-install it not long ago, just for the beyond skyrim project, but I've since removed it because it was seriously that revolting. Besides, I still had the issue with a guaranteed ctd to dragonsreach. Yeah, changed OS, to an ssd, new ram, not a damned thing installed (that was the first time the thing was installed after switch os, there would've been nothing left from before), and the issue persists. Why is this unique to me? Point is, I would never and could never make content for s#*! edition. What am I supposed to do about that? I may have to make content for one of my other games, even though I haven't even tried to play most of them in years. I was thinking I may need to buy minecraft and play that. I've never played that game before, but even obscure channels seem to get a lot of views. Besides, honestly I was figuring if I wanted to make a game my job, it may be better to do it with one I have no emotional attachment to. Besides, I did think about switching over to it after the 1.4 update rendered me unable to play Terraria. Yes, I could just play terraria, but who would care to watch someone build things with wood and stone getting slaughtered by beginning enemies? Yes, 1.4 made the game that difficult. Days before, I could get up to the pillars, and had near end-game gear that was beyond what most people need. 1.4, that same character couldn't handle ANYTHING even with that op gear. Not everyone is a bloody pro, not everyone can 'git gud'. I've tried my damnest to complete the game for years and years and it was never enough, and now 1.4 has made it so I can't progress pass the beginning of the game. Obviously, I can't just upload myself playing, I need to do something that my lack of ability won't affect. Mod reviews, builds in Minecraft. Of course, who knows if I could even survive in minecraft to get the materials I would need. Also, that would be rather repetitive. Thinking about it, how can I even do mod reviews when I haven't been able to complete the game in years? I've been trying to do that damned relic hunter challenge for so long, I've honestly forgotten how to play without it. I was thinking of recording myself doing my final run. Why not if it takes that much effort? I don't see how I could though. I'm either forced to restart due to missing an item, some staibility issue, or my build just sucks. It seems impossible to make it all the way through for one reason or another. How could I ever complete a freaking series? If that wasn't all bad enough, there's also my speech impediment. Even my family struggles to understand me at times. How could I ever do a youtube channel when I can't even talk bloody right? I was looking into speech therapy a few months ago for this, but I couldn't find one and I was told online it was highly unlikely I could find a center willing to treat an adult. Also, I probably wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. Also, I don't trust the internet; I have been contemplating permanently disconnecting it. Must I really sell my soul just so I can eat? Every day I get more scared to even post online. Now, I've heard everyone's being accused of being either an Islamaphobe or an anti-Semite if they say ANYTHING about the war in Gaza. Its a terrifying time to be alive. Point is, I certainly don't want to be putting my voice online. If I could, I would just do text, but youtube doesn't let you monetize that to try and thwart conspiracy channels. f*#@ my life. I may have no choice, but I'll probably drive people away. Who would listen to someone talk that's hard to understand? I'm sorry, I'm really in a corner here. What can I do? I suck at gaming, I suffer from a speech impediment, and ever since that programming degree I don't trust the internet anymore. What can I do here? Yeah, I could chose a non-gaming topic, but nothing I'm interested in gets views. Minecraft may be my best chance. Maybe I'll make my own mods for it and demonstrate it; from what I've seen its stupid easy to do it. I mean, if you want to have all zombies spawn with diamond armor, it only takes a simple if-then statement. I would've thought it was far more complicated than that. Scan around the player periodically, check every entitiry's race, then what they have equipped in all slots. If they're a zombie without diamond armor in all their slots, then equip them with it. Yeah, far simpler than I would expect. Of course, this may be because I'm a certified programmer. Maybe its my calling. Who knows if I could play such a game though. I can't play Terraria, hell even Freedom Planet is too hard for me, a game famous for its difficulty. Could someone as cartoonishly bad as me handle minecraft?
  12. Okay, I think you seriously need therapy. Even my mother who has depression/anxiety (the doctors can never decide which) is seriously far, far more optimistic than you. If you're more negative than someone who's been diagnosed with a serious mental order, who was once even institutionalized for said disorder, that probably means you need help. If you were like this in person to me, you would scare me. My mother worries me at times, but you make even her worst moments look like a joke. Get therapy please, you clearly need it, and I've noticed even other users on here calling you overly negative.
  13. You in theory could in xEdit, yes, but you have to 'place' things by entering their xy coordinates. You also don't get a render window showing what you're doing. You'll have to hop in-game back and forth to see what you've done. I've only ever done this myself to move a follower mod to the basement of Jorrvaskr. I did this by giving her the same xy coordinates of a rug on the floor. You would have to use sheer guesswork to make a location ex nohilo. Though once you figured out a few of the numbers, you could I guess use math to figure out the xy coordinates you would need for everything else, though you'll have to figure out the xyz dimensions of every object you want to use to do this. Obviously, this isn't the most practical thing to do, which is why most everyone does this through the CK.
  14. Honestly, I always saw a keyboard as superior to a controller. In the early 2000s when I was a teen, I used that to argue why I prefered PC games over console games, even though I was a console gamer throughout the 90s, and I still continued to play my ps2 even well into the ps3 era. I admit though I have since bought a controller for my pc, because I find its easier to play some of my games with it than a keyboard. I first bought it for Sonic Generations. Recently I've found its more convenient for Injustice. Still, I rarely plug it in. I did try to use it with Skyrim, but I didn't do that for long since it doesn't have enough buttons to have a favorites menu (the thing is an off-brand logitech controller that's specifically designed to make the computer think its an xbox controller for the sake of compatibility). Besides, its nigh impossible to aim a bow with an analogue stick, and I rarely play(ed) melee characters! Standardization always comes about, look at happened with cars (I will admit though I prefer the more creative designs of older cars, now cars all look essentially the same). I do remember all the different control schemes games used to have. There was no standard, so you didn't think anything of it at first. It was normal to learn a new control scheme everytime you switched. Besides, 3d games required completely different controls from 2d games, so everyone was having to learn the new setup. The recent game Snake Pass was meant to recreate the unusual and new control schemes the first 3d games had. However, as time went on, it became apparent that some were better than others, inevitably leading to standardization. I never saw that as a loss though; I've always found some older control schemes really annoying, even ones I used to be used to. Besides, why does it matter which button is mapped to jump or attack? It doesn't change what you're doing on screen. I will say though my favorite control layout was the original Ape Escape. It was even one of the few games to use the r3 and l3 buttons. If you don't know what those are, the joysticks themselves doubled as buttons, though nobody noticed this thinking that you could click them was just a fault of the design. Very very few games used them; Ape Escape is the only one I know of.
  15. 'For Dummies' books? I thought those were discontinued long ago? I've only seen them in second-hand stores, and they're all really bad dated. That said, there has been a strong push towards catering to casual gamers for a while. They're simply the larger demographic, and nobody likes to play a game that's too hard for them. I admit, I would prefer it if they made games for all skill levels. Nobody enjoys games that are too hard or too easy (I did return a game once in the 90s that was too easy for me, croc if you care to know), but not everyone is the same skill level. They really should come up with some rating system to relay the difficulty of a game. Of course, these days they're increasingly pandering to disabled players, such as ones who are deaf or legally blind. Perhaps such a thing will come?
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