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Everything posted by SkyGuy88

  1. Go into steam and clear download cashe
  2. Get the preset made, we can figure it out from there
  3. Download...Add Item Menu. Its a mod found on nexus
  4. OP nailed when he said games are entertainment. TV is for idiots. HBO,Showtime,Starz, they all play crap movies. GOT is good, I enjoyed a little bit of Ash vs Evil dead but after that its crap. News oultets are crap. CSPAN is a good watch when Oversight Committee is an action. At least with gaming your stimulating your brain. Add mods to the mix and you can tailor your own game, thats entertainment right there.
  5. SkyGuy88


    99.96% of our atmosphere is not carbon. And President Trump is real. These are called facts, not opinions. Oh yeah, and 600,000 babies are aborted every year in the states.
  6. I do mod tiers. Esm's Bug fix mods Character Appearance New/Changed Items Followers New Locations Texture Overhauls Weather/Lightning mods Game changing mods SL mods that aren't esm's Alternate Start NPC overhaul mods Skeleton Fnis BatchedPatch
  7. I'll add to what Tragthemercenary is saying, Google CPU background, different OS have different ways of opening it. CPU background shows you what programs start running on computer start up. Half of that crap does not need to be running whilst in game,sorry. Also, I deactivate from the web prior to going into game and I run steam in offline mod.
  8. Skyrim pref ini. fShadowBiasScale=.6 Try dat
  9. Load order doesn't look terrible. I would move amorous adventures down, right above xpmse and fnis. You have dlc high resolution pack, thats not recommended. You should ditch it, or at least get the unofficial patch by Arthmor. Do you have enboost installed? Do you have fix for memory allocation?(skse ini, crash fixes) I think crash fixes touches on memory fix, I use skse ini.
  10. Basically, you create a new profile and all your mods will be present, just inactive in left plane and unsorted. I would copy profile and deactivate mods you dont want to use and add other mods, that way you maintain good load order and your ini settings get carried over.
  11. Oldrims MO, definitely. You make a new profile.
  12. Multiple characters? You can so many more activities done!
  13. SkyGuy88


    Its the Petro dollar. China is the concern now. They have been putting up bases in the China Sea. They passed legislation to allow current president to remain president after term limits. And worse of all, are making deals for oil outside of the US Dollar. Mind you this last bit is to be considered unsubstantiated, Suddam made similar deals to exchange oil for alternate currency just prior to Operation Irqi Freedom.
  14. You got some big mods in your load order. No batched patch. Do you have memory fix and atleast enboost? Your computer specs are real high?
  15. Don't feel bad, Google can be a menace
  16. Intresting idea. After learning how much money could be made in a hearthfire home garden with a few perks and a couple specific ingredients, I then had to refrain. As to your idea with looting. Find out how to create duplicate of preferred race and change carry weight. It is kinda unimmersive when you head back to town with iron armor,2 steel swords,staff of flames,shields,ench battleaxe of fear, ingots,shovel(didn't even mean to grab that) plus all you normal gear and then some.
  17. I dont know how to make new hands and feet. I know how to cheat. Base 7b? Dl a follower that has base 7b with no wrist gaps and use hand and feet mashes packaged with mod. That or dl all feet and hand mods till you find good match
  18. Verify your files through steam if you had just done a steam reinstall first, if that dont work you should find app/data in users/username/app data/local/skyrim.
  19. When you gutted all skyrim prior to reinstalling, did you clean your app/data folder? After reinstall did you verify files through steam?
  20. Think your looking for SkyrimEditor.ini. should be where you find tes.exe file, in skyrim folder where your data folder is
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