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Posts posted by IronAlpha

  1. Hey, I don't know if anybody remembers my little immersion mod from a few years back. It basically makes your character grunt in pain when you use a Stimpak. but I hid it some time ago because a bug was causing stimpaks to kill people under certain circumstances.


    I finally managed to fix it. It was an unintended interaction with the medic perk that was causing relatively minor damage on use. As of now, dying from using stimpaks is (Seemingly) impossible. I also managed to remove the damage that stims could cause entirely. If you have the old version of the mod, please update it. I don't want to kill somebody's survival mode character.


    Link to the mod here:



  2. I have no mods installed in my vanilla profile, and the game still crashes if I launch through the vanilla launcher.(That is, not actually through MO) I am using local savegames on my modded profiles, as this feature is pretty much the main reason I started using MO. I only have a vanilla profile to check if there's something wrong with my install if I find missing meshes or something. I think you misunderstood my problem. The game doesn't crash when I try to load a save, it crashes before I even reach the main menu. Years of experience tells me that this is probably a UI issue of some kind. I use UIO, and I'm starting to think it may be to blame, but it's not installed on my vanilla profile, or in my data folder for that matter. I'll try to install it on that profile and then I'll come back with an update.


    EDIT: That was the problem. Installing UIO fixed it and now the game is running normally.

  3. I'm a Mod Organizer user, so my mods aren't actually in my data folder. If I run my mods, the game starts up fine, but if I run the game through the vanilla launcher or if I just change to my vanilla profile on MO. I can't imagine why this is happening so I'm coming here to see if you fine folks have any idea what might be happening here.

  4. Hey everybody. I've recently been getting back into New Vegas, and so far, it's been running like a dream for the first time since I first started modding my game. (Seriously, it's uncanny. I'm running ENB and everything.) However I'm experiencing a debilitating error that's really messing me up. When I pause the game, all of the options are greyed out. This is bad because I can't manually save or quit without console commands. I've uninstalled my enb, and that didn't help.


    Oddly enough, even though it's also greyed out, the MCM menu works fine.


    Load Order

    Project Nevada - Core.esm
    Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
    Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
    Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
    YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
    Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm
    JIP Selective-Fire.esm
    T6M Equipment Replacer NV.esm
    DFB - Random Encounters.esm
    Improved Sound FX.esp
    Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp
    Improved Sound FX - GRA.esp
    Improved Sound FX - Merged Major DLCs.esp
    EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp
    Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp
    YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
    The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
    The Weapon Mod Menu.esp
    The Storyteller.esp
    NCR Doggy Buddies - Leather Armor.esp
    T45d Power Armor Replacement.esp
    JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
    JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp
    Realistic Equip Sounds.esp
    JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
    FP gun follows crosshairs.esp
    UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp
    UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp
    UHNV-Dead Money.esp
    PA Footsteps.esp
    Reload Sounds.esp
    Project Nevada - WMX.esp
    A Better Veronica.esp
    A Better Cass.esp
    A Better Boone.esp
    ED-E 3D Sound.esp
    WMR - WMX Edition.esp
    Quick Trade.esp
    Total active plugins: 75
    Total plugins: 88
    Attachment shows the issue as it appears in my game.
  5. With the announcement of Fallout 4, I think it's high time I upgrade from the aging laptop I've been gaming on for the past few years.


    Unfortunately I've never built a PC before, so I'm reading a lot so that I don't mess it up after I buy my parts. I have a few questions about it, and this is the primary PC gaming community I spend my time around, so I figured I would ask here.


    1. How much should I expect to spend for a PC that can run modern games well? I'm used to playing games at < 25fps on medium-low settings at a resolution of 1366x768 and I'd love to do better than that, even if it's a bit pricy (And I'm well aware it will be.).


    2. Where is the best place to buy PC components? I've heard it's better to shop around and see where you can get the best prices.


    3. I've heard it's smarter to buy everything at once, rather than incrementally. Do you agree?


    4. Should I invest in an SSD? I've heard they're way faster than an HDD.


    5. Is a liquid cooling system worth the money? If it makes any difference, I'm not planning on overclocking.


    4. Any other advice you'd like to impart on someone who's still new to the scene?


    Thanks so much for your responses. I'm really nervous about somehow screwing this all up, and any help would make all the difference in the world to me.

  6. Both areas are quite taxing on the system and as you don't mention it: edit the ini with the multi core fix if you haven't and run a 4GB patcher on the executive if you haven't.

    Already did the multi core fix, but I'll attempt the 4gb patcher and get back to you. Thanks for the assist!


    EDIT: I did two things while I was away. I verified my install, which led to a 634mb download, and I enabled the 4gb patcher you suggested. I'm not sure which one did it, but my problem was solved. Thanks so much for the help! The game is running much smoother now as an added bonus.

  7. Lately the game has begun crashing anytime it tries to save. This is strange because I haven't modified my load order at all and now this is seemingly happening for no real reason. This issue applies to autosaves, quicksaves, and manual saves.

    Load order:

    I know that this is not nearly enough info, but this is all that I have for you right now. I'm just wondering if this is a known issue or not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    EDIT: I fixed it myself. I figured that I would use this post to instead help others with a similar issue.
    I elected to uncheck all my mods and try making a clean save, and that worked, and then when I reactivated them and saved again, the issue was gone. So, basically, when in doubt: make a clean save.
  8. When I heard about the addition of Paid mods on the Steam Workshop my jaw hit the floor.


    I'd very much like to state my opinion on the matter and move onto the subject I'd actually like to discuss. Paid mods work extremely well for games like DOTA 2 and Team Fortress 2 ect. Why is this? Valve personally balances and curates these communities, and all of the mods are guaranteed to work together and keep the game balanced and whatnot. But what about Skyrim?


    Warning: Rambling incoherent waffling ahead. I try to present arguments and counterarguments for paid mods and explain my opinion. This might not interest you.


    Skyrim, unlike the other games I mentioned, is single player, and so things like Balance don't matter and thus curation is less of an issue. Who cares if somebody cheats at Skyrim? However my first thoughts on the system were pretty negative. To me it seemed like Valve and Bethesda trying to get the community to develop DLC for them, and taking a disproportionate cut of the profits. However, after a great deal of thought I dismissed this idea as an absolute. My problem with the system as it was is the prospect of history repeating itself. I loved the idea of Steam Greenlight when it was first launched, and very quickly it fell into a bunch of scammers and cheats posting misleading trailers and lying about features to get onto steam, and the Early Access fiasco is even worse. Just look at the front page of that cesspool.


    The obvious counterpoint to this argument is that we won't have to pay for trash, and that's true, but I also don't want to wade through trash on my way to the beach during a trip to the beach. On that note, there is actually quite a bit of garbage on the front page of the Steam Workshop regardless of whether or not paid mods exist. Mods, like all things, still adhere to Sturgeon's law. Another argument against Paid mods is that there are scumbags out there who will try to take advantage of the system and it's lack of moderation. We have already seen mods getting stolen and uploaded behind a paywall to practically steal money from the modder's hands, but these instances were dealt with by Valve. However, what about original works that pose as more popular mods, or mods being advertised as feature complete only to be unfinished? How could this be effectively dealt with?


    My opinion on the system is thus: It shouldn't have been kept quiet until release. This is the sort of thing that should have been discussed before any changes were made, and maybe things would have gone differently. I hate the idea of having to pay for mods that may not work with my game, a problem that is easily solved with the current system where I can simply test a mod before I decide to keep it. However, I love the idea of modders being payed for their work in some way. (If a lot of you had patreon or something I'd be happy to pay you monthly for your work, in fact.) Quite frankly, I didn't enjoy Skyrim much until I encountered the works of great modders like Chesko who made the game more to my liking, and modders are the only reason I took the plunge into PC gaming. It's thanks to modders that I'm currently still playing a game from 2010 like it's new to this day. I love this community and the only reason I haven't financially supported the site or the modders is simply due to lack of funds. From the end user's perspective, I love mods being free because they're very much an inspiration for me to keep playing these games. They allow me to keep playing the games I love indefinitely and enjoy them in a way I never could before. From the modder's perspective (As close as I can get to it having no published mods yet, but I am working on one, so I have a very small understanding of the struggle.) I love free mods because without looking at other's work freely I could never have learned the craft myself.


    On the flip side, as a user I like the idea of paid mods for the possibility of supporting the arbiters of my experience. We financially support let's players, but not modders? That hardly seems fair. I will surely catch ire for this, but as a modder the idea of paid mods because of the possibility of actually having the cash to hire my fellow modders to assist me with the parts of the process I am unable to do. Something like a DLC sized mod would be far easier to accomplish, and mods like Project Brazil might be able to get the support they deserve.


    I think that the worst thing to come from the whole (bleck) 'modgate' debacle is the division of the community as a whole. I hate the fact that I have to point out that I never sent hate to any modders (I'm willing to prove it if I must.) And I hate the Us vs Them nonsense that has taken over too much of the discussion.



    tl;dr: While I am not completely onboard with paid mods, The prospect of it being done properly is extremely exciting.


    So, what could we do to make the system better? I doubt many of the modders here would support the idea, but maybe a sort of application process to become a curated modder. Just anyone couldn't flood the paid section of the workshop with low-quality content and we could be certain we were paying for the very best the community has to offer, or at the very least what Bethesda believed to be the best at the very least.. A lot of people would still dislike the system, but some people are against any sort of compensation for modders in the first place. This may already have been in effect, and if it is, I apologize.


    This probably isn't the best possible idea for everyone, but I would very much love to have a constructive conversation on the matter. I'd prefer it if I didn't get any responses that basically say that we shouldn't have paid mods at all. I understand your position and I'm not trying to censor you. I even agree with a lot of what you're saying, but there are discussions about that elsewhere. This is a discussion on how the system might have been implemented better.


    Thank you and keep doing what you love, everyone.

    Video: Something to consider in these uncertain times.



  9. I'm a long time fan of Skyrim, and I naturally already own the game on Steam. However, I recently picked up the Elder Scrolls Anthology box set because I wanted to play the Elder Scrolls games I missed out on in the past. (Namely; Arena, Daggerfall, and Morrowind.)


    WHat I want to know is if I use the Skyrim disc that comes in the set to reinstall the game, will that spend the Steam Key that comes with the Anthology, or can I still hold onto that and reinstall my copy?

  10. Image


    I went through the trouble of looking for mods that might affect him in FNVEdit and I came up with nothing. I can just diable one of them, but it seems to break the intro if I do. I'd just let it be and laugh it off, but they bump into each other and stare at each other like they're high school sweethearts every two seconds and it's really slowing the intro down for me.


    Here;s my load order:










    YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm




    JIP Selective-Fire.esm



    Project Nevada - Core.esm

    Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

    Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp



    Strangers Abroad.esm


    Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

    Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm

    Lone Gunman's Tools of Trade.esm

    More Perks.esm





    New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm

    Gomorrah Redesigned.esp


    The Mod Configuration Menu.esp


    The Weapon Mod Menu.esp




    NCR Doggy Buddies - Leather Armor.esp






    Portable Tent.esp

    Tribal T-51b Helmet.esp


    Vz61 Ver1.1.esp





    UHNV-Dead Money.esp

    UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp


    UHNV-Lonesome Road.esp

    YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp

    Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp

    EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp



    Slave In Pose NV Edition.esp


    TFH Rugged Race.esp






    AG Weapon Reload SFX.esp

    CamonPack - Blachnick - Scottmack.esp





    Vagrant Armor.esp

    Project Nevada - All DLC.esp




    Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp

    Patient Gown at Startup by TheCalculator.esp

    More Perks Update.esp

    factions reloaded followers.esp


    My Little Model of 1940 - Non Caliber.esp



    JIP Companions Command & Control.esp

    ADAM - MAIN.esp

    ADAM - HH.esp

    ADAM - LR.esp


    Companions Assemble! Dialogue Enhanced!.esp


    FP gun follows crosshairs.esp

    desmond companion.esp



    CAM-DLC Patch.esp

    ADAM - Outcast Ranger Armour.esp

    ADAM - Nemesis Armours.esp

    ADAM - NCR Patrol Armour.esp



    Journeyman Armor.esp







    Seeker Armor.esp

    Wasteland Soldier - NV Edition.esp






    Opportunist Armor.esp

    realistic headshots.esp



    JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating.esp

    The Groovatron NV.esp

    Backpack Molerat.esp

    Receding Hairstyle.esp



    FCO - GlowingOne.esp

    FCO - Playable Races + Roberts Patch.esp

    New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp

    Cass alternate version.esp






    Does anybody have any idea what mod is causing this bizarre (And slightly hilarious) issue?


    EDIT: Through further testing, it appears that having two Docs breaks the intro sequence completely.

  11. Maybe the follower asking where you went after returning from a DLC, and remaking about somiething from the dlc, like saying you smell funny after retuning from dead money, and wondering if that is indeed gold you have. Remarks on locations are always fun, and I have yet to see a companion outside of skyrims Inigo mod or Niner from FNV that made even an attempt to have quest based dialogue.


    If you truly want to truly stand out though, Having a follower that commented on other popular mods that the player installed would make you the king of companion mods.


    And magic companion ammo. I don't care that it brakes role playing, I am sick of giving niner a Light machine gun with 9000 5.56 mm serplus rounds, only for him to start beating people with a bat because he ran out, and wont tell me. or just wont use the gun.

    1. This was sorely missed in the vanilla game. I'm planning on doing this, if not just integrating him into the DLC outright. Now, locational and quest remarks? That's already in the works. Niner is probably one of my biggest inspirations, and my favorite companion mod.


    2. Mod integration. That's pretty awesome, and I was looking into that. The only problem is that would lead to a metric ton of compadility patches being made. I did have an idea for a companion with similar abilities to The Forecaster who would tell you about your other companions and warn you about quests and locations and stuff. I did write some lines for Willow and Niner for him.


    3. Niner DOES use magic companion ammo. The thing is that it only works on his default weapon, same as every other companion, vanilla included.

  12. Willow is always a good example when you're talking about companions.


    Yeah, that's kind of what I had in mind for mine. He has an opinion of the factions around the New Vegas area, but he honestly doesn't care much about who you side with. He's a pretty affable guy who only really cares about his own goals. He'll pretty much stick with you so long as you don't try to kill him or massacre his hometown.


    Either way, your list was a huge help, Jet. It gave me more than a fe new ideas, and I'm ramping up production as we speak. Might make an official thread for the guy soon.



    Options in behavior. Such as drawing weapon when the player does or chatter pace. If something can be changed make an option for it.

    Ability to set a new home.


    This sounds like a pretty good idea. I always like this feature since I'm always using house mods in my game.

    Wardrobe system so you can configure outfits.(weapon system like a wardrobe system since nobody has done that before, drop ammo and a weapon in a container like you would armor and have the option to tell the NPC to use one.)


    This is interesting. Kind of like what Wendy Gilbert does, then? This is a definite possibility if I can get it working.

    Romance or friend quest tracks to choose with equal benefits for choosing one over the other. Also equal amount of questing to complete them. (yes even same sex options either way. When I roll a female character I would be put off if I couldn't romance Willow or Vilja. I imagine a female player would be just as put off if it was a male follower and their male character with no romance.)


    This one simply doesn't work too well with the character I'm working on now. Maybe I'll do something like this in the future, or some similar feature. Maybe a 'trust' system of some kind. If you get him to trust you or whatever, he'll be more willing to share things with you, but if it gets too low, you might have a fight on your hands. Romance, while a feature that I have enjoyed in the past, simply would not happen with this particular character. But I do have another character that this might be perfect for that I'm planning on doing later. (Though I'm not too sure about having the same sex options for friendship and romance. I think I'd like it better if there was a totally different experience to each one with different quests/options with neither one outweighing the other. You know, to give it some real longevity for multiple playthroughs.)

    Side quests the follower brings up while playing the game. The more the merrier here but not intrusive and faction neutral.



    This has been on the drawing board since the start, as every time I see it done I tend to stick with that companion. Though, I might not make every companion completely faction neutral. This one will be, but others might not be. Though nothing annoys me more than a character that seems totally oblivious to the factions of New Vegas. They don't have to be loyal to any of them, but having nothing to say about them is just jarring and takes me out of the game.


    Combat style that is not focused on one type of weapon negating the need to tell them to prefer ranged over melee and a pistol is equally useful as a sniper rifle. Give them the weapon/ammo you want them to use and they excel at it.



    I have made a unique weapon for the character I'm doing now. (Not MADE as in new mesh, though. The boring kind of made.) However, I actually really like this idea and I haven't really seen it done before. It seems like every companion starts with a great weapon in the Guns category, and I never upgrade them. That includes the Vanilla companions as well. And this sounds way more involved and interesting. Hmmm... Combine this with your earlier suggestion about the weapon system, and you've got one heck of a cool companion.

    Dialogue, have them make plenty of comments for every place entered and better the ability to discuss the locations.


    Yum yum. Delicious dialogue. This is happening, no doubt about that. ANd I'll be honest: I've always liked the idea of your character actively having imput on your various quests. Think Dragon Age.


    Example: The player is at Repconn HQ and they pass by a Nightkin corpse on their way to meet Jason Bright. The player's Nightkin companion is disturbed by this, and tells the player about it. Naturally, the player can respond in a variety of ways, i.e. supportive, dismissive, ect. And upon talking with Jason, the companion approaches the player and tells them that they want to avoid fighting with their own kind. Again, a few player responses, but for now let's assume the player agrees. Then, the Nightkin companion gives the player a stealth boy so that they can sneak past the Nightlkin in the basement and talk to Davison without killing any of them. Upon doing this, there is an additional reward for doing things the companion's way, like maybe a perk, an item, or trust points. Whereas being an ass and killing them all despite your companion's misgivings can lead to a loss of trust. I always liked that idea, but I've never seen it done, besides a rudimentary version of the idea being done with Boone.

  14. These days, the big gold standard in companions is voice acting. They really do add that extra bit of touch and allure to a companion mod.

    Yeah, and I understand that. I'm certainly more likely to pick up a mod with voice acting than one without. This particular companion is supposed to sound like a somewhat creole ghoul. For that reason, I'm assuming I'll have to tough it out alone.

  15. Longtime fan of Desmond here.


    This all sounds pretty fantastic, and I like the sound of it all, really. I like the possibility of failing to get him, and even more the idea of repeatedly bumping into him. I'm obviously excited for this project, and if you need voice actors, I'd be more than willing to help out.

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