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Posts posted by IronAlpha

  1. Hey, fellow Nexus users.


    I'm finally breaking ground on a mod I think I can actually finish. It's what I believe to be a pretty interesting and original companion mod. I already have the character figured out, and I've finished the basic scripts to make him work in-game. For lack of a better way to put it: he's a fully-functional, but very basic companion. I'm not comfortable with releasing that and being done with it.


    I want to have a basic roadmap for what sort of features to include in the finished mod, so I'm asking you now: What sort of features do you, the community at large, want to see in a companion mod?




    What I already have done:

    1. Scripting
    2. NPC creation
    3. AI packages
    4. Basic Dialogue
    5. Companion Wheel

    What I'm still working on:

    1. Reactions to player actions
    2. Reactions to quests.
    3. Personal quest
    4. Voice Acting (By me, unfortunately.)

    Does anyone have any advice or input? I'd like to know what you'd like to see in a companion.

  2. Did you ever have a mod that altered the viewmodels? If so, an improper uninstall may have caused the issue.

    I'm no expert, but I had a similar problem once. Here's how I fixed it, be warned. It's not pretty. I'd recommend this as a last resort only. Also, wait for someone else to reply before you do this. Get some advice from someone who knows better than I do.


    1. Uninstall all of your mods.

    2. Delete your ENTIRE data folder

    3. Validate File integrity with Steam.

  3. I'm making a companion mod, and I just put my script in the geck. Now, when I try to close the script editor, it says:

    Do you want to save the current Script?


    Current =


    Supposedly this means there is an error in the script, but I can't find any error. Maybe What I need is a fresh pair of eyes.


    The script is as follows:


    scn MartinScript01
    short HasBeenHired
    short L38
    short Relax
    short DoOnce
    int CombatStyleRanged
    int CombatStyleMelee
    int IsFollowingDefault
    int IsFollowingLong
    int FollowerSwitchAggressive
    int Waiting
    Begin GameMode
     If [DoOnce !=1]
          Set HasBeenHired to 0
          Set L38 to 0
          Set CombatStyleRanged to 1
          Set CombatStyleMelee to 0
          Set IsFollowingDefault to 0
          Set IsFollowingLong to 0
          Set FollowerSwitchAgressive to 0
          Set Waiting to 0
          Set Relax to 0
          Set DoOnce to 1

  4. Grave Encounters.


    Just another Found Footage horror film. It went the extra mile and actually didn't rip off Paranormal Activity, and was a pretty original flick, surprisingly.

    It even had some pretty great makeup effects, and the sparse CGI was even pretty good. It featured more disturbing imagery than every PG13 horror film to come out this year. Unfortunately, it was bogged down in the beginning, and took forever to get the ball rolling.


    Overall, I guess I liked it.

  5. What is RCFW / TTW ?


    It allows you to play fallout 3 and it's DLC's in your Fallout New Vegas game. You have to own both games, but it essentially lets you use all of the FO3 resources in your FONV game.

    Does it have a main site, forum, or a blog I can follow?

    It's discontinued as far as I know, but you can get it through google. I highly doubt I'm allowed to post it here so that's the best I can give you.

  6. If all you want to do is import both the hair and the eyes, here's what you do:

    1. Place the hair Meshes and Textures in your data folder, but not the ESP.

    2. Place the eye textures in your data folder, but not the ESP.

    3. Open the geck.

    4. Load FalloutNV.esm

    5. Next, click on "Character" On the upper toolbar, then click Hair.


    6. On the new window that appears, right click on the master list of hairs on the left, and choose "New." Name it something easy to find like 0Baldhair.

    7. Then, enter a name for the hair, and flag it as playable.


    8. Next, choose the "Art File," which is the mesh for your chosen hair. It would usually be in Data\Meshes\Character\Hair but I'm not entirely sure with this particular mod, so check for yourself.

    9. Then, load the texture file. It should be in Data\textures\character\Hair, but again, this may differ. It should look something like this:


    [NOTE}The mesh and texture pictured are for reference only, yours will look different.

    10.Save your plugin. Call it whatever you want


    11. Now click Character again, and click Eyes this time.

    12. This time, you only have to pick a texture. This will usually be in Data\textures\Characters\Eyes, but once again, this may vary.

    13. Now, open Actordata-Races

    14.Right click any races you want to use your hair or eyes, then go to the Face Data tab.


    14. Now, drag and drop your hair into the Hair styles box, and your eyes into the Eye colors box.


    15. Save again.


    And Voila! Now they should both be usable!

    Any questions, just ask me.

  7. There are some fantastic compilations of exotic eyes and hair, but one thing that's always bugged me about both Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim is that there are no ordinary, casual hair styles, and the mods seem based on magazines for hair stylists and animes.


    I just want a simple part, or pony tail, or average short hair, and a bald hair style like Lex Luthor or Captain Picard, without dull eyes or or glass mirror eyes.


    So far my two favorite cosmetic mods are the Simple Bald Hairstyle and the Mutant Eyes which I can't seem to make load together :(

    Combine them. It's not that hard, and I can show you if you want.

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