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About swordsman5

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    The Witcher/Witcher 2
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  1. Thanks Scorp10, I've never been able to sort out the skyrim creation kit, I was OK with Morrowind and had a bit of a dig in Oblivion, but the Skyrim kit leaves me at the starting line! You have to appreciate that I'm a 70 y/o Grey haired old fart who is now finding it difficult to learn new tricks. However, having spent a large proportion of my life practicing and teaching many Martial Arts, I would beg to differ over the Steel aspect, compare, say, a medieval Bodkin arrowhead to a bolt from the same era and you will find that there is virtually no differance in the amount od metal used .
  2. Can anyone explain the logic behind the manufacture of ammunition. 1 piece of firewood is used in the manufacture of 24 arrows, each of which will be approx 30 inches ( or 75 cm as near as dammit ) yet it is only possible to turn out 10 quarrels each of which will only be about 6 inches ( 15 cms ) . One would expect to get at least 4 times as many quarrels to arrows for the same amount of wood. Does anyone know of a mod that addresses this quirk?
  3. I'm in agreement with Marcvss, on the first playthrough don't bother with mods, they aren't actually needed for getting through the game, and that way you'll learn what you can and can't do within the gameworld. Once you have played it all the way through you'll have a far better idea of what would enhance your personal game and what would be a waste of time. Everyone has a different way of playing games and what might be the ideal form of play for one person dosen't mean that it'll be right for you. You could follow everyone's advice, crash in a plethora of mods and then hate the way the game plays.
  4. Looking forward to it......these guys don't just sit back and watch the money roll in do they! Unlike many others.......You listening ....Bethesda....Blizzard.....EA..... ???????????????
  5. It might have been worth trying a new game from scratch, there might be some flaw in the save that carried over from your previous install.
  6. I guess you'd have to create the thing in something like Gimp or Nifscope and then find a programme that will convert it to the right format for the Witcher game engine to read and use one of the existing file names so that the old file is over written with the new mesh and texture. I've no idea if it is possible to import completely new objects to the game world. I use mods and am not that good at making 'em. The TES is about the sum total of my meagre modding ability.
  7. Yeah sorry thought I was in TW2 forum. I don't know for sure but I don't think it was a complete construction set, more of a quest editor, I tried a couple of mods some time back which seemed to be the standard landscapes and cells with different NPC's and dialogue/quests. Certainly nothing as encompassing as something like TES3 and 4.
  8. At this time...............with the greatest difficulty! :biggrin: When and if a full construction kit is released then it should be possible.
  9. Yep, I have 9 different folders, doesn't take a lot of effort to just highlight the saves and click "Copy to".............
  10. A sword taken from Anime, "real" versions have been produced by some of these companies making swords, like Battle Orders and similar groups. To the best of my knowledge they are basically concept blades and not copies of actual blades used in the past. http://www.blendswap.com/3D-models/weapons/ichigos-shikai-zangetsu/ Speaking as a person who has practiced swordsmanship for 30+ years I don't think the design is that good, the weight distribution would be all wrong, the one shown on this video appears to be just a flat piece of shaped steel with an edge, a blow to the side would probably snap it, there is a lot of difference between blades that look good and practicality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdxUO9yy7Ng&feature=player_embedded
  11. I haven't heard of one, it would make sense if you had killed the victim with a thrown blade for it to still be embedded in the body, but on the other hand how come all the armed attackers you end up wasting have rarely got the armour and weaponry showing in their inventory? You can be certain the sod had it at the time of attacking so where did it all go?
  12. That looks very comprehensive, nice work. So this goes in with savegames and config rather than with the main game installation then.
  13. I guess we all have games that hit us like that.....I had the same with Drakensang.....gave it a miss for a time and then tried it again and enjoyed it, the same may well happen for you with this one.
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