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Everything posted by Narfiam
I'm waiting for SKSE64 too, because there are two mods I want to use in SE and without them I simply don't want to play. SkyUI and Enhanced Character Edit or Racemenu. I know there are a Racemenu alternative for SSE, but you cannot make such pretty female character you can make with Racemenu/Enhanced Character Edit for Oldrim. "You can still play Oldrim" yes, but I have the same OP's problem, with oldrim I have a lot of CTD and I tried plenty of solutions (cleaning, changing load order, etc etc). When SSE was released in Steam I moded it with about 70 mods to try the new version and in 80 hours I only had one CTD, then I missed the mods I have mentioned and stopped playing until the SKSE64 release and still waiting. PS: Sorry for any lexical or grammatical mistake, english is not my native language.
Okay THANKS! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
LOOT notice me that update.esm, hearthfire.esm, dragonborn.esm and dawnguard.esm have ITM records. Must I clean that?
EDIT: unofficial skyrim legendary edition patch cause this problem in my case.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6PTh3VirbU Here is a video in wich you can see my problem. Any sugestion to fix this? PS: No, i have no texture mods installed or a modified Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini
Some people seem touched by the gods, like skyrim happens. I've seen comments in reddit more than once of people playing Skyrim with 150 mods installed and without suffer crashes or almost any crashes. And me with around 60 mods cleaned, sorted with LOOT, Bashed patch created, low quantity of HD textures mods, ENBOOST installed, Memory tweak in SKSE.ini and vanilla uGRIDSToLoad suffer a crash every 4 o 5 hours. I think some of you have just lucky, but it's still a widespread problem.
You can wonder around for some time. Let say you get around 1 CTD every 1 hour. Yeah not easy. I have to disagree a bit, 300 hours with many mods and about only 5 ctds many agree about that. But not in Patch 1.5, you said you've been playing SMITE, The problems have appeared since patch 1.5 release. I bought the game two o three days before the 1.5 patch release and only had a CTD after 35 hours playing, and not random, it was in a fast travel loading screen. Now the CTD's happen way more frequently, sometimes after minutes, sometimes after hours ( usually not more than 3 o 4 hours) and worst of all, RANDOMISED while walking or fighting, if only happened in loading screens I could still stand and cross my fingers in the loading screens, but no, now I have to press F5 every 3 minutes with fear and uncertainty because I know that at any moment there I could suffer a CTD. That is the same disgusting feeling I felt playing Skyrim, I can't play relaxed and enjoying the game in its fullness. The only solution left is to play without any mod or just some texture mods, and playing this game without mods is like going to McDonalds and order a salad and a glass of water.
I meant removing mods, and they will still be a problem till the game is 20 years old since it all about the leftover scripts. My answer in the second line was not a a fallow up to the first line, but a replay his answer that he does not updates his mods that often. Mods can cause random CTD. If you know how to sort your mods and loot has not been updates for a long while (relevant with the mods versions you are using.) then do what you wish. If you have almost no idea, loot is very trusted software. You can also copy the load order before and after to arrange back to what it was. The best thing you can do now is remove all mods, one by one, and see for yourself what causes what. I think LOOT doesn't work properly for now. I usually use that program every time I Install a new mod and it doesn't sort the mods anymore, only sort the well known mods like unofficial patch and most endorsed and popular mods. Almost every time I use that program the last mod installed appear at the end of the mod list and the "Apply" button doesn't appear. I think we have to wait much longer until it works just as well as in Skyrim. The randomness of the CTDs is what bothers me, I'm playing with uncertainty and discomfort. I never enjoyed Skyrim in its fullness because of that and I thought that would be different in Fallout 4 after 3 years optimizing and improving "Creation Engine", but I see it is all the same and I'm very angry. I think Bethesda are simply inept in the field of programming.
Building mods, mods that add scripts or new areas, npcs, new creatures. A lot of stuff. That is a bad idea since the game is still patching. Look through your list, some mods do break when the game updates and may not be noticeable expect when doing something like using a crafting station, existing into an area etc. You should use loot. I'm would be okay with looking through your list, but I have been playing smite the last two months and thus outdated on what nots. So we must stop installing scripted mods until the last patch and consequent mod update are out. Is that what you mean? The last Skyrim DLC was released in december 2012, so we must expect that the last Fallout 4 DLC will be released in dec 2016. We must be patient as zen...
I'm talking about Optimizer Textures: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/? originally designed for Skyrim, Has anyone tried if it works fine with Fallout 4? Maybe using this program you can avoid installing Texture Optimization Project. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/978/? Has anyone tried if it works well with Fallout 4 ?
For me, buying a Bethesda game expecting a good narrative is like going to the Vatican square expecting a sex party. The virtue of Bethesda's games is offering a great sandbox experience, not a good narrative.
Rarely... How often is in your case? the concept "rarely" vary from one person to another, for me rarely is suffering a crash every 4 or 5 days, a crash every 4 or 5 hours for me is frequent, not rarely, and bothers me to play that way. In Fallout 4 Steam forums the threads talking about CTDs are almost as frequent as in the Skyrim forums, probably some ye be touched by the gods, or you play without mod, but that does not mean it isn't a widespread problem. And for me, a Bethesda game without mods is not a Bethesda game.
Not too long ago I posted this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4019825-is-this-game-a-ctd-nightmare-like-skyrim-or-is-better-optimized-for-moding/&do=findComment&comment=36742710 I bought Fallout 4 two weeks ago, happy because it wouldn't be another headache like Skyrim. Not true at all. Same as Skyrim, a CTD fest again, however I think that this problem has started with patch 1.5, or am I wrong? Random CTDs, sometimes after few minutes, sometimes after some hours. My Fallout 4 is not hard moded, i disabled and deleted almost all my texture mods except a Power Armor texture mod and some "esp" mods to prevent the lack of memory, but nothing, random CTD, sometimes in fast travel, sometimes while Im walking. I tweaked my ini's to reduce shadows, disable godrayas and stuff, and nothing, more CTD. This is not a troubleshoting thread, I just want to express my lack of confidence in bethesda and its ability to optimize games. Maybe in TES VI or Fallout 5 we can play without uncertainty and without press F5 every two minutes.
That guy is a robot, are you sure you want a romance with an appliance? Tecnically you aren't having any romance, you are using a d*ldo with body, arms and legs.
Hi. My problem is that the game crash sometimes after awhile, sometimes after hours and I think the cause is to have active the three things of the title at once, too many dll applying to the game. Yesterday I deleted the ENB files and now I suffer stuttering sometimes, whereby I would like to maintain the three working without give up any of them. My laptop features: Intel Core I7 4700MQ Nvidia GTX 780M 4GB 16 GB RAM SSD hard drive ---------------- You probably think: Dont be so sybaritic and remove reshade. The problem is that I play with 766p resolution on a 1080p screen and reshade is the only thing that make the game dont look like sh*t because putting a few reshade filters (sharpen, ambient light) the rescaling texture blurriness almost disappears. and it looks almost the same quality as 1080p. Playing on 900p or 1080p I dont get the almost constant 60 FPS that I want. Two comparative images: Reshade off: http://i.imgur.com/bwmSaMc.jpg?1 Reshade on: http://i.imgur.com/Ao1wVhd.jpg?1 Okay, I'm digressing!! Anyone know a solution that let me play with that three things enabled at same time? Thanks!! PS: English is not my native language, sorry for any lexical or grammatical mistakes.
One of the flaws that Fallout 4 has is that the female characters seems a 40 years old woman. Would be fine a similar mod to Enhanced Character Edit of Skyrim. I have not much idea about moding, so probably what I'll say next is not true, but as far as I know the creation system of mods and the graphic engine is the same as in Skyrim, so I guess that port the Enhanced Character Edit to Fallout 4 will not be difficult. I'm not a fetishist of 16 years old anime with huge boobs characters like some people out there, I just like to create a female character that does not look like a 40-year old woman. I know the existence of this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/552/? but It is still not enough. PS: Sorry for any lexical or grammatical mistake, english is not my native language.
Hi guys. I recently installed my Skyrim again and as usual I installed a bunch of mods (63 to be exact). With my current character (lvl 26) I already played almost 20 hours, more or less, until now almost no problem, only some CTDs when opening map or in the menĂº every 6 hours more or less, which does not bother me too. But yesterday I wenth to Solstheim, at first playing in Raven Rock and the surrounding area without any problems, but when I began to explore and address to the other side of the island, to visit Skaal, near the village I suffered two CTDs, one while trying to loot a frost troll and other CTD trying to loot a frost wolf. I loaded the game again and killed the troll and wolves and I dont suffer that CTD again (all of this near Skaal, 150 metres more or less), I thought it was a false alarm, but approaching Skaal I had another CTD, I loaded game again, I approach Skaal, and another CTD at the same point, this happened 5 times, approximately at the same distance, so I thought that there is some texture, mesh or script near the village that causes me the CTDs. Two problems: I cannot load a CTD log, i put papyrus stuff in Skyrim.ini and the log folder is not created, why? The second and main problem, wich thing causes that CTDs? here is my list of mods and load order. Thanks. Mods ordered with LOOT and cleaned with Tes5edit. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 ApachiiHair.esm 7 7 JSwords.esm 8 8 Brawl Bugs CE.esp 9 9 Serana.esp 10 a Max Weapon Adjust - Skyrim - Main File.esp 11 b CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp 12 c JSwords_Load_Screens.esp 13 d Player Size Adjuster.esp 14 e SkyUI.esp 15 f iHUD.esp 16 10 AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp 17 11 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 18 12 SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp 19 13 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 20 14 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp 21 15 SMIM-Merged-All.esp 22 16 JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp 23 17 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 24 18 More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.esp 25 19 OMageCommonRobesV2.esp 26 1a Dr_Bandolier.esp 27 1b Differently Ebony.esp 28 1c Headtracking.esp 29 1d dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 30 1e dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp 31 1f dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp 32 20 aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp 33 21 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp 34 22 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Brighter Dungeons.esp 35 23 Vivid Weathers.esp 36 24 RLO - Adaptive Interiors Vanilla Weathers Patch.esp 37 25 BFSEffects.esp 38 26 The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp 39 27 Beards.esp 40 28 SGEyebrows.esp 41 29 Male Presets 2-3.esp 42 2a CharacterMakingExtender.esp 43 2b EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp 44 2c Purewaters.esp 45 2d The Ordinary Women.esp 46 2e RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 47 2f dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp 48 30 KS Hairdo's.esp 49 31 Max Weapon Adjust - Skyrim - Dawnguard Patch.esp 50 32 Max Weapon Adjust - Skyrim - Dragonborn Patch.esp 51 33 MikanEyes All in one.esp 52 34 Eyes of Aber.esp 53 35 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 54 36 UnblockActivateNoWereNoMap.esp 55 37 Faction Crossbows.esp 56 38 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 57 39 Khajiit Merchants Buy Stolen Items.esp 58 3a AelaTheHuntress.esp 59 3b LustmordVampireArmor.esp 60 3c dovahkiinrelax.esp 61 3d UFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons.esp 62 3e TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 63 3f Apex Werewolf.esp 64 40 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp PD: Sorry for any lexical or grammatical mistake, english is not my native language.
Would it be wise to install Windows 10 right now?
Narfiam replied to xENJAJVEx's topic in Hardware and software discussion
I've tried Skyrim with 86 mods, Red Orchestra 2 and Final Fantasy XIII, no problem here, same performance as Windows 8.1. Maybe some games dont run or have issues, but i think most the games will run perfectly, Windows 10 is very similar to Windows 8.1, maybe the most core files are the same.- 10 replies
Yes, but having only 1GB VRAM dont use many HD Texture mods or he will suffer lot of crashes to desktop and/or infinite load screens.
Yesterday i tried to install some new mods and start a new fresh game, however when i click on new game it never loads, i see the Skyrim Logo and hear Dovahkiin music but game never starts. OK. Im not completly a dummy with Skyrim Modding and I tried some fixes, but non worked. - BOSS and Loot for a possible problem with the load order and over 9000 custom load orders. (didnt fix). - Deactivate last downloaded mods (didnt fix) - Deactivate ALL the mods (didnt fix) Why the hell deactivating all the mods im still having this problem? Sure this problem is caused by a mod, makes no sense. What can i do? Deleting Data folder and check integrity of game cache is a partial reinstall for vanilla and is the last solution, but I wonder if there is a less drastic solution, because i have tons of mods used for ages that dont cause problems, with the drastic solution i must reinstall all the mods one by one and this is annoying as hell. I like Skyrim a lot, is a very nice game, but the modding in this game suck, you need to learn lot of shitty things and use multiple external programs like BOSS, Loot, TES5edit, ... and despite everything install any mod is always a risk and this is very annoying. Sorry for being a bit rude, but im really pissed and i need to vent a little apart from alternative solutions to my problem with the game.
Any fix for camera wall clipping? Mod or .ini tweak
Narfiam replied to Narfiam's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It isnt a FOV issue in my case. I found the problem fix anyway trying to change the distance and FOV options, I had the neardistance option in the ini in 25, that cause clipping in the walls in first person mode. Thanks you anyway, because due your solution i have discovered and investigated the root of the problem. -
When im in first person mode i noticed that the camera clip through the walls when the camera is very close to the wall. This specially happens in narrow dungeon's corridors and in my opinion this break totally the immersion. I dont know if it is only my problem or is a general game issue. I wonder is there are any fix (mod or ini tweak). Here is a screenshot. In this screenshot i forced the issue to show what im talking http://oi62.tinypic.com/28uo9pv.jpg Thanks PD: Sorry for the possible grammar/lexical errors, english isn't my native language.