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About GreybeardRanger

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  1. oh damn, I didn't even notice that. I used that mod in LE, with a hood, it made a perfect ranger cloak if you went with the sage green dye option.
  2. but what I know about modding could be written inside a matchbook with a paint roller. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43155
  3. Problem solved, I am an idiot. There's an SE file in the "Files" section of the LE mod.
  4. Figured I'd ask on the LE mod page if it will work with SE/AE.
  5. I did find the LE version, thank you for that, but I recently switched from the Steam version of SE to the GOG AE version, and I can't find the mod anywhere on my PC but I'm 100% sure I had it installed.
  6. Have you tried this one? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2829
  7. Have I gone completely insane, or did I actually downloand and install a mod for SE "Bijin Moll Haircut" or something like that? Can't seem to find it anywhere on the Nexus for SE.
  8. I dunno, I'm kinda digging the way it looks.
  9. Pretty sure I have it figured out who the culprit is (looking at you Immersive World Encounters), but can anyone tell me for sure where this guys and his friends come from, and WHY CAN'T I ADOPT HIM????
  10. I haven't gone that route....yet. What I did was disable ALL mods, then slowly re-enable them one at a time. So far, 118 mods re-enabled, no error message. Will let y'all know when I finally get this figured out.
  11. As near as I can figure, something happened after an antivirus/malware scan that Skyrim didn't like. I'm still tracking down exactly what that is.
  12. Not yet I'm stuck at the Bethesda logo/Skyrim logo/CTD issue.
  13. rut roh Raggy! All good, I figured that's what happened after a few minutes, nothing downloaded tho.
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