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Everything posted by IndolentDan

  1. In response to post #23809904. #23873289, #23920869 are all replies on the same post. I will also add that for games like Civilisation 3 or 4 (and Skyrim) I have only recommenced them BECAUSE of the mods. Telling people to buy the game because of the awesome mods. If Civ 3 started charging for mods then I would be less inclined to ever recommend that game to anyone anymore since there is no need. Mods turn into DLC and honestly DLC is expected these days. I must have sifted through many Civ mods and loved many of them and if each mod was say 1 or 2 dollars I would probably still buy however if they were 9.99 I probably would never give it a chance. So pricing and scale is important.
  2. In response to post #23809904. #23873289 is also a reply to the same post. But then I would go on to buy other games that were newer. Thus making me no longer want to play their older game and shortening the shelf life. Say if Skyrim started charging for mods, I would probably, only buy mods from people I liked/mods I liked and wanted to support. Like donations. I donate frequently. However if each little mod was 1$ and they didn't allow free mod sites I would honestly just pirate them or move onto another game that included everything already. I like Dragon Age 3 but don't really feel I need any mods for it as it is fun already. If someone made a mod (kinda like an expansion pack for 5$ and it had good reviews I would probably buy it). However little swords or hammers or costumes I will ignore them completely. Modders do deserve some compensation but if too excessive I would just stop buying Bethedsa games entirely since they rely too much on the works of others. An example is Paradox games, they sell all these micro DLC for units and such. I only buy them when they are pretty much 90% off (literally cents). It annoys me that they do this but since I spend hundreds of hours playing their games I really don't mind. I don't think I have played vanilla Skyrim for years and would not ever play it again if my free mods stopped working, Still it is too hard to guess what will happen. My 2 cents.
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