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Everything posted by marieruth

  1. The original dimensions were fine from the old site.
  2. Ah, I thought I was the only one. The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me. But it works fine on the new site version. :dry: I wish. Fallout 4 page is down on both pages for me, links don't work, and I'm getting the "you're viewing the old site, click here to get the new site" error on the new page from the new page. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed so far. Personally, I think newer is not always better, and I prefer to go with the "if it ain't broke" theory in all things web related. I checked out the new site on oldrim, and wasn't horribly impressed. Trending mods? What the hell, are we on twitter now? We trend and vape, and all that nonsense? I agree with that sentiment. It seems like the design itself was based off of trendy practices in digital design now-a-days as well. One of my favorite characteristics from the 'old site' was how game visuals were implemented in the background for each game page. Even Skyrim Standard and Special Edition had their own unique backgrounds. And they fit perfectly outside of the main content area within the page itself so you would see them on the 'side bar' of the page. And all of that was removed, along with the main content having an increased width, which isn't really needed on PCs I believe.
  3. Ah, I thought I was the only one. The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me. But it works fine on the new site version. :dry:
  4. It's a good design for a completely mobile version of the site. Info pop-ups should be reintroduced when hovering over thumbnails for the small descriptions. Or at least add a "..." button to expand the small description that are below the thumbnails. Because already some mod descriptions get cut off in the thumbnail. I get that flat UI/UX designs are 'trendy' but it just kinda takes away from the visuals of the website, imo. Makes it a lot duller in general.
  5. I've used multiple magic related mods, and started multiple new characters, as well as starting new characters using mods that have no impact on the magic or enchanting system on my game at all, but for some reason. No matter what changes to my load order I've made I've always been able to capture a lesser soul in black soul gems at least that I've noticed. I currently use Advanced Magecraft mod, which has the Disensouling option for soul gems. When I try to remove the lesser souls from my black soul gem, I get the message that there isn't any soul to remove in it. There's a particular user interface mod that displays the type of soul that is contained within the soul gem in the inventory menu when you hover over it, don't remember what it's called though. I use Wrye Bash for managing my mods. I opened up all my magic mods that deal with soul gems within xEdit to see the scripts of how black soul gems are handled but it seems like they all are focused on grand souls, and within the Construction Set, There's only 2 options for black soul gems, and that's an empty soul gem or a soul gem filled with a grand soul. I don't know what else is going on. I was considering doing a verify cache thing, but I wanted to see if maybe there was another way to go about it before having to do something like that. any help would be appreciated. If a history of my previous magic mods is needed I can provide those.
  6. Oh dear, I goofed. Thanks hlp, that was my issue. I didn't even notice it...
  7. The issue has been resolved. I recorded myself attempting to add conditions here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kswxgxqx5dz16j6/conditions_attempt_vid.avi?dl=0 I don't really know what I did wrong, but I've never had this issue until recently, I tried reinstalling the GECK many times. Ran the GECk by itself, through NVSE, and used GECK Powered Up 1.4 as well. I tried loading different plugins, even just FalloutNV.esm alone, and still nothing. A friend of mine sent me a screenshot of his GECK conditions and they display normally for him, so I'd like some assistance, please..
  8. I should probably be a little more specific. I'm using this tutorial to make a spell for myself: http://sureai.net/development/tutorials/skyrim-creation-kit-location-based-spells/ And in that tutorial, it uses this script that has to be attached to an activator, and that activator is attached to an explosion object, and that explosion object is to be attached to a magic effect, and the magic effect attached to the spell of course: I was just wanting to summon a soil mound on the ground that you could use. So I thought this would work: I originally used "PlayerRef" instead of "Self" but I didn't want the soil patch to spawn at the player, so I thought maybe Self be a better fit... Also, now that I think about it. Wouldn't Self.Delete remove more than just the marker anyhow?
  9. If I use Self.Delete() within a script that is attached to an activator, for example, would Self.Delete() remove the activator from the world in-game? Does it function similar to RemoveMe?
  10. Are they important? Looking through my scripts folder there are enough scrips from mods that use prefixes like "_DE_" or "_WL_" in the file name...
  11. RegisterForSingleUpdate (always use single) can be used to call an event in a certain time frame. i.e. Event OnInit(); when this script is initialized RegisterForSingleUpdate(5.0);register for an onupdate event in 5 seconds EndEvent Event OnUpdate() ;do things EndEvent Okay that seems much clearer to me, thank you. Why only use RegisterForSingleUpdate(), by the way?
  12. So is it generally a rule of thumb that if you involve an object that is created by the user within a script to give it its own property when using it in the script?
  13. I've read on other sites that OnUpdate() has become the new "GameMode" of Papyrus scripting, but OnInit() could be used as the same. The thing that has confused me the most is when to use one or the other (or both). Based on what I've seen on the Wiki, OnUpdate() is pretty useful when you have something that will update... Something like RegisterForUpdate(), but could also be used in its own block after an OnInit() block. But if I make a script for a spell that is supposed to place an item in the world, I don't really know which one to use, since there is no update other than the object being placed in the world after the marker is placed in the world for the object to spawn to.
  14. It would probably be best for my sanity if I stuck with Bethesda's way, anyhow. :smile: I made a small script that I would attach to the quest that checks to see if a recovery spell is active, I'm getting a compiling error and I am not sure what it means. Scriptname aaa_ShoutRecovery_SpellCheck_Script extends Quest {This script checks to see if player has the restoration spell that removes the timing alterations.} Actor Property PlayerRef Auto {Player Reference} bool SpellActive = false Event OnInit() If PlayerRef.HasSpell("aaa_ResetRecoveryTimeSpell") SpellActive = true Else PlayerRef.AddSpell("aaa_ResetRecoveryTimeSpell") SpellActive = true EndIf endEvent The error I'm getting is: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "aaa_ShoutRecovery_SpellCheck_Script"...C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\aaa_ShoutRecovery_SpellCheck_Script.psc(10,14): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\aaa_ShoutRecovery_SpellCheck_Script.psc(13,12): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?)No output generated for aaa_ShoutRecovery_SpellCheck_Script, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on aaa_ShoutRecovery_SpellCheck_Script I originally didn't have the quotation marks added around the Spell ID, and I had errors telling me that my Spell ID was undefined, and after I added the quotation marks I got the error message above.
  15. Alright thanks, I'm not really sure why I originally set the parameters to the magic effect ID, but it just appeared in the Wiki to me as a sort of "placeholder" example. :)
  16. I'm still having some troubles with "OnEffectStart" ... After changing it, i got an output message saying that I was missing an ID. I looked at the CK wiki and noticed that the OnEffectStart parameters were supposed to appear something like (Actor Target, Actor Caster) I am getting an output error for a "missing ID" directed at the location of the OnEffectStart Event. I'm not sure what else I need to add. Event OnEffectStart(aaa_ShoutRecoveryMagEffect, Actor Player) doesn't seem to do anything that'll help, and doesn't seem logical anyhow. scriptname aaa_SRMagEffectScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Event OnEffectStart(aaa_ShoutRecoveryMagEffect) Float OSRM = PlayerRef.GetBaseAV(ShoutRecoveryMult) Float CSRM = PlayerRef.GetAV(ShoutRecoveryMult) If CSRM != OSRM If OSRM > CSRM PlayerRef.ModAV(ShoutRecoverMult,OSRM-CSRM) ElseIf OSRM < CSRM PlayerRef.ModAV(ShoutRecoverMult,CSRM-OSRM) EndIf EndIf EndEvent I am only getting errors for that Event line, but everything else seems okay.
  17. I've run into some issues getting the script for the magic effect that will be used in the spell for restoring original recovery times to work. I fiddled with the code you gave me for a little while, and eventually changed it to this: Scriptname aaa_SRMagEffectScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Event OnMagicEffectStart(aaa_ShoutRecoveryMagEffect) Float OSRM = PlayerRef.GetBaseAV(ShoutRecoveryMult) Float CSRM = PlayerRef.GetAV(ShoutRecoveryMult) If CSRM != OSRM If OSRM > CSRM PlayerRef.ModAV(ShoutRecoverMult,OSRM-CSRM) ElseIf OSRM < CSRM PlayerRef.ModAV(ShoutRecoverMult,CSRM-OSRM) EndIf EndIf EndEventThe compiler prints this error: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "aaa_SRMagEffectScript"...C:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\aaa_SRMagEffectScript.psc(5,51): missing ID at ')'No output generated for aaa_SRMagEffectScript, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on aaa_SRMagEffectScript I tried looking through the CK wiki to see what I needed, but I only found a page for "OnEffectStart", but not for "OnMagicEffectStart".
  18. I'm still not entirely sure of my script, it's a rather hot mess, but I added some variables to hopefully put in some blocks. I will have a spell that once cast it should restore the user's recovery time to the original stored variable, though I'm not sure how to make the script *stop* running when someone will cast that spell.. Also, after adding the PlayerRef variable within OnInit, I got output messages saying that PlayerRef is undefined. And looking at the Story manager and events wiki page, do I not need to add in quest aliases for the skill increase stuff? The wiki only mentions references and locations for the quest. I don't know how to direct it to specifically the Speechcraft skill. Would I need to create a new Event entirely?
  19. The script I'm making is supposed to run repeatedly to check the player's speechcraft level, and depending on the player character's speechcraft level, will shorten the recovery time for using Shouts. I attached the script to a Quest since those can run repeatedly as far as I am aware with my wee bit of scripting experience in the GECK. I'm the most newbiest newb at papyrus scripting, but the script won't successfully compile, so I clearly did something wrong and I'm not sure what it was that I messed up on. Any assistance would be appreciated...
  20. Is there a papyrus script function that involves altering recovery times through a script?
  21. Neither come with an INI file, but FPS limiter comes with a configuration file, and it has instructions on how to use it with an ENB, which I don't use because my computer is not powerful enough to handle one of those. I mostly see instructions on Google for multiple d3d9.dll files with ENB stuff, but I haven't found any for non-ENB stuff..
  22. You could try contacting the creator of this mod and ask how they did it. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21720/?
  23. Both include a "d3d9.dll" file, and I've only been using "framerate fix for ATI cards" for a few days now, and it's fantastic since I can see all the glowy magic effects, flames, etc. when I couldn't previously. I would like to be able to run both, but I have never done anything with DLL files other than download them. Is there a way to get them to work together? Or alternate mod options that'll help with restoring the glowy effects in the skyrim vanilla game while also running the FPS limiter at the same time? Any help is appreciated.
  24. Are there any tutorials for adjusting adult clothing items for child bodies? I want to convert a labcoat outfit to fit a child's body, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Any assistance or tips would be appreciated.
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