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Posts posted by Alaylyne

  1. Sefris murmured something in reply, her face returning to the old expressionless one. How long will it take for her to get into a fight, she wondered? Not long while with this circus, the thought occurred to her. And what the hell was she doing with this people, anyway? Looking for stuff and people to burn. Or at least that was her excuse. She was a human being, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. There is only such an amount of time one can spend on his own. She scoffed quietly for herself. Nonsense. She was nothing like those weak creatures. Feelings are weakness, and the Drow and Avariel had a huge one. 'Love'? Exposing themselves so easily...idiots. Anyone could simply kidnap one of the love birds and make the other one do whatever he wants or simply torture him over and over again and watch their reaction as he kills his loved one, leaving the Drow unable to do anything about it. Yes, that was a particularly effective method. That, however, bothered her not. Allowing one too close can be as fatal as letting a sword too close to one's throat. That's why stupid people die all the time. For 'love'. She made a grimace at even thinking about something as foolish as that feeling. Emotion. Whatever. Unimportant.
  2. Sefris blinked few times at Shaori. Two drows, a little girl and her mother, anUlarithid, a nymph and a...spirit? What in the 9 hells? Has she stumbled into a travelling circus? She shook her head, paying attetion to Rhaine. Ooooh. Cult of the Dragon? That sounds promising. "Well, this may sate my undying appetite for now...for now." So they were practically going in some kind of a war or a big fight? Fair enough. "Seems like it is your lucky day, then, for you need a dragon to fight one." she said with a faint grin, the first sing of non-hostility she had show in...well, ever.
  3. "And just for what reason are you going there? I am afraid I wouldn't be interested if it doesn't include burning someone aliv-" she stopped as she noticed the Avariel that was with Caladus before. "And I have no reason to harm any of you. Not yet, that is." she shrugs, examining the winged elf. Her wings were completely white and...fluffy. With feathers, that is. She prefered her red, bat-like ones. They didn't requite that much attention when tending to them. "Sefris." she replied simply to Shaori, not really liking how more of them keep popping out. "And just how many of you are there?"
  4. Sefris listened to what Caladus had to say, her face completely expressionless. "You claim to be nobler than the rest of your kin, Drow." she started after a while, her voice just slightly sharp. "I cannot say the same for myself. You haven't given me a reason to burn you alive yet, elf, so you have nothing to fear from me unless you provoke me. But no to expect my point of view to be compatible with yours and do not expect kindness from me, for such is a way of someone like me." She slightly raised her head, still looking at the Drow. She had not imagined her first encounter with a Drow like this. The original version contained a much more blood and burning corpses. The hatred ran too deep, but perhaps, just perhaps she won't turn him into ashes. It remains to be seen.
  5. Sefris was quiet for a while, debating to tell the half-elf to shove off or to actually answer her question. She was hard to trust, but the pair got a slight approval for not trying to run a sword through her. "I am simply travelling around." she answered after a while, asking what's the worse thing that could happen. Unless they're acting all friendly and will later stab her while she's sleeping. Lips pressed tightly together, she reminded herself not to be so foolishly trustful. Number one thing that gets you killed nowadays. "I tend to visit various countries when bored." she answered stoically, patting the black stallion.
  6. Sefris eyebrow twitched in annoyance as the drow mentioned her society. "Worse? They call us worse for we are powerful. Feared." she could hold a several-hours-speech about how fey'ris are superior etc, but now really wasn't the time. "'Tis not the same with your kind, Drow?" she askled Caladus, resting her glare at him for another few seconds. "And I hail for no such society, so I do not know about them. And it would do you good not to judge about something you had not seen with your own eyes."

    Sefris' gaze switched to Rhaine as she felt a sudden irritation of her skin. The Chosen one was doing something. A spell of some sort? She hated those. Faintly scratching her irritated skin, her lips pressed into a thin line before talking to the half-elf. "Is there something you want to know about me? For 'tis polite to ask, not casting spells that make my skin fell as if bugs were crawling all over it."

  7. A low hiss escaped Sefris as the Drow mentioned her true nature. "What are you, Drow, that you have sensed me so easily?" she asked, frown to ceasing on her face. Her eyes looked at Rhaine againo, only a faint nod of recognition at the name of her god. "You are wrong if you can sweet-talk them into letting a Drow in their lands. I do not give my name as freely as you do, but he pointed out what I am, I guess no more harm could be inflicted." she said grumply, glancing at the Drow for a moment. "You may call me Sefris, if you must. And I would appreciate if you keep that piece of information to yourself, elf." she said poisonously to Caladus, her glare sharp.
  8. Sefris raised her eyebrow in disbelief, looking at the Drow. Now she was sure he was mocking her. " Heal me?" she asked derivisely, scoffing slightly. "Is that how you call stabbing in the back, as your kind does?" she asked, shaking her head as her black hair fell on her shoulders and her bronze skin tone shone a bit at the sun, clearly exposing her as a Sun elf. Well, except for the eyes. She glanced at the half-elf and rolled her eyes, not amused by her comment. So the divine one thought she had a sense of humor. Ho-ho-ho. She only made her skin even more itchy. "And how just do you plan on passing their checkpoint? They do not just allow dark elves into their land. The knights are very protective of their homeland."

    She scoffed at the elf's 'sex god' comment. Ignorance.

  9. Sefris had long left the inn, simply walking around for a change. Not really sure where she was going, she had no reason to hurry. She purchased a beautiful black stallion and elegantly hopped on his back. She petted him until her got used to her faint fiendish scent and turned him into the direction of the main road, according to the merchant. Going back from where she had come, she walked pass the inn and, in an attempt of avoiding the Drow inside of it, turned into a street where Rhaine and Caladus were. She stopped as soon as she recognized the elf, frowning on the distance of few meters. "You again? Is this some kind of a joke?" she asked quietly, her red eyes glaring at the drow. "If you tell me you're going to Cormyr, I might as well stab myself with a spear." She glanced briefly over at the Drow's half-elven companion, feeling a shiver running down her spine. What was she, a paladin, cleric? Something like that. Those damned 'holly people' always made her skin itch.
  10. Sefris' eyebrows further came closer to each other, her frown deepening as she saw the Drow's subtle bow. What was the meaning of this? Was the weakling making fun of her? Lips pressed into a thin line, she returned her killing glare at the map, picking a random spot. Cormyr? Whatever, just to get away from this inn and that damn Drow. She didn't notice she was holding her breath until exhaling slowly as she picked the map up and gathered her things. Hanging her bag on one of her shoulders, she walked over to the bar and canceled her reservation for the room, to the bartender's dissatisfaction. Throwing the man a poisonous glare as he dispatched her, she quickly walked out of the inn, searching for the exit ouf ot the pathetic settlement.
  11. Sefris noticed the unusual couple entering the common room, her face frowning the same second. Two elves. An Avariel and - she couldn't stop the silent hiss that escaped her lips as she noticed the Avariel's companion - a Drow, no less. Her fiendish blood resented all the elves, but the sight of the Drow just made her want to tear out his throat. Beside her skin and hair color, the fey'ri didn't have anything else in common with her elven side but the hatred for the Drows. And in mixture with her demonic side, it just made her see images of her biting off his throat in merely a few seconds. Visibly in a bad mood since the couple had walked in, she returned her look to the map, pretending not to notice them aside for the face showing clear disgust and narrowed eyes forming a frown. This was not a good day. But she didn't feel like looking for another inn, it was far too late. Guess she'll just have to behave.
  12. Completely unaware of what's going on in the bathhouse at the moment, Sefris was sitting in a corner of the inn where she could get a good look of who's coming and going. No surprises suddenly appearing behind her back. Satisfied by just hissing at men that tried to approach her, she leaned back in her chair and rummaged through her bag, looking for something. Where is it....aha! She pulled out a map and set it on the table, disentangling it as her red eyes flew up and down, left to right. She's been to so many places lately that travelling isn't even fun anymore. Throwing an especially nasty glare at a drunk man that smiled at her, she returned her look to the map, momentary losing interest in anything but the map.
  13. A hooded woman was walking down the road, looking for a place to spent the night at. Sefris' red eyes were glaring at anyone who would dare to look her way, making them fasten their step as she passed by. She smirked for herself, enjoying the fear of those petty humans. Oh, my, what would happen of she appeared as her true self among them? They would knock each other out in an attempt to run away, no doubt. As fun as it sounded, she couldn't be bothered with such little things right now. Walking faster as she had spotted an inn, she shook her head, fixing what little hair she could. Her hair always looked like someone's been blowing in it for hours. A dragon, obviously. Bah.

    A silver spear hanging casually on her back, Sefris knew she wouldn't need to use it if someone tries something. They are too timid. And cowards. How did these humans dominate the Faerun, she will never know. Her kind is stronger. Only their appearance makes crowds run away in fear. And to what have they fallen? Few stragglers, spread all over the world. Hunted. Hated. Neglected. She hissed at no one in particular, making some woman starting to run. No use for these kinds of thoughts, she told to herself, opening the door of the inn. She'll spend the night here and...go somewhere. Somewhere she hasn't been yet.

    Removing her hood, raven black hair fell all over her back, making her look more innocent than she is. Her face was expressionless again as she made her way to the bar, asking about the prices. Her eyes were investigating, looking around, in every corner and at every person, as if looking for someone. Someone who still might be hunting her.

  14. thanks for a warm welcome, can't wait to start RP-ing :dance:


    Well, I guess all those hundreds of papers with half of the lore from NWN2 Wikia finally paid off ;D


    Mhmmm...sounds familiar. Isn't it somehow related to Kelemvor?


    I am sure I will throw her in soon, just lurking for now :happy:

  15. Name: Sefris (last name unknown)




    Gender: female


    Race: fey'ri - an offspring of a sun elf and a demon (usually a succubi in male of female form)


    Age: around 150, appearance as one in early twenties (fey'ri's life expectancy is the same as the one of a sun elf, a maximum age being around 1000 years, reaching maturity around 110th year of life)

    Class: Sorcerer {Evoker} / Red dragon disciple (the sorcerer or bard with this prestige class gains special abilities, such as increased natural armor due to scales starting to grow over one's body, claws, wings, breath weapon {one can breathe a cone of fire}, blind fight, darkvision, immunity to sleep, paralysis, fire)

    Alignment: Lawful evil - as most of the fey'ris, Sefris had one of the evil alignments due to her fiendish blood. She carries a great hate towards elves, especially Drows because of her half- sun elf heritage. Loyalty is one of her stronger sides but she does not care about one's freedom, dignity nor life. She will follow the rules as long as she has some benefit of it and will kill without mercy or compassion. Her word is something she rarely gives, but will respect it once it's given unless there's a legitimate way not to fulfill it. For her, society is one of the means of gaining whatever she desires and will help it out as long as she gains something in return, frequently thinking ahead and planning strategies.

    Deity: Shar







    Height: 5' 10" high (177.5 cm)

    Weight: 130 lb (59 kg)

    Hair: Her long, wavy, raven-black hair is often let loose with only one braid on her right side. However, her hair has a lot of volume and often escapes whatever she ties it with, so she has to fix her hair all the time.

    Eyes: This woman's eyes carry the hue of dark red, a color that would most likely resent the one of a fresh blood with somewhat narrowed pupils that remind of cat's pupils.

    Skin: bronze, covered with small scales sharp to the touch

    Handedness: ambidexterious

    Scars/Tattoos: no tattoos, but one scar she hides with her alter self is that on her lower back, where her tail once was

    General physical description:
    With her high cheekbones and bronze skin, Sefris looks like a beautiful sun elf despite her unusual eye color. Her nails are also sharper than usual due to her Red dragon disciple class, which she often uses to justify her eye color. Alas, it is only a mask.
    As all the fey'ris, Sefris has large red, bat-like wings, pointy teeth and scales all over her body which she hides with alter self (see Random), enabling her peaceful passage through cities as an elf instead of a half-demon, which the elves (especially sun elves) kill on sight. When in her true form, scales can be seen all over her body and most of them are slightly sharp to touch, which makes her skin lightly abrasive when touched. The above mentioned scales are mostly small and unnoticeable, but there are some exceptions, like the area around her wings, back side of her neck, cheeks and her forehead.
    Sefris has a petite body like all the elves, her head constantly held high to both intimidate those who oppose her and to give the impression she thinks of them as the unworthy ones. Her body moves swiftly and elegantly despite her half-demonic heritage, making her body movements seem like a dance.


    Sefris' voice, as one would guess from her appearance, is rich and seductive, calculative as one of a demon, crimson red lips always in the shape of a light smirk when she's speaking.

    No armor – very exposed and vulnerable in close combat

    As of lately, Sefris has begun to pay more attention to what she's wearing, often seen in black-red combination of dress with a corset and a black cloak with feathers on shoulder.


    Silver spear, but her main weapon are her evocation spells


    General Personality Traits:
    As suggested before, Sefris does not care much for those in need, and looks out for herself first. She can be separated from her elven part because the sun elves spend most of their life gathering knowledge and leaving their body soft, whereas she enjoys taking one's life in a one-on-one fight. Her fiendish blood is also visible in her behaviour, for she considers herself more powerful that the rest of the species and does not care about the weak, but only about gaining more power. Her beauty has left her vain and sensitive to insults regarding her appearance. Provoking her in general is not a very wise idea, for she has a short temper and will use her fiendish features to scare the opponent. Other than that, she knows no love, for she had never experience it and thinks that feelings are a weakness and showing emotions even a greater one, near to fatal, for once the opponent knows your weaknesses, you're as good as dead. She is not kind to anyone unless she's trying to get something out of them, in which case she can be very charming or intimidating, depending on what kind of a touch the situation requires.

    Showing superiority, intimidating and humiliating people/any kind of bowing to another person and being caged in any way.


    Being caged like an animal

    Attitudes towards friends/strangers:

    She will manipulate strangers to get what she wants and leave once she's gotten it.

    Opinion of the world:
    Survival of the fittest



    Past: A child of a nameless sun elf and a female succubi, Sefris was left in the woods right after her birth. A tiefling who was hiding nearby from his pursuitors found the baby and took her in, not quite realizing how demonic her heritage was. For a couple of years, Sefris was growing up in the forest with the female tiefling who took care of her, teaching her magic as soon as she had discovered she had the gift. Her mentor, however, was pushing the child away as she grew and her demonic features became more obvious. Sefris would then ask for more and more attention, but she got none. Eventually, at the age of 8, Sefris was wandering the forest when she ran into a group of scholars who were passing by and got lost when the wild animals attacked them. They were quite surprised when they ran into the little red-eyed girl with a bat familiar which reminded them of a elf with distant demonic heritage. Not suspecting her true nature (for the fey'ris are usually killed on sight), they took her in when she had shown them arcane talent. Sefris left her tiefling guardian without even saying goodbye, never to see her again.
    Arriving to Yartar, the scholars introduced the girl to their mentor, an archmage. He immediately took interest in the girl and trained her until she was a fine sorcerer. Slowly growing up, Sefris had learned how to hide her appearance, for she realized she was everything but 'normal'. Continuing her life peacefully with the archmage and the scholars, Sefris soon grew tired of her monotone everyday and one day decided to break into the archmage's private library, where he kept all his most prized tomes, stealing the one about dragon disciples. After the archmage learned what she had done, he confronted her and they got in a bad feud. Sefris even attacked him when he requested of her to return the tomes, which she refused. In the middle of a battle, Sefris' wings had grown to their full size and she used them to scare the archmage and kill him. Returning to her normal sun elf appearance, she left the town before anyone even noticed the archmage is dead.
    The next 100 years she spent in the woods, practicing her magic and developing the dragon disciple class. She grew tired of the woods and headed to Waterdeep, the City of Splendors as they called it, where she hoped to find something more interesting than life in the woods or with a selfish archmage.

    Birthplace: High forest

    None that she knows of

    The closest thing Sefris has to a friend is a business partner, in which category Ravenna falls.

    Quite a number of people whose friends/family/acquaintances she’d killed



    Skills and feats:

    * Sorcerer:

    Summon familiar – bat


    * Dragon disciple:

    Breath Weapon - the dragon disciple gains the ability to breathe a cone of fire


    Blind-Fight - the red dragon disciple gains the ability to fight well, even if blinded or against invisible creatures.


    Half-Dragon - the red dragon disciple's transformation is complete. They become a half-dragon and gains darkvision as well as immunity to sleep, paralysis, and fire.


    * Fey’ri:

    Alter self - granted by her fiendish blood that allows her to assume any humanoid form, which she uses for taking an appearance of a sun elf, simply hiding her scales, sharp teeth and red wings



    Languages spoken - Common, Elven and Abyssal

    Pets/Animal Companions:
    bat familiar

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