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Everything posted by FMod

  1. This begs the question, why do most PC users use MS Windows? Is it because Windows is such a great OS and better in every way than Linux, MacOS, Neutrino and everything else? Windows has nothing on either Linux or MacOS, except for one thing: almost all the software out there is for Windows only. And it will remain Windows-only, as long as everyone uses Windows (because all the software is for it). Vendor lock-in, you can't switch unless all parties decide to do it at once, and they need a damn good 1775-sized reason. Not being allowed to hold in-depth discussions is not reason enough. Video ads being shoved in any downloader's face... that's almost enough, and I try to post my mods anywhere else when I can. But unfortunately audience size matters sometimes. You might actually like these rules, but please don't take it to mean everyone who posts their mods here does. A lot of people don't like them, just tolerate them.
  2. New Vegas IS Fallout 3. I don't think there is anything you can do in FO3 that you can't in FNV. If there is, what specifically?
  3. As you can see on the left of this post, I've been on this site for over 4 years (in fact, before Nexus even existed, it was another site back then), and only made 40 comments so far. On most sites I tend to make 500-1000 posts a year. This is the best and possibly an essential way to avoid ban - don't post if you can help it. Some sites are pro-community and let free speech prosper, others try to be corporate and keep comments to "yes" "no" "thank you". Know one from another, and you won't get banned on either. People like Z-size titties, tentacles and +100 guns. What do you expect them to endorse, things they don't like? Just understand endorsements are no measure of the worth of a work, only its popularity.
  4. Load an older game. Don'y you EVER save properly in a new slot? If not, you'll need to do a lot of things to fix it. Check out your .bak files in saves folder.
  5. Hmm... I never thought too many would be the problem. Really between Project Nevada and Classic Weapons you get a number of good additions, but not too many. They don't balance perfectly against one another though. Try FWE - it sounds like it would suit your tastes better. FOOK's weapon additions were nice, but somewhat random. Dump Fellout, it's long supplanted by Project Reality. Use the latter. CaliberX is still on the site, easily found. It doesn't actually add weapons though, only ammo. If you want a good ammunition mod, I can send you one very nice WIP I've got. It's designed for CaliberX+GRA+Nevada+CFW, to make most weapons a lot more involving to use, by adding life-like variety to ammunition. Not ready for release for lack of description etc. For Melee Weapons, PN+CFW will add a few already. You don't need a whole lot. TBH I started a melee character the last game - and quickly got disappointed... about how overpowered melee weapons are even at a melee skill of just 20. I can beat up Giant Radscorpions with a crowbar no problem at all, just strafe and pound. No need for pistols, machineguns, anything, all you need to finish the game is Ratslayer from far away and a crowbar close up.
  6. I think New Vegas is the wrong game for it. It just isn't scary, it isn't dark, it isn't messed up, in fact it wasn't even nuked near as much as the rest of the United States. You want Fallout 3 - and it has lots of good mods that make it even harder. You definitely want Fallout 3 and FWE aka Fallout Wanderers Edition. Cranked up. And Mart's Mutant Mod, to make it more dangerous. And there are dedicated horror mods for it. If you think of these games as American towns... then Fallout New Vegas is 1920s Chicago, and Fallout 3 is Sunnydale.
  7. The only schools in Mojave Wasteland are in Lake Mead. That said, home-schooling can be just as good and even better at indoctrination.
  8. Are you going to start a new game? Yes: Best to reinstall all your mods, using Wrye Flash installer feature, to put them all right. And don't forget to check for updates. No: Back up your entire Data folder, move it, then copy-paste it into the new install, without overwriting anything. There will be no conflicts.
  9. Morrowind is good, Skyrim is OK and Oblivion is OK. However with mods Oblivion is decent. I find Skyrim certainly very impressive visually, but also very monotonous - it's one awesome landscape... one. All the same everywhere. And visuals aside, it's like watered-down Oblivion, which, with Oblivion being watered down already, isn't good.
  10. So you don't have a script already? Then just add an Actor Effect, in Effects specify DamageHealth, in Conditions there GetRandomPercent < 20, for 1 in 5 seconds. It's that simple. It will work on a per-frame basis, and essentially per-second. I've used it before, it does work, the whole effect doesn't disappear.
  11. Well, where would you rather be - a hospital or a casino? There will always be some clinic with Dr.Wapanese outside the walls.
  12. Timescale has no effect on gameplay. Also, you must mean 1 per second. There are two methods: 1) Use a script that checks for conditions and getrandompercent, then applies the effect if conditions are met. It's simple and it works. 2) I know an explosion works for radiation; it might for damage as well. More tricky.
  13. That wasn't quite the impression I got - there are two ways to complete the quest. And if you look at other chapters, they do change quite a bit. Anyway, don't mean to argue. Just saying that I see Mr.House choosing to put up with BoS over losing the Courier, his only sharp tool at that point, while for NCR or Caesar's Legion the Courier isn't even remotely as important.
  14. That line was in the works, cut out from the final game. There are other ways to keep a faction under control than complete elimination. Getting the Courier in charge eventually, for instance, to change the policies. So I see that line potentially working out. Legion and BoS don't mix at all, in either case. Legion is half-finished in FNV, they planned to have legion lands, the whole nine yards, but left it for later and never came around to it. So it left represented as mooks, like the Enclave line in FO3.
  15. oHUD is a good one. It comes with own instructions: 1. Deactivate Unified HUD (if used). 2. Activate Darnified UI. 3. Activate Project Nevada 4. Activate Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) 5. Activate all other HUD altering mods (see above list). 6. Activate One HUD (oHUD) *. 7. Activate Unified HUD *. So, just do that, and you'll be golden. Yes, deactivate everything and reactivate it in this order. You still need Unified HUD. You also still need Mod Configuration Menu, without it you can't control the HUD (or not as conveniently). You are using Project Nevada, no reason to remove it, so all you can skip is step 5. DarnUI is old, the creator kind of does that thing, half-finish a port of his UI mod and leave it at that... I guess Darn just isn't into FalloutNV as much as Oblivion. Still, DarnUI works just fine. It's not necessarily the best UI mod out there, you can check out others, MTUI, Revelation. I personally use DarnUI this time because I don't care much for it, just wanted a UI that's usable.
  16. Strictly speaking, the modern consensus on Nuclear Winter theory leans towards considering it exaggerated. We kind of ran a medium-scale test... burning Iraq in 1991 and then again in 2003. That showed cities burning with less smoke and ash falling out quicker than expected. In recent years the views have changed away from outright denial, and it's considered a semi-likely scenario. Still, a long 30-year Arctic-like winter is not going to happen. It depends heavily on how many bombs are dropped, but, overall, the more likely outcome is a decade of reduced temperatures, but not to the point of overwhelming plant extinction. What would hinder plantlife is radiation. In the most unexpected of outcomes, Chernobyl managed to damage the forests more than it damaged the wildlife; turns out that trees aren't resistant to radiation at all. But radiation decays, and in some time the invasion of plantlife would happen. Would it happen as over-the-top as in the show? I think not. It really bummed me that the show focused too much on tropical and subtropical areas - if these are so repetitive, they could take a look at colder regions, Canada for one. Thanks for the tip - will have to try and find it. Although it's perhaps skewed in its own way. I actually like the aesthetics of Fallout, it would be too much like "Oblivion with guns" if they went all realistic on it. Mostly it's Fallout 1 and 2 though that got it right. The issue developed when they let too much time pass between War and Fallout, and then between Fallout and Fallout 2. I think something like 2120-2140 would have served Fallout better, and then 2170 for Fallout 2. And the first real mistake was when in Fallout 3, instead of going back on the timeline, they went forward; too much forward. The world of Fallout 3 is something like 20 years after the War, you can still find edible food and usable supplies around, and it's all old world. In Fallout, you already had new buildings... Shady Sands, for one. In Fallout 2, it's actually harder to find old buildings than new ones: Klamath and Den are the only all-ruin towns still standing. Vault City, NCR and new San Francisco are 100% post-war built, New Reno is a restoration, Modoc, Redding and Broken Hills are mixed. In Fallout 3, you should have quite a lot of new construction, but instead you have just one enormous Junkyard. New Vegas could fix the situation, but, sadly, they largely just reused old meshes. This is the part of new Fallout aesthetics I don't like: they lack the sharp contrast and diversity, characteristic of Fallout 2.
  17. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7eWZRHJjXu8/S-mYWCfoSvI/AAAAAAAAEGk/y9CSwl2yQRI/s400/-History_Life_After_People_Ep101_Image_019.jpg Tied to the topic of "Nuclear apocalypse in real life", but with a more specific twist. Have you seen this show? If you are a Fallout aficionado, you should. Some of it is available freely on History Channel website. Like Fallout, it deals with a "what if", specifically what will happen to the world, mostly US, if all people were gone. Not exactly a nuclear war scenario, but very close to it. In a real-life nuclear war, only a modest percent of the populace (Cold War estimates were less than 30% in US and less than 10% in USSR due to its lower urbanization and compulsory civil defense system) would be killed directly by weapons and their effects. Most would die considerably later as a result of social collapse, starvation, ongoing warfare, a lot of other things. Cities wouldn't be leveled, as a general rule, and you don't need to level a city to make it uninhabitable - a modern city without power, water and sewers is a deathtrap. They would have to be abandoned, leading to the show's premise. Now, the show has different views on what happens next than Fallout does. If you have seen it, or once you have seen some of it, what are your opinions? Do you agree with the show, or do you find it to be skewed in its own way? What impact does that have on your perception of the Fallout universe? I personally find the show's focus on environment regeneration a bit too optimistic, and a little too restricted. A lot of places look much more post-apocalyptic after a few decades of abandonment, without much vegetation other than the occasional small tree on a building roof. Perhaps it accounts too much for global warming, when it shouldn't, or maybe it doesn't apply to a nuclear war large enough to cause a nuclear winter - what are your thoughts?
  18. C:\documents\<username>\my games\falloutNV\ usually. <username> is your windows username. Or just open My Documents.
  19. I just don't see it to be honest... Legion and BoS are probably two of the most polar opposites you can find in Fallout universe. Alignment-wise they rank as Lawful Neutral and Neutral/Lawful Evil, and these two are always mortal enemies. NCR and House are realpolitik characters (Neutral Good and True Neutral, perhaps), but not the Legion or the Brotherhood. I can see House choosing to tolerate the Brotherhood if you force his hand, telling him that killing the Brotherhood would include killing you, and him being somewhat reasonable and you not being indispensable he could take that. But the Legion doesn't take ultimatums, and you don't hold any influence, not really being anything more than a very good Frumentarius to it.
  20. NVSE is separate. FOMM is separate. NVSE, then FOMM, then install PN using FOMM, then add WMX Support.
  21. Making the game hard while realistic is not easy... especially if you're playing a sniper. The thing is, a good sniper can be raking up kills by the dozen in reality, and since the game has no simulation of wind and bullet drop, you become a nigh-perfect sniper by just grabbing a gun and raising your skill a bit. If it's difficulty you're after, it's best to DIY in GECK. I could give you the mod I made early on for own enjoyment that cranked it up, but it's from when the game was just released and will ruin any other mod, so I don't even use it myself now. One thing I did was remove healing from everything; even Stimpaks would only recover health at 1 point per second. And were made rare as hell, like they were in Fallout 1 and 2. You had to go to the doctor if you had more than a scratch. That really made a lot of difference in how the game plays; you might not get hurt more, but you feel it when you get hurt. There is a mod, called smth like Harder Hardcore, that does half the job, stims you need to do yourself. Another thing to do is to crank up damage to player through editing Body Part Data. It's quick and easy, customize to your liking. Finally make the weapons less accurate - edit the settings that control accuracy at high condition levels (50%+) to make it worse. Don't touch very bad weapon conditions as used by NPC though. And the Alternative Repair System from Project Nevada is a must. It makes repairing weapons more realistic and not such a breeze. So you don't need 1000-hitpoint enemies to have the game difficult. Just identify what parts of the game feel like a cheat, such as easy healing, easy weapon repair (Fallout 3 was better at this!), weapons being too accurate, and fix them. It makes the game feel a lot sharper and more involving, aside from being more difficult.
  22. If that's your biggest gripe with Skyrim, honestly, I'm happy for you. I have what people call "a gaming rig", and got 60fps out of Skyrim in most places even with cranked-up settings (except Shadows=high, never use Ultra). But it's not the requirements that are a letdown. Don't defragment EXCESSIVELY, and don't defragment SSD. Don't trust programs that promise to "optimize" your SSD. Other than that, you should defragment. Once a year is minimum. Once a month is good. Diskeeper would be better if it was free. So just do it monthly. Skyrim likes SSD, so does Windows, keep that in mind. However, new video or CPU will always be better for game performance than SSD.
  23. With Steam, they have to be. Without Steam, you could carry around your game with mods and saves, but still have to install the basic game first. Although... if you can install Windows XP on a flash drive as live-boot (you must have a mighty one to even think about loading FONV there) (I think it's legal if you own WinXP retail), then you can install Fallout there, Steam or no Steam, boot from that drive and play.
  24. Do you have DarnUI installed? You probably removed the fonts, or didn't install the fonts.
  25. I think there is no solid solution. Try reloading an older game, it may work. This can be fixed by disabling all mods (no exceptions). If it still doesn't work, your game is ruined. Reload an older game, and/or reinstall the game and reinstall the mods. If disabling mods help, try enabling half the mods, if it works enable half the remaining mods, if not disable half the enabled mods... till you get the culprit.
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