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Everything posted by fuiery

  1. Hi Tannin. I originally wrote this in reply to another users post in another section but i thought that it might be a good idea to paste a copy here to see what you think of the idea for NMM/New UI and just in case you missed it. ***** For a feature suggestion i wouldn't mind seeing if a system could be implemented where not only could you see if a mod has an update available like you can now but you could also select certain mods or all mods that can be updated, hitting a button and NMM downloads, overwrites and updates them for you. This way you don't have to open the mod page and click the download link on the newer version or update every time. Keep in mind though that users should still take the time to read the mod page to see if there might be any newer incompatibilities, changes or instructions. As an extended feature maybe also have an option where NMM deletes the previous version/s of particular or all mods you have downloaded and updated previously. I wouldn't make this an automatic set feature though, some people might get annoyed with it. It may help with not racking up multiple downloads of the same mod and taking up more space of peoples hard drives.
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