The way I interpret it (as Reneer said we all have our own opinions) is that: if it is just a compatibility patch (no real changes, just makes it work with other mod) and still requires both orig mods, you can post with credit/links to orig mods. (still nice to send a pm to author(s) letting them know in case they do have a issue) If it adds/changes content (even if the author is gone/banned) you need permission to post whether it still requires the orig mod or not. (especially if it does not require the orig mod as that is considered a remake) The 3rd option is to build it yourself from scratch giving cred to orig as inspiration (example: X author's armor mod is no longer compat and they are banned. DO NOT use their assets, instead make your own version with your own assets and give a shout out to the orig in the description. also state clearly why it is so similar and that is is done from scratch.) Also look at the permission posted in their mod, some say you can do whatever you want, some say ask first, some say no to everything. If they allow in posted perms make sure to include a copy of that line on your mod.