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Posts posted by ReaperTai

  1. Hello


    Have been searching through posts and Bethesda/online to see if there is a way to see only the 1 external cell in the CK. I am looking at a spot to possibly build a settlement but believe it may be a intersection of cells. I am looking for a way to either highlight/border/etc the cell in question or to only show that cell and not the ones next to it. Have seen some info about not seeing the stuff in other cells but I am more concerned with the actual edge of the cell. The area(s) I am looking at have lots of stuff around them and I don't want to mess up anything just because I touched the corner of another cell.

  2. Lateraliss is right about the snap to grid. You can also adjust how big the grid is. The default was 16 units when I started, switched it to 8 for finer placement (have seen at 1 in couple videos). It still wont just pop into place like in game but allows you to slide them into place on same grid. The best vids I watched to learn were from nukamage.

  3. Sadly I will be at work but look forward to hearing the audio version after.


    @Elianora- Congrats and keep doing what you do. Never let people turn you off of something you enjoy. You are one of the authors that inspired me to learn.


    To the haters - Is there really any benefit to anybody saying somebodies mod sucks/needs to be completely diff/not fun/etc. These are the kind of comments that make great artists leave and cost all of us better content/gaming experience. I have been using mods for over 4 years and I only leave suggestions for improvements or bugs or praise. Do I get upset if told no to a suggestion....no I don't. Because it is their vision not mine. Sometimes the authors agree it is a good idea, sometimes they don't. Ultimately it is their call if they want to change something or not. Bugging them or saying your mean doesn't help your case. Not saying you have to be all yes sir/ma'am but at least be decent about it. All of the authors I have talked to over the years have been decent with me because I am respectful and decent with them. Also keep in mind many of the great authors mods have been stolen before ready (yes this has gotten better but the damage has been done) and complaints directed back to orig author and all kinds of bull****. IMO many have a right to be upset about the treatment they have received after providing wonderful free content for your game.


    Learn to do some of it yourself is great advice. Even if you never make/publish a mod check out some of the tutorials and see the hoops authors have to go through to make that mod you just griped and moaned about. I did and ya know what, it made me want to make my own mods just because people like Elianora and NukaMage and many others have taken the time to make these wonderful mods AND wonderful videos telling all of us exactly how to do what they do. And they do all of this for...wait for it...FREE!! IMO the only people that have an excuse are the ones on a old pc that cant run CK/fo4edit. And that still doesn't excuse being a dick about something you didn't make/pay for (donations don't count).


    As to race/culture - personally I don't care where ya from, rude is rude. I live in the US and yes many countries don't like the US. Guess what....unless you go look at what country they are from you wont know and then they are just people. Not european/american/chinese/german/etc but people. People who enjoy the same thing you do, playing these games and making them better. When people ask me where I am from I say earth. If we as people can get by these stupid racial stereotypes we could be living in a star trek universe instead of the days leading to the war that created the wasteland.


    In short, don't be a dick about something you didn't make/buy, read the description/posts and take a couple hours to learn something before posting bad crap about other peoples work. or at least don't post it, it serves no purpose and costs the community great authors. Support don't criticize. And as said before, ya don't have to like them but at least respect them for what they have done.


    Just my 2 cents and some food for thought.

  4. So I am trying to do something similar but using whole floors instead of cages. Doing a 2 floor bunker and want to put a cat on top floor and robot on first floor but don't want them to leave their areas. in this case the cat is to stay in the residential part (2 rooms) and the bot is to stay on whole first floor (3.5 rooms and some hallway atm). BUT I still want the whole place navmeshed for followers and dogmeat so the mini navmesh wont work in this case. Any suggestions?

  5. Looking for a mod that lets you add patrols that function similar to provisioners. Can set a route like sanctuary to starlight for example. A squad of like 3-5 soldiers that go back and forth keeping the roads safe.


    Alternately a mod that make provisioners more like trade caravans with 2-3 guards.


    Could be faction specific but was thinking more like settlement/player owned patrols so doesn't matter what faction you choose.

  6. I am just learning fo4edit lol.


    Only reason I am posting here is I dont mind helping people test things. Was part of the growing settlements mod helping design the settlements and have recently been helping Hozsa testing his buildable sanctuary stuff and it got me thinking that while I am still learning the basics for making mods I am a thorough tester and can put just about anything to the test in most situations. Willing to test with mods I dont normally use as long as dont have to restore my pc to factory afterwards (kinda kidding but will try combos for bug report type things/attempt to recreate bugs). Not really worried about lessons (would be nice since starting to learn) or credit (nice but not needed), only giving back to the community that has helped me have more fun for the last few years.

  7. The Mercenary Pack (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20088/?) has a sweet B-90 suit (cant wear anything else body wise but looks bada**) and a few other nice bits.

    FCO (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20317/?) and UCO (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18489/?) I just started using these but show a lot of potential for some cool outfits.

  8. Cool idea. If you are referring to the 35 power fusion id say thats about right, the 100 power one would be like 35k or more. The turrets should be a bit varied based off of type. The mg one should be "fairly" cheap since is easier to get stuff but say a laser one should be expensive. Workbenches could also have a tiered price, the crappy chem station and the big desk like one, or the wireframe weapons or the actual bench style. Say like 1000-1500 for the crappy one and 2500-3000 for the bigger/nicer one.


    You could even make a special shop for it "only place in the comonwealth to get these" type thing.


    As to my perks/etc...well im a massive settlement builder so I always invest in perks to build with, even over damage/survival perks.

  9. Hello yall,


    Some of you may have seen me floating around the nexus, others not. Im a mod user since 2012 but never learned to make mods. After reading this thread I just wanted to chime in my few cents as a user not a maker (which it looks like most of yall are).


    First..the flattery...Thank you all for all the wonderful stuff you do. Without yall these games would be nowhere near as fun. Im sure ya dont hear it enough with all the demands us users make on yall.


    Second..the sadness..It pains me to see we lost another modgod to stupid twits and thieves. As one of the legit users we feel the pain and im sure it only pressures other modgods (ethreon for one, how many mods are you maintaining now lol). It truly does hurt the community i have grown to love as a whole.


    With that out of the way, I do fully agree and support the modgods in their right to remove their stuff and have started my own perm storage of mods since DDP pulled all his down (love the animated well he did). Having been around through a few games I can see the effect recent issues have had on the community. Modgods have had to get a bit more "rough" about all the badgering/requests/suggestions/demands. Personally I try to say thanks/endorse/kudo every mod in my perm collection and never take offence if told no to a suggestion. As a result of some of your works and a few comments here n there (some at me, some at others) I decided to start learning haw to make my own mods so that someday i will be able to contribute more then comments and playtesting to this wonderful community


    As to paid mods I think crimson said it best:

    "If paid mods ever come again, I honestly won't be putting a price tag. I don't even want to think about dealing with the hassle of entitled brats who think they own me because they paid for something. Not to mention paid mods would kill the modding community."

    Again thank you for all you do. Know that there are many of us out here that truly appreciate it and that you inspire some (ok a few) of us to actually learn. **bows head and backs out of room**

  10. I use this one as well. I started a permanent storage file of manual downloads for the mods i liked after few went missing. Still use NMM to install but keep a manual of the really good ones in diff directory. Usually running bout 120+ but have maybe 25-30 in my perm storage. However that is one I missed before starting to save, only the active in NMM.

  11. Hello everybody,


    Some have you have seen my name around, some not. I'm not a modder yet but am learning slowly. I know there has been alot of bs with theft and just general annyoance and requests...just pressure overall on many of the great modmakers, or modgods as I call them and they know who they are, I wont list them out. Heck we all know who they are.



    I just want to say thank you. As a gamer I thank you. As a learner I thank you.


    From what I read in posts (alooot of posts) some of yall seem to be getting a little...whats the word...tired..I think that fits. Please know that there are many of us out here that really enjoy the work yall have put into these wonderful mods and the videos and chats to help us learn to do more.


    Just felt yall might not here it enough compared to all the other crap. My 2 cents.



  12. Last night i tried to recreate to get better shots. I couldnt, even after few hours of jumping round. My current suspicion is a combination of the combined stuff the were discussing and a couple outdated mods that got caught between updates. i had removed settlement mods few days after vault-tec came out so could play game and since have updated many mods. Its possible that a shrub or some grass or something was still attached to one of the combined things they were discussing and the engine compensated by loading other attached items. Or something like that anyway, its feasible in machine terms. Decided to keep sanctuary vanilla for this playthrough, it is fun building it around the stuff there but have reloaded all the other mods i had and will see if happens again. If does ill get some better shots and copy load order n such to see if can track down. Again thx for the help.


    Slightly diff topic but i have a post in mod talk asking about custom esp. Is a big message so will put link here, i would appreciate any input ya can give. Even some links to good tutorials would help.



  13. Ill read arthmoors stuff again but if bethesda changed the exe and how settlements work doesnt the mod need to be updated to the new style? I was never blaming the mod authors, actually was blaming bethesda for breaking a working system (or at least partially working). The mod in the pics is the sancuary redone buy silhouett. i dl it to get screenshots but have tried over 20 diff mods in diff locations all with same result. basically at this time i can only play with vanilla settlements, had to wipe a game with over a month of playtime cause it destroyed all my settlements (yes i had mods on every settlement). one of my fav parts of FO4 is the settlements, love building them. will spend a week sometimes just working on 1 settlement making some crazy/cool fortress. but apperantly i am the only one having this issue so ill just deal with the vanilla stuff till whatever it is works its way out. i really do appreciate you trying to help.

  14. yes i understand that. these mods have been working for months and now they are not, something has changed. i actually did a complete reset, wiped NMM and fallout4 and started from scratch with only 1 settlement mod and it still happens. this leads me to believe the post i saw about changes to settlements cells and it seems to be messing with mods that change settlements.


    http://imgur.com/LgvcIzt -before

    http://imgur.com/ktDxvmF - after fast travel

    http://imgur.com/pKnsLG0 - after fast travel


    this same thing is happening in every settlement with every mod i have tried, and i started just trying every mod even ones i wouldnt normally use, so far at least 20 diff mods all with same result.

  15. not exactly merging esp but pulling pieces out of one into another. its not 4000 mods but 4000 build items in maybe 5-7 mods. same example i gave, alternate settlements has 20 foundation pieces i only want to use 3. want to copy those 3 into my own mod. this should allow me to cut down on conflicts by having all the pieces i want in 1 mod, allowing me to alter id's and such to have less conflicts. same thing as weaponsmith extended that you dl the file and disable the esp but make the weapon at crafting station.

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