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Posts posted by ReaperTai

  1. This may have been brought up before but are way to many posts to search through.


    I am trying to create a "my stuff" esp so i can consolidate some of the build items into a single esp.


    I have figured out how to use fo4edit to make a personal copy of a 10mm edited for few stats and it got me thinking. I build settlements for fun and use alot of mods like SOE and HM and BS etc, was wondering about pulling items from those kind of mods and making my own personal mod for the pieces i want from them. For example....alternate settlements has 711 items, the foundation piece under floors has like 12 diff color combos, i only want 2-3 of them. if i just dl orig for assets, enable then disable orig (after copying ones i want), enable mine will it use all the orig stats/mesh/scripts/etc.? If it uses a custom script injection like HM or BS will it appear in same menu or a vanilla menu?


    I am not trying to steal or anything like that. I fully support and love all the wonderful peeps making these mods. I simply want to cut down some of the clutter in my menus. Combine all the mods i use and im prob over 3-4000 new items in menus, and only use maybe 3-500 of them. This is a personal mod and would never ever be uploaded or shared with anybody.


    My eventual goal is to learn to use inject script to make a "My Stuff" menu option with all the bits and pieces i want from others mods so that i only have say 1000 items instead of 4000.


    I think many would like to learn to do this as well and would be useful to the community.


    Any help or pointers in right direction would be much appreciated.



  2. first sharlikran, thanx for responding. however my issue isnt shadowy or blurred images, it is actually reloading the orig settlement over what i have there. everything is crystal clear and solid as a rock. it literally loads every blade of grass/tree/pebble/etc from vanilla settlement back into the game not just a blurry house here n there. it may be a similar issue but its defiantly more pronounced then the images shown in your link. even if i go into vanilla sanctuary and disable a house, next reset it is back.


    edit: i had already uninstalled all my settlement rebuild mods before 1.7.9 and just tried to recreate the issue after and it appears the new version may have fixed the issue as i cant recreate it yet, will leave mod installed n see if comes back.

  3. Since update 1.6.x i have been having the orig settlements imposed over the new settlement every time I fast travel/cell resets. Its a full version of orig buildings and all not a shadowy one. Only way to fix is to quit to desktop and restart game but after first reset its all back again. I have already tried cycling disable/able, uninstall/install, LOOT, FO4edit inspection (not really a modder so may have missed), manually moving to high and bottom in load order. Have had to completely remove settlement rebuild mods in order to play game and would really like to get back to my super towns so any help is appreciated.


    Anybody else having this issue?


    I read somewhere they changed the settlement cell setup in the update and suspect the mods that rebuild settlements will have to be rebuilt/updated to reflect this. If any info on this id like to hear it.

  4. ive been having issues with the spotlights (the wall/floor mounted not the tripod) not projecting light, they just light up like a table lamp. it may be due to a mod like homemaker/etc (i use alot of building mods) but rather then trying to figure out which of my 90 building mods is messing it up and wiping out many hours of building i figured a mod that resets back to the orig vanilla values for spotlights would be easier. have searched forums and mods some but cant find any other reference to this prob (admittedly after 2 hrs of searching through forums my brain is jelly).

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