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Posts posted by abborre

  1. As part of a wacky system I'm trying to cobble together, I ran into this hiccup.


    I've got a Perk that adds an Ability, and the Ability has a Constant Value Modifier effect that modifies a custom actor value.

    The Perk also contains a Mod Spell Magnitude entry, that is supposed to help govern the magnitude of the Magic Effect in the aforementioned Ability, cuz reasons. Only, I can't get it to affect the amount of the actor value that gets modified by the Magic Effect. I just get the base magnitude, even if I try to modify it with an entry from another perk.


    Is there some really basic principle that I somehow haven't understood? Can Ability Magic Effects not be modded like I want them to, is there something wrong with the flags somewhere?


    The Ability Spell:

    • Flags: Manual Cost Calc, Are Effect Ignores LOS (the ability also handles cloak effects)
    • Type: Ability
    • Cast Type: Constant Effect
    • Target: Self


    The Magic Effect:

    • Flags: Recover, No Duration, No Area
    • Archetype: Value Modifier
    • Casting Type: Constant Effect
    • Delivery: Self
  2. So we can plant trees, we can sculpt the terrain, so how about being able to place large stone formations, from boulders, to large bodies of rock, to mountaintops?


    I think something like this would be very useful if you for example wanna build some kind of tunnel underground, or make your structures blend into the environment more. So let's get discussion going about it.


    Exactly how would this work? Clearly, "building" a enormous slab of rock can't cost the same amount of stone as you'd get from quarrying a normal rock of equivalent size, because there's no way you could fit that much stone in your inventory without being overencumbered. So the player-made rock formations would have to be a lot "cheaper". So if they can be broken through with a pickaxe, they should obviously yield little to no stone, to keep it consistent.


    Another question could be what kinds of requirements for this sort of thing, should it require some special tool with it's own build menu, or should it require some unusual resource to help separate it from normal stonecutting?


    Also, would it be overpowered? Like, if I made 4 different Plains-type megalith pillars and just build a giant castle on top of them, would that be unfairly useful? Maybe kinda, but that would require a lot of resources and effort, and there are other ways to make very secure bases, so it doesn't seem like a huge problem.

  3. I'd like to have a propper explanation to this as well. I understand at least the bare basic usage of the "LLKC - Filter Keyword Chances", you can put a keyword and set the "chance" to 100, and that means that for the item(s) in the Leveled List Entry(ies), you will get an item that uses one of its object templates that matches that keyword. But what if you add multiple keyword filters? Does that mean that the item template you get randomly matches one of the keywords? How does the percentage chance work on multiple filters?


    And also, can you put a keyword filter on one LLI, which references a different LLI, which contains a weapon, and get the object template for that weapon matching the keyword from the first LLI?

  4. Ok so I created a legendary omod and I have my custom rifle. But how do I combine them together?

    You could attach the mod object to the item ingame by using "itemRefID".attachmod "omodID". If you want to create a custom object that spawns with a particular mod, you´re going to have to look up how "object templates" work. Just google "Fallout 4 Creation Kit Object Template" and you´ll probably find a tutorial or something. Mind you, this should only work for items that spawn in the world after you´ve done the edit, items that are already in your game won´t automatically get the mod object.

  5. Is it possible to add or even remove forms from a FormList through console command? It's possible to find particular FormLists through the help command, provided they have actual displayed names, but is it possible to actually manually edit them in-game this way? I tried simply typing "<FormListID>.addForm <itemID>", but that didn't work. Is there some similar way to do a thing like this?


    Also regarding keywords and weapons, I've had trouble adding keywords to weapons in-game. When I drop a weapon I can click it or use "getplayergrabbedref" to get its RefID and use the ".addKeyword" command to add a keyword, and I can use ".hasKeyword" to confirm that it has the keyword. But when I actually equip the weapon and re-type the ".hasKeyword" for that RefID, the command does not return 1 or 0, it returns nothing at all, not even an error, as if the weapon doesnt have the same RefID whilst it's in my inventory or something. And when I equip the weapon and type "player.wornHasKeyword" I get "0", but if I then drop the weapon again and check the dropped weapon for the keyword it returns 1 again.


    Is there some "right" way to apply keywords to weapons with console? Or to edit FormLists manually? I really only need an answer to at least one of these questions to solve my personal problem, but answers for both would obviously be great.

  6. I have a particular issue where I want an effect of a perk form one mod to NOT apply to certain weapons I use from other mods. Instead of creating a net of dependent mods and conditions, what I figured I'd do would be to attach a condition to this particular effect so that it does NOT apply when the weapon being used has a certain special keyword. The idea is that I could then use Console Commands in-game to simply add that keyword to weapons I don't want to have that effect. It's a crude solution, but I also think it could be quite satisfactory for my needs.


    Problem is, I'm testing out the idea of adding keywords to a weapon in-game, and it doesn't seem to be working like I thought it should. I drop a weapon, grab and hold it in front of me, open console, select the weapon(which doesn't even work half the time unless I reload a save). With the weapon selected (I use Better Console - F4SE to make sure I selected the right item) I type:

    "addkeyword <keywordID>"

    I then type:

    "haskeyword <keywordID>"

    and the console returns "1", confirming that the item has received the keyword I put on it. But when I then equip the weapon and type:

    "player.wornhaskeyword <keywordID>"

    the console returns "0", meaning that the weapon is not actually registered as having the keyword I put on it whilst I wield it, meaning that this method won't work for my idea. I'm starting to think that weapons don't have the same ref ID when in your inventory as they do when they're loose in the world.


    Does anyone know why this is, and how I could achieve the idea I'm going for? Do I have to get the "in-inventory" version of the weapon object, and if so how?

  7. I seem to be having the same problem in Fallout 4. I'm making a mod that includes a perk with a really crazy combat hit spell that has a whole host of effects on its target. Problem is, the character I intend to use it on already has a perk from another mod, which applies a bleeding damage combat hit spell to all their attacks, and this is apparently taking precedence over the spell I'm trying to apply from my own mod. I could solve this by removing the bleeding damage perk from my character, since I'd rather have my hit spell, but the hit spell in my mod only actually gets used when wielding a certain weapon, so it would feel like a bit of a shame to remove the bleeding damage perk just to enable my own htispell for this particular weapon, and lose out on all the bleeding damage for all other weapons. So is there some way to simply give the spell in my mod "higher priority" than the bleeding damage spell from the other mod? I tried setting the Priority property in the perk entry for my perk to 100, hoping that this would ensure it overwrote the apply combat hit spell in the perk from the other mod, which has priority 0, but it made no difference. Do you know any trick for giving one perk a "high priority" compared to another?

  8. The whole point of the Fallout 4 apparel system is that you can combine and layer outfits and armor pieces. So just put on a vault-suit fo your choice and throw some leather armor or metal armor pieces or whatever on top of it, and the result should be pretty similar.

  9. A limitation of the Fallout 4 crafting system is that you can't craft multiple different items in the same recipe, nor can you actually see how many instances of an item a recipe makes. One solution to this can be seen in the mod Horizon by Zawinul. In that mod, when crafting multiple items at a time, you instead craft a dummy item which is would be named something like "Ammo Pack - 10mm (20)", which then has a script that removes the dummy item from your inventory when you craft it, and replace it with 20 10mm rounds. That way, by having the actual quantity of the final items in the name of the dummy item, you can actually see how many items you're about to craft.


    So what I'm wondering about would some sort of resource mod that has a script like this that other mods can use as a master file. Just a simple, generic mod that adds useful scripts for this (and maybe other similarly useful things) as general mod utilities, that other mods can then have as a requirement on which they depend so that they can use those scripts as well.


    The simplest, most flexible way to make this work would probably be to make a dummy item that can exchange itself for a leveled item, that way you could set the leveled item to add multiple new items, include random chance and level conditions, etc.


    If a mod like this exists, i'd be happy to know about it, and I'd be even appreciative if someone made it in case if doesn't, I think this could be a useful modder's utility for lots of people.

  10. I always thought the effect for the plasma flamer barrel was really lame (don't get me started on the ammo inefficiency). It looks like a hose of flat, green steam, with no real pattern or contrasts or glow or vibrancy to it. It's also very unsatisfying that it doesn't really do anything when it hits something, it doesn't splash against surfaces, and it doesn't do anything visually to targets that it hits.


    So I think it needs some overhauling, ideally give it a more distinct, plasma-like pattern with more contrast to the spray, work in some shades of lime green and blue-green, make it glow a little. Make it actually have some kind of impact against surfaces, or at least give it some sort of appropriate shader effect that envelops target enemies when you hit them with it.


    I had a go at doing some of this myself, but I mostly just encountered weird results were nothing really seemed to work, so I'm going the lazy rout and seeing if there is someone else more suited to do it.

  11. I've long been thinking that it would make sense for some weapons to only apply effects such as bleeding damage, poison damage, etc if the attack in question "pierces" the targets damage resistance. Becuase if your poisoned weapon can't propperly pierce through the targets tough armor, then it makes sense that the poison effect shouldn't happen.


    So what I'd be interested in playing around with would be a weapon enchantment that makes the attacks have additional effects if and only if the attacks do a good enough job of making it through the damage resistance. I imagine that would be done by somehow comparing the potential damage your attack would have done if the target had no damage resistance to the amount of damage actually inflicted, or perhaps by somehow getting hold of the Damage Coefficient calculated in that particular attack. Or maybe one could compare the damage your attack dealt with the amount of damage resistance the target has. The result would then be used in some sort of condition to determine if the armor should be considered "pierced" or not, which could then potentially trigger additional effects, such as extra poison damage, radiation damage, etc.


    But as you can probably tell, I don't really know how one would go about doing something like this. I've tried rooting around the Creation Kit trying to reverse-engineer similar effects to see if I could figure out some way I could get a hold of the values I need. I tried looking at the "ReflectDamage" effect hoping that it would allow me to figure out some way of learning how much damage a particular attack dealt, but that didn't get me anywhere.

    So how would I do this? Could it be done entirely in the basic Creation Kit? Or would it require scripts? Is there some smarter approach to get similar results that I haven't even thought about?

  12. I would very much like a mod like this. I've also been thinking it would be cool if the player got increased radiation resistance the more irradiated they were, so that the more irradiated you get, the more difficult it is to irradiate yourself more, unless you have a radiation source strong enough.

    Another, more complicated idea would be that the player could have a cap on the ammount of radiation they can receive per second, and some percentage of radiation points that exceed that threshold instead gets turned into energy damage. That way, you still have to watch out for sources of radiation that are too intense, especially gamma weapons, so you still have to be careful in certain locations or around the CoA.


    Also, if you were going to play as a ghoul, you'd want some of the perks to be overhauled:

    • Lead Belly - If you're a ghoul, getting LESS radiation from food isn't that useful, so instead you could rename this to something like "Radiation Retention", and have it decrease the rate of radiation drain.
    • Rad Resistant - Decreases the negative effects of irradiation
    • Ghoulish - You get more bonuses from high irradiation. Feral ghouls become more likely to be friendly.
    • Solar Powered - Renamed to "UV Rad", you now become irradiated simply from being out in the sunlight.
  13. I know this is an old-arse thread, but whatever. I've been toying around with and writing down ideas for how one would potentially do some sort of mod worthy of a propper Great Khans character playthrough for a while now, so I 'm gonna see if I can raise this thread from the dead, here are some of my thoughts (a lot of them):


    First you'd need the aesthetic. Porting the armors from FoNV would be easiest, but it may need a bit of detail added onto the texture to not look terrible. As for the legality of doing so, I don't actually know. Alternatively, someone would have to make GK armors from scratch, or approximate it by mashing up and re-texturing existing game or mod assets.


    But just an aesthetic on its own is kind of pointless, so you'd probably want an actual GK faction of some sort, that can be interacted with and which has presence in the world.

    One question is if the GK would be right in the the playable Boston area, or if they'd be in their own worldspace, either "right next to" the vanilla map, or maybe relatively far away, in the territories that seem more close-to-home for them. But it'd be kind of weird to put them somewhere geographically distant like that one dead Wyoming mod project wanted to to at one point. So I think you'd want them relatively up-close, so you feel you could conceivble travel abck and forth, and so that you can buy them ahving an investment in what happens in Boston and vice versa.

    Regarding where on the map they should be placed/what kind of new world-space you'd want for them, giving them some sort of rocky, cannyon-ridden HQ would seem like a nice throwback to FoNV, but maybe giving them open plains would be more fitting, since they're supposed to be based on the Mongols? But putting them in a more confined space would be more tactically realistic, because in open areas you'd want more long-range firepower and support(more akin to a conventional military). Since the Great Khans tend to be more of a band of rugged thugs that like melee and short-ranged weaponry, it'd make way more sense for them to be in a rocky place more akin to like Red Rock Cannyon.


    Presumably, if you were going to mod in the Great Khans, you'd want them to be a joinable faction. You could maybe use an alternate start mod and then assume you're already part of the GK, but ideally there would be some sort of quest to join, since you're probably playing as the Sole Survivor pre-war widowed parent character. According to FoNV, joining the GK requires some kind of test involving getting severely beaten up by GK members for a minute. There could probably be multiple ways of implementing this, or you could just substitute it for a ritual brawl, or some sort of challenge that toughness, strength and speed, presumably whilst not wearing too much fancy armor.


    What kind of pressensc would this GK faction have in the world? Would they be invaders? Would they be settled? Do they farm? Do they have a stable society? Would they need custom building model, maybe even new settlement mechanics? Are they looking to somehow take over other settlements? Would have to strike some sort of balance between what's practically realistic, and what is necessary for the faction to feel interesting and engaging, impactful, etc.


    Regarding the question of what they'd need to have in order to feel like a worthwhile faction in the game, I think they'd need to successfully pull off at least one out of these 6 things:

    1. They could be involved into the main quest somehow. That sounds like it'd be complicated and awkward to do practically speaking, and it'd pretty much have to mean they'd have to be given some political position in regards to the synth question, which isn't something I imagine they'd really be especially concerned with. I guess they'd dislike the Brotherhood, Institute and maybe even Minutemen, but that's not very interesting dramatic motivation.
    2. They could be involved in the settlement system in some impactful way, maybe you'd have to conquer settlements for them or something? I don't know how easy/difficult that'd be to implement. Or maybe they'd have interesting special settlement objects? If so, what?
    3. They could serve to introduce some sort of new gameplay mechanic, to make them more attractive to be part of. Maybe they could be bikers or something(more on that later)?
    4. They could have some well-made quests to get you feel involved and engaged with them.
    5. They could grant access to new and attractive gear. This would require a modder who can actually make suitable pieces. And what would it be? Scimitars would be interesting and fit the mongol theme, but may be a bit underwhelming. Some kind of pistol? Break or pump-action shotgun? Some kind of SMG or PDW? Not very revolutionary, can't think of anything obvious for them that'd really be worth getting excited for. I guess bows could be kind of fun and fitting, but it's presumably out of the question.
    6. They could have really good NPCs, maybe a voiced companion or two.
    7. They could simply be aesthetically, culturally, societally and even philosophically fleshed-out to the point where they feel like they have a meaningful identity worth being part of because it may suit your roleplaying.

    Speaking of which, I'm not really sure exactly what the GK would be like culturally. It's maybe because I'm only really familiar with them in FoNV, but I'm a little unsure what they're really about. Most of what I know is that they like Mongolian aesthetics, they make/trade/use chems, they raid/pillage/enslave, and they have this rough, violence-focused survival of the fitest ideal of strength and whatnot.


    So I guess this means they're basically raiders? Or at least I think they used to be in Fallout 1 and 2, they I get a sense they're more defensive in Fallout NV. Problem is, we already have a set of raiding/enslaving factions to join in the Nuka-World gangs, so making the GK too similar to that might be a bad idea. They probably wouldn't be above raiding, but maybe it shouldn't be the thing that defines them.

    But then, if they're not really raiders at this place and/or time, I'm not sure what would really bind them together as an identity.

    • As far as I can tell, the only reason they had the Mongolian theme to begin with is because they like to pillage, without that, there's nothing thematically for that aesthetic to tie into. The Great Khans don't really seem like empire-builders to me. They're not really nomads or herders. And they don't ride horses, or anything equivalent.
    • Then there is the whole warrior/general violence-glorification thing. I guess that makes sense if they're really brutal raiders, but if they aren't, the warmongering would instead have to be based on some really serious ideological or nationalistic fervor, which I find a little difficult to really imagine how they'd motivate on a large scale and over a long time. They seem too brutish to be inclined to build some glorious nation, and they're not authoritarian enough to force themselves to do so, like Caesar's Legion.
    • Then there is the whole chem thing, which could at least be a reasonably interesting faction theme. But I don't see how it really ties into the whole Mongolian theme or warrior thing in any clear way.

    So they'd need some sort of theme to be centered around, that can tie together their other traits, some kind of lifestyle that makes them culturally attractive. Of course, you could just bring back the whole raider thing, but there is already competition in that faction market, and frankly I find it kind of difficult to get that excited about being a destructive, murderous, slave-driving douche-bag. So what else could you have them do?

    • Maybe something productive like being farmers or herders? A little lame though?
    • Maybe they could have an artistic thing going, maybe they play music or something? The band "The Hu" comes to mind. But that seems like a bit of a filmsy thing to center their culture around.
    • Or better yet (going back to what I mentioned earlier), they could be bikers! They already look a lot like bikers, and it could serve as kind of post-apocalyptic equivalent to the horse-culture that defined the Mongol Empire. Honestly, this is the direction I like the most. Question is how it'd work practically. Well, there is one mod that I've tried out a little bit that adds motorcycles that work sort of ok-ish. But the bikes don't seem much use for fighting, and you've got to either go relatively slowly, or risk wizzing past all the various locations you're meant to interact with, if not out-run the world's ability to load the land as you go. I also don't know how feasible it'd be to make NPCs use the bikes on their own. Another possible, simpler approach to the biker theme would be to simple make some sort of bike-based fast travel system.


    You'd probably want chems to be a fairly prominent theme in the faction. Maybe the GK would grant access to chem recipes for chems that aren't craftable in vanilla Fo4? Maybe they would grant access to buying and crafting new types of chems? Or maybe they give access to stronger variants of chems. Another take could be that they give larger scale chem recipes that make it easier to produce lots of chems, but which have more complex and interesting recipies?


    Regarding what quests they could have, some ideas are:

    • Fight monsters.
    • Destroy enemy groups.
    • Destroy enemy encampment.
    • Single target assassination(with optional shotgun approach).
    • Allied defence.
    • Ambush enemy.
    • Take settlements.
    • Run chems from point A to B. Problem here is that it'd risk being just a fast-travel quest.
    • Escort chem-runner.
    • Find chem customers - visit locations and talk to possible buyers until you find one who is willing, or until you pass some kind of speech check.
    • Make/find shipment of chems.
    • Gather resources (specific kinds of junk, ingredients, food, etc)

    Yeah, that's probably all my thoughs about this idea. Maybe someone will like some of my thoughs? Though, even just hoping someone will even bother to read all of it might be too optimistic...

  14. I think the story for Fallout 4 regarding the whole thing with your son being older than you and having grown up to run some shadow-organization is decent and interesting, but when you role-play different kinds of characters, it's not always the kind of story you want.


    Sometimes, for some kinds of characters, it doesn't really fit them to have an arc that involves weird emotional drama about your natural son being a 60yo mad scientist, or to have to confront weird metaphysical questions about whether or not a synth-recreation of your kid can be considered your kid.


    So here's what I propose, a mod that changes a scene or two, and chops a lot of options out of the main story and resets expectations, rather than your son being taken 60 years ago, he was taken only 10 years ago, as you were at one point lead to believe, he's still a natural-born human being, kept at the Institute, and you've got to save him, like you thought you were going to do.


    I'm thinking something along the lines of the story being unchanged up until the "Institutionalized" quest. When you find child Shaun, the room he's in may have to be re-designed. Maybe he would still refuse you believe you're his parent, or maybe it would be possible to convince him you are. Either way, as you're talking, you get interrupted, synths storm the room. Once you dispatch them, the room gets locked down, you're separated from Shaun, and you have to escape.


    I guess the whole thing was some kind of trap to catch you for your DNA or something, or to kill you to replace you with a synth, it doesn't matter exactly why. The "Father" character could either exist only as a voice trying to lure you into the trap, or could be cut from the story altogether.


    Presumably, there would be no way to join the Institute in a story like this, nor any way to infiltrate it for the Railroad, so you'd have to do the Minutemen or Brotherhood branch of the story from there.


    Once you've stormed the Institute, "Father" would presumably just not be there. You get to re-unite with child Shaun, who is never implied to be a synth, he'd be presented to you as still being your natural child. Maybe you'd have to try again to convince him you're his parent, or maybe we'll just assumed he "figured out" that you were telling the truth in the meantime, doesn't matter too much.


    That's a rough overview of the idea I have. I think it's a way to re-write the story to be a dumber but more straightforward "rescue your kid form the creepy bad people" story, which may suit certain role-player more, without being completely impractical. I don't think it would require mountains of location-reconstruction, crazy scripts and quests, or massive re-mixed dialog trees, etc, so it's something I hope could be reasonably doable, if someone with the talent was to agree.


    Feel free to tell my your thoughts on how a story re-write like this could be improved. Are there any writing or logistical problems I haven't considered? Thanks for reading any maybe considering my ideas.

  15. Melee in Fallout 4 is pretty clunky and it will generally subject you to a lot more frequent damage, which makes it especially unviable in Survival mode. So I have been thinking of a relatively simple way of hopefully making melee less hazardous, whilst also keeping it somewhat fair. Preferably this would be added in the form of a new perk, using the LevelUpMenuEx by Neanka mod to allow for the insertion of brand new perks. The perk I envision would look something like this:


    "Payback (requirement - Str: 4, End: 4, Lck: 4) - When unarmed/wielding a melee weapon, 50% of the health damage you take from ranged attacks gets add to your "Payback Health"(new variable). Payback Health is capped at a number equal to 30% of your max health, and decreases at a rate of -5 points per second. 50% of all damage you inflict on enemies using melee/unarmed attacks redeems health from your Payback Health pool as real health points."


    The idea is that rather than melee making you passively tougher or allowing you to regain health for all melee kills, this system would insentivice quick retaliation for any damage you take, because the sooner you're able to strike back after receiving damage, the more of the damage you took you'll be able to shrugg off. You die just as easily whilst charging the enemy, but as long as you can start dealing damage quickly, you'll be able to compensate for some of the damage you took earlier, and keep dampening the damage your receive, but only if you can keep dealing as much damage as you take. Thus, I think it'd make melee more viable whilst still demanding performance from the player. Of course, it may have to be balanced a bit.


    Thanks for reading.

  16. I like the idea of domestic robots, and I like the look of the Mister Handy, but the iconic thruster sort of ruins it for me. It's frankly silly to have a robot fly around with a passive thruster, and it just feels really out-of-place and hazardous in a domestic environment, I don't want to see a flaming thruster blasting it's way through my crops that I've set the robot to tend to. So if there's anyone with the right skills to create such a thing who agrees with me, I suggest there should be a mod that either replaces the Mister Handy Thruster with some sort of anti-gravity-motor-looking mugguffin, or alternatively a mod that adds such a part as a "leg" modification at the Automatron Robot Workbench, so that anyone can chose to outfit their own robots with that instead of the thruster.


    I get this is not exactly a small request, since it'd require a new modelled part to be done justice, but hopefully there are other's who feel as I do. I personally still think the gravity-motor ough to stick to the Fallout aesthetic though, I'd prefer it not be some high-sci-fi-looking thing with black finish and a bunch of complex gemoetric nonsense built into the design or inexplicable LED-looking lights, but I guess beggars can't be choosers.


    Edit: Here's a sort of concept art picture I made, partially to give some rough idea of what I'm going for, but also so I feel like less of off a dick requesting someone else make a fancy thing for me. I consider this a way of showing that I care, I just don't think I have what's needed to do the project myself, but I'm not just gonna make a request and lean back.4906848-1551380830.png

  17. I think this would be neat, but even if it worked, I'd be kind of scared that it'd eb incompatible with Horizon, since pretty much all mods that alter survival mode seem to want to override each others. So preferably, this would be a feature that can work independently of if you're playing survival or not, seems like it'd work better that way.

    Though, on the other hand, I would like it if hypotheriam survivalism was integrated with the other survival features. For example, freezing would probably make your character hungry faster, since you're burning more calories. If you're sick, it'd probably be extra important to keep warm. So I'm not sure how I'd want to done in that regard.


    Either way, it'd probably have to be quite the project, at least if anyone was to do it justice. You'd have it implement a bunch of technical details and probably overcome problems in order to get the mechanics of exposure to work, make sure that different weathers actually give exposure correctly, make sure that there are ways to protect against exposure, and ways to recover from exposure. Would ideally include some kind of camping mechanic.


    One thing I guess we do have to start with is that Fallout 4 actually have a resistance type for cryo damage(the damage that is dealt by the Cryolator), that I assume works simiarlly to how radiation resistance work. If there was some way to make the hypothetical cold exposure mechanic work with this value the same way, that would be quite fitting, since you would ignore more of the cold, the higher your resistance level was compared to the cold. So in a way that mean there'd be a certain amount of protection beyond which you'd get diminishing return for a given level of cold, so you only need to dress yourself in enough cold-reistant clothing that you're mostly protected for the kind of weather you're expecting. And you'd be able to upgrade clothing through the armor modification system to prioritize warmth over protection.


    I guess if someone wanted to be really, really ambitious with this mod idea, they could also implement it into the settlement system, make it so you can only grow crops in greenhouses and so that you have to build electric heaters and bonfires to keep your settlers warm. But that's probably overkill.

  18. I just can't quite bring myself to take seriously and respect the scavenger characters you encounter in Fo4, both on set locations and during random encounters. On paper it makes sense, they guard their loot, they warn if you get too close, but in practice, they feel very volatile, unreasonable and aggressive to me. Like, do I have to casually slaughter these poor dickheads just because I stepped too close to some arbitrary invisible barrier? It just makes them feel like aggressors, and stupid ones at that, which sort of erodes my empathy for them and conditions me to just treat them as another enemy type, which isn't really what I want to do.


    So I'd rather they had a more civil feel, maybe it could be possible to make it so that when scavengers spawn, they turn all the junk in a certain area into owned items? That way it'd feel less like this nebulous line you have to waltz around like you're trying not to spook an animal, and more like you're both reasonable people who can agree on what is and isn't ok. Show me what loot you think is yours, and I'll probably agree not to cross you.

  19. So, we have mods like "Female Robot Textures":


    , but that doesn't really allow you to "play" as an android. So I'm wondering if there is any mod that really lets you function like a robot in the game, or if such a mod could be made.


    I'm thinking:

    Probably no passive heal.

    Probably no consumption of food, chems, beverges or normal healing item.

    Healing done through robot repair kits, or other such appropriate items or maintenance procedures.

    Power consumption instead of the normal Survival Mode needs. Possibly some sort self-cleaning mechnic as well, were you'd use items like purified water, cloth, oil, anti-septic and acid to keep your parts clean and smooth as you adventure, or you might suffer from rust and such misfortunes.

    No normal Survival Mode diseases, but perhaps other conditions, like software or hardware problems?

    Appropriate levels of resistance/immunity to radiation, fire and poison.

    No drowning hazard, but perhaps being in water would have some other detremental effect, like doing "poison" damage?


    Well, those are some of the ideas I have in my head, a bit chaotic perhaps, and it's probably a bit more extensive than what most people would feel is necessary, but I'm just giving you an idea of what I'm thinking of. I'd be grateful if someone could point me in the direction of any mod that does at least some of these things, or that has a different take on the same thing. Or you might agree that we need a mod like this, and make it yourself. I don't think I'd be up for the task myself.


    Tanks for reading!

  20. I have a solution to your specific issue, but I also have a an unsolved issue of the same kind. If you go to the Files section of the Survival Options mod, there is a patch for Survival Stats Widget


    So that may solve your problem, if you still have it, or if you still care.

    Problem for me is that the mod Horiozon also uses its own HC_Manager script, so what I need is a version of the HC_Manager that accomodates both Survival Options, Survival Stats Widget and Horizon.

  21. well , what you are asking for is that mod authors add the quantity at the end of the recipe name , when it's not 1


    I don't know what you're talking about. Recipes don't have names in Fallout 4. Recipes had custom names in previous Fallout games I believe, but in Fallout 4 they only have IDs that are not visible in-game. All you see in-game is the name of the item produced, the ingredients and the requirements.


    What you might be thinking of is how the author of Craftable Acids And Adhesives did it, but that concernes Junk items. For example, in that mod there are several recipes called "stinger acid" which all have quantities besides them. But that's not the recipe name, it's the ITEM name, the author made separate junk items to represent the different craftable quantities of acid you got from different recipes, the diplayed quantity is part of the name of the item you make, representing th number of units of acid that item contains, it's not part of the recipe name, because recipe have no names visible in-game.


    This is no use when the items in questions are things like amounts of ammunition. The only way to make that work within the current system would be to make you craft special dummy items which had names containing the number of items they represented, which were scripted to exchange themselves for the item sthey represent once in your inventory.

  22. I don't know if what I'm asking here is impossible or simply way more than anyone has the skill and motivation to do, but I for one am really bothered that I don't actually get any indication of how many items I am making when I'm viewing a recipe on a station such as the chemistry station. Back in Skyrim, there was a pair of parentheses besides a recipe that produced more than 1 item, in which it was shown how many items the recipe will produce.


    Of course, most recipes in the game only make 1 item at a time, but some recipes added by mods don't, and I'm personally planning on making my own mod where knowing how many items each recipe produces will be absolutely essential.


    Thus, I really think a quantity indicator in recipes like we had back in Skyrim is needed, so I guess it falls to modders to pick up the slack whenever Bethesda takes steps backwards for no discernible reason. At least assuming it's realistically possible, I can imagine that it might not be in this case, but I'm testing my luck by throwing out this request anyway.


    Or maybe there is some sort of quantity indicator somewhere that I have somehow managed to miss, in which case this whole affair will be quite embarrassing for me.

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