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Posts posted by abborre

  1. So, building a defensible settlement is fun, it makes you wish you got to really TEST those defenses.


    So what I think we really need is a mod that allows you to manually trigger attacks on specific settlements, including setting how severe the attack should be.


    So far, I haven't been able to find a mod quite like this, simply increasing the amount or severity of all attacks really isn't what I'm looking for, I'm hoping to be able to mess around with the difficulty of the attacks and push my settlement to the limit when I feel like, without having to deal with super-heavy attacks constantly.


    I guess the ability to chose what kind of enemy faction should attack your settlement would be neat as well, but that's not very crucial.


    If anyone knows of a mod like this, or has suggestions on how I might otherwise approximate this, your feedback is appreciated. If anyone goes ahead and makes a mod like this, that'd obviously be realyl cool.

  2. Ok, so in Fallout 4, weapons do no longer magically reload themselves when you switch back to them from having used another weapon, which I kind of like, but it's annoying when you're in a hectic situation and you pull out your shotgun only to realize you haven't reloaded it since your last fight.


    Therefore, what I think would be useful would be a mod with a script or something that automatically makes all weapons in your inventory reload themselves when you exist combat, so you don't forget to do it. It wouldn't be cheating, since it would only work out-of combat, so it wouldn't allow you to earn valuable time in-combat, all it'd do is make sure you don't forget to do it when you have the time. Could this be done?

  3. So, I though Weapons of Fate (Ballistics Overhaul) by Seb263 was pretty cool, although I have an idea of an addition that could make it even better.


    What if the range statistic of your weapon gave you a boost to the projectile speed of your weapon? That way you could get pretty, slow-moving, visible rounds for short-range weapons where the projectile velocity doesn't matter as much, but long-range weapons such as a hunting rifle would have much less latency before the projectile reached its target, making it easier to use for precision shots, which would be convenient.


    Aside from being convenient, this would also give an incentive for non-V.A.T.S. players to prioritize giving their weapons upgrades that increases range, such as long barrels, and going without muzzle mods, because having high range on a weapon could now be useful both in V.A.T.S. as well as outside of it, since it's easier to hit with faster projectiles, so it could be seen as a way to improve game balance.


    I imagine this would be in the form of a kind of patch or add-on to the Weapons of Fate mod, and I suspect it wouldn't be extremely difficult to make, although I could be wrong.


    Anyway, thanks for reading and perhaps considering my idea.

  4. I think there was at least two mods for Skyrim and one for Fallout New Vegas that made it so that you could actually see your own body when in first person mode, and this also included the ability to remain in first person when you otherwise wouldn't, such as when interacting with certain objects or when ragdolled. I wouldn't mind seeing a proper mod like that for Fallout 4. I'm surprised the Fallout 4 mod community isn't more keen on catching up with the mods available for previous titles.

  5. One of my most important mods for Skyrim is BYOG - Balance Your Own Game by Athyra. It's a straightforward mod that allows you to customize various attributes of your character, such as attributes, attribute regeneration, damage with various types of weapons, buffing/nerfing various types of magic, movement speed, prices, experience rate, etc, for the player character. It can be used to buff an nerf yourself for role-play purposes, to make leveling up easier when you want to start a new character quickly, or to compensate for undesired effects from other mods.


    I find the mod very useful, and I would love to have a similar mod for Fallout 4. If you know of a mod that might be what I'm looking for, please leave a link here.


    In case such a mod does not exist, but someone feels like making it, I'd personally prefer it if it was made to use the Mod Configuration Menu, so that it doesn't rely on consumables/holotapes in your in inventory, and so that the interface is easier to use.


    Here are some examples of options I can think of that could be useful to have in the mod, if someone was to make it(in no particular order):

    • Modify the rate at which you gain experience.
    • Modify your max health, either by an absolute amount or percentage, or maybe there could be options for both.
    • Modify your health regeneration rate, either by percentage, absolut value/second, or both.
    • Modify your Action Point pool, by percentage, absolute value, or both.
    • Modify your melee damage.
    • Modify your melee attack speed.
    • Modify your unarmed damage.
    • Modify your unarmed attack speed.
    • Modify your energy weapon damage.
    • Modify your damage with ballistic guns.
    • Modify your carry weight, by percentage, absolute value/second or both.
    • Modify your ranged accuracy.
    • Modify your ranged accuracy when aiming.
    • Modify your recoil(apparently there are many fctors to recoil, and I'm not really sure what the difference between them are, someone else might know better what additional options might need ot be here.
    • Modify your recoil when aiming.
    • Modify your semi-automatic rate of fire.
    • Modify your movement speed.
    • Modify your prices.
    • Modify your fall damage.
    • Modify your radiation resistance.
    • Modify how many percent weak or resistant you are against ballistic weapon damage.
    • Modify how many percent weak or resistant you are against energy damage.
    • Modify how many percent weak or resistant you are against explosive damage.
    • Modify how many percent weak or resistant you are against melee damage.
    • Modify how many percent weak or resistant you are against unarmed damage.
    • Modify how many percent weak or resistant you are against poison.
    • Modify your radiation heal rate.(so that you can passively lose or GAIN rads over time if you so choose)
    • Modify the effectiveness of your armor(so that worn armor has more or less resistance).
    • Modify your sneak effectiveness.
    • Modify your persuasion effectiveness.
    • Modify how durable your limbs are.
    • Modify your limb heal rate.
    • Modify your compass range for enemy displaying enemies.

    Aside from that, I guess there could be modifiers that concern things like VATS accuracy, but I don't even use VATS myself, so I'm not one to give suggestions. I guess you could probably include modifiers for aspects of survival mode. You could probably think of more modifiers that would be useful to include.


    Anyway, thank your for reading and perhapps considering my suggestion.

  6. Nexus really should have some feature for "supporting" mod requests, so that you can clearly mark which mods you think should be made. the Amount of "supports" a mod request had recieved would then be a better inidcator for demand than something like thread views or replies. But since we don't have that, I'm just going to leave a reply saying I would like to have a mod like this.


    EDIT: By the way, I personally think that if a furry race for a Fallout game is made, the most fitting species to base it on would be a rat, in my opinion. I'll post a copy-paste of my reasoning on this topic from a previous discussion:


    I think that rats would seem more at home in the world of Fallout than something like foxes or wolves. Not that wolves or foxes don’t exist in the Wasteland, I’m sure they do, but they(particularly foxes) are more associated with the green forest, with fables, they almost have more of a fantasy kind of association going on. So something like a canine race would probably work better in the Elder Scrolls than in Fallout. The stories of Fallout don’t actually have a much more civilized setting than that of the Elder Scrolls, thus wild nature is a big part of both the worlds. But what separates them is that Fallout is still associated more directly with our modern world more so than TES, I think that things in Fallout have to feel more familiar than things in TES have to, and people think of foxes and wolves as something separated from civilization. That’s a reason why I think rats work better, because even though Fallout doesn’t actually have much civilization left, we still feel as if though it’s closer to civilization in some sense, thus urban animals fit better, I think.


    Fallout is also more dystopian than TES, whilst TES has its fair share of monster, that world is supposed to feel pretty and peaceful in a way I don’t think the Fallout world does. The wasteland is filled mostly with unpleasant creatures and ghastly mutants. For that reason I think that rats fit in there better than something like foxes, because whilst they are hunters, foxes do have some positive associations of being uplifting and somewhat likable, whereas rats are again more associated with a lowly and terrible kind of world. The nasty human traits we tend to project onto rats would help them fit in better with the scavengers and chem-junkies of the Wasteland, better than other critters.


    Rats are also associated with adaptability, scavenging, and an unclean living, which matches the wasteland pretty well. They’re also associated with experimentation and deformity, so accepting an anthropomorphic rat might not be as hard as accepting an anthropomorphic canine.


    Rats are also more capable of bipedalism and using their paws for manipulation than most animals, another reason why anthropomorphizing them wouldn't be as jarring, relatively speaking.


    And finally I also think there’d be a kind of very fitting poetic irony to there being human-like rats in the Fallout Wasteland. Rats are seen as the lowest of vermin, living beneath our proud civilization. However, with that civilization destroyed in the world of Fallout, we have thus in our folly destroyed that which made us feel above the rats, so changing rats to be more like humans would serve as a kind of symbol of our new status. The ascension of the animal would help emphasize the downfall of man.

  7. So, I found some pretty cool Warhammer 40 000 related pictures of guardsmen in gothic-looking plate armor, and thought it looked really cool, even in combination with more modern-looking weaponry.

    Picture 1

    Picture 2

    Picture 3

    So maybe someone'd be interested in making something like that for Fallout? I'd definitively be interested, and probably lots of other people would like it.

  8. So I was going to make a build based on the CROSS Jetpack, strafing over people raining death on them, etc, but I noticed a slight problem. It turns out that in Fallout 4, when you're in 3rd-person and in mid-air(be it from falling, jumping or jetpacking using that mod), your character does not actually point their weapon at the atual spot you're aiming. Instead, your character allways points their weapon slightly upwards, regardless of if you're aiming up, down or forwards. The shots still hit the intended target, but if I want to fly over an enemy and fire down on them in 3rd-person, it'll look like I'm shooting forward, which looks ridiculous and breaks immersion. It works better in 1st-person, but that's not as fun.


    So yeah, that's a problem I've noticed, and I haven't heard anyone else discuss this issue, so maybe it's just not something that enough people care about, but I'm trying ym luck with bringing it up here anyway. To be honest, I don't expect anything to be done about this, since I have a suspiscion that whatever limitation is causing this is probably not something that can be easily worked around. But I'll make this post anyway, on the off-chance that someone happens to have whatever knowledge might turn out to be required to fix this problem, and cares enough to do so.


    Thanks for reading.

  9. I made a mod like that for personal use once. I made a plugin that used the Camfire mod as it's master, then I created recipes for the on-the-go crafting system included in Campfire. These recipes were used to convert various vanilla game ingredients into portions that worked as food. For example, I think that I had recipes for combining 3 red, blue or purple mountain flowers into an item called "Mountain Flower Bouquet". I then used the RND ability to asign nutrition to food items on these items.


    However, the mod was something crude I threw together for personal use, it's probably not something that I'm going to upload, but maybe someone else feels like making use of the concept.

  10. Ok, so this is an idea I have. What if there was an enchantment that made it so that when you aimed with a bow or crossbow, or when you used the "Eagle Eye" ability, you got a kind of magical effect that indicates where your shot is going to hit?


    The way I imagine this could maybe work would be that when you aim/use Eagle Eye(whichever condition is deemed best), the enchantment makes the weapon fire a series of silent and invisible dummy-projectiles, as if they were shot by the weapon, for as long as you're aiming. These projectiles would have to have the same ballistic trajectories as the actual shot that you're about to release, such that they will hit the same spot that you would hit if your released the actual shot from your bow/crossbow. These dummy projectiles would not harm, stagger, provoke or alert enemies in any way, all they'd do is create a small, visual magic effect on impact.


    I assume you're catching on to my idea by now. Basically, these dummy projectiles would passively fire a few times per second, and since they'd have the same trajectories as the shot you have loaded, they'd in theory act as an accurate prediction of exactly where your own shot will hit, giving you a "laser dot sight", except it's like a laser dot that actually predicts the trajectory of your shot.


    Since unlike most weapon enchantments, this would not actually be an offensive enchantment that applies to your attacks, it might be that this enchantment should be unlimited, with no need for recharging. Or you could make it so that the charge of the enchantment drains when the dot sight is activated.

    Also, if someone wanted make this more intricate, you could tie the magnitude of the enchantment to the speed of the dummy-projectiles. That way, if the enchantment was done by an enchanting novice and/or with a weak soul gem, it would take longer before the dummy projectile actually reached the target you where aiming at, making it so that the dot-aim-indicator-effect(whatever you want to call it) "lags behind" a little, limiting its use in fast aiming. Whereas if the enchantment has high magnitude, the dummy-projectile velocity would be such that the dot effect would almost perfectly follow where you were aiming, with no noticeable delay, making it more useful for quickly targeting opponents.


    Anyway, I thought this was an interesting idea if nothing else. Looking forward to your thoughts. Thank you for reading and perhaps considering my idea.

  11. Yeah, we really need something like this. What would be absolutely ideal would be a plugin for SkyUI, that made it so that enchanted items had an additional icon, indicating if the enchantment is known or not. That way you would always know whether to loot/buy an item for disenchanting purposes disenchant, or if an item you already have should be sold or disenchanted, without needing to check some long list of ambiguously named known enchantments. I don't think it's a trivial request, but I'm certain it'd hit the Nexus hot page instantly, because it'd save everyone a lot of trouble.

  12. I have a character based on the Driinkiin race mod, who is something of a guardian of nature kind of guy, and as such, I thought it fitting that he'd run around in his loincloth pretty often.

    (Yeah, this was pretty much just a disclaimer to clarify that I'm not interested in this for fetish-reasons.)


    But unfortunatly, running around wearing neither armor or enchanted clothing does not work that well as a playstyle, at least not if you're not stealth-focused, which this guy is not. So therefore I humbly make the request/suggestion of a perk that would help make wearing neither armor nor clothing more of a viable playstyle. I'm not looking for something that gives me bonuses similar to armor whilst not wearing armor, I'm mostly interested in a wider range of more subtle bonuses that seem at least somewhat fitting.

    Here is the concept for a perk that I came up with and have formualted thus:




    You gain +X% to experience gain, critical hit chance, block protection, healing spell magnitude, armor flesh spell magnitude, max stamina, health regen, and magicka regen, as well as -X% to sprint stamina cost, and critical damage taken. Enemies ranged accuracy is reduced by –X%. X is 0, but for each slot head, arms and legs where you’re wearing clothing, X is +=1, and +=2 if you’re wearing nothing at all on that slot. For the torso, X is +=2 if wearing clothing, and +=4 if wearing nothing.



    I guess the perk would be in the light armor skill tree.


    Again, note that the perk as I imagine it doesn't grant any really impressive bonuses(since X will at most be 10), but it grants a wide range of subtle advantages. Also note that I want it to increase experience gain, so that you're incentivized to be naked, not just because it's viable, but because it benefits you in the long run, establishing a habit.


    Also note that I don't imagine it to work on a simple boolean condition, rather the effect of the perk grows the less armor you're wearing, and grows more still the less clothing you're wearing, so much of the effect may still be there if you equip a or two, making it more forgiving, and potentially useful for someone who simply like going with their head uncovered, or something like that.


    I'm aware that my formulation of the perk amy be a bit too optimistic, the idea that a perk could reduce enemy accuracy is not something that I know to be easily doable, since I've seen no other mod dynamically do such a thing. I'm not necessarily asking that someone make this perk exactly like I described it, maybe you could change the effects around to be more realistically or easily doable, or make the conditions work in a different way, if you feel you should/need to. I guess beggars can't be choosers.


    Anyway, I'd be happy if someone could make something like this, or could link me to something somewhat similar. I know there is a nudist perk tree mod on loverslab.com (that site is nsfw, in case you don't know), called StreakerPerks, but it's not quite what I'm looking for.


    Thank you very much for reading and perhaps considering my request.

  13. I'm looking to make a character build based around the Bloodskal blade, a weapon found during the quest The Final Descent(Dragonborn DLC). As you probably know, the weapon has a unique enchantment(if you aquire the weapon with console command, the enchantment probably won't even work) that shoots red magical projectiles when you power-attack with the weapon, but the enchantment only does 30 damage, and would not be considered very strong at higher levels.


    I play with Perkus Maximus, which makes it so that there are 5 additional variants of the bloodskal blade, those being "Refined Bloodskal Blade [Greatsword]", "Reforged Bloodskal Blade [Greatsword]", "Reforged Refined Bloodskal Blade [Greatsword]", "Warforged Bloodskal Blade [Greatsword]" and "Warforged Refined Bloodskal Blade [Greatsword]". So my plan was to make it so that the enchantment was stronger depending on what version of the blade you had(except the warforged version, because that version already has the Warforged enchantment). I was imagining something like:


    Vanilla damage: 30
    Reforged enchantment damage: 40
    Refined enchantment damage: 50
    Refined Reforged enchantment damage: 70


    (Maybe the range of the effect could also scale to some extent?)



    The problem is that the Bloodskal Blade enchantment is kind of tricky, I took a shot at doing this myself, but I ended up having no idea what to do. Somtething to do wiht the way the enchantment is built on scripts. I think I can change the damage of the enchanment alright, but I don't know how I'd make different versions of the effect apply to different versions of the weapon. So if anyone else could create something like this, or give me good instructions/links to instructions on how to, that would be much appreciated.


    Of course, the reforged/refined/reforged+refined versions of the weapon are actually custom-generated when you run Patchus Maximus. Because of this, I don't actually know if it'd be possible to make a plugin that alters those files which can also be used for someone else's loadorder, since those files are dynamically generated, thus they may have differences that I'm not aware of and don't understand between users. I'm not really sure. In that case, maybe it could be solved by making alternate versions of the PerMa type weapon variants which worked and were crafted the same way, but had scaling enchantments, or some other workaround.


    Anyway, thank you for reading and perhapps considering my request.

  14. I think the key to this entire problem is to realize that the lore of the wood elves is absolutely ridiculous to begin with, and the only response is to ignore the lore, or invent a more sensible head-canon version of it.


    Honestly think about it, wood is the best material for building houses, crafting things, making temporary shelters, as well as fuel for fires which can be used for warmth, light, cooking, crafting, medical purposes, and blacksmithing, most of which are things where there are no good non-plant alternatives. Wood is a relatively cheap and abundant material that can be harvested on the spot, without necessarily needing a bunch of transportation. Same goes for all the various plant based things you can gather for food and other purposes.


    I'm not saying you couldn't make a society without harming plant life, but given how the ecological pyramid works, this puts a massive restriction on the size of that society. If I buy that the Green Pact is a thing, then the Bosmer society should be insignificant compared to other Tamriel factions, especially with the ridiculous restrictions on technology and infrastructure that would be forced upon them by their unwillingness to harm and use plant-based resorces, and the lifestyle restrictions that come from that(nomadic). This is probably not the kind of society that's going to have the economical capacity to afford importing foreign wood into their nation, even if their home wasn't a crazy overgrown forest where transporting timber should be a massive pain in the behind.


    Why are they even doing this anyway? Why are they agreeing to this massive restriction? What possible reward could be worth this insane lifestyle? What threat could be worth going this far to avoid? Wouldn't they genuinely be better off burning the whole forest down and farming instead?


    Anyway, I think Bethesda should retcon the Green Pact for a much more reasonable version of the concept. It could be that they're allowed to take from the forest, but they're not allowed to cut it down en mass, nor would they be allowed to conduct agriculture, so that they live on natures terms. They could be genuine omnivorous hunter-gathers who don't rely on farming. It could be that they have religious rules dictating how they're allowed to cut down trees, when they're allowed to cut down trees, where they're allowed to cut down trees, what trees can be cut down, what rituals must be observed before cutting down a tree, etc. Maybe the task of cutting down trees is viewed as so dishonorable and unclean that it's only preferred by a particular caste of oppressed woodcutters, who are seen as useful yet contemptible, akin to prostitutes.


    If done right, Green Pact could have been a piece of lore that sets the Bosmer apart, without making them too unrealistic and restricted, whilst also being a genuinely interesting piece of fictional culture. But instead we go this ridiculous piece of absolutist tree-hugger lore. It's lore so ridiculous that it's impossible to roleplay by, even in the games of the universe where it's supposed to be a thing.


    Why yes, I do enjoy over-analyzing things and ranting on the internet, why do you ask?


    My advice is to not try to RP to it, or to instead make up your own version of it and go along with that.

  15. I was somewhat surprised to find that there wasn't a mod that allowed you to access the Forgotten Vale location from the Dawnguard DLC, before doing it as part of the quest "Touching the Sky", which is otherwise the only way to access that location.


    So my request is for a mod that does precisely that, immersively allows you to visit the Forgotten Vale without doing the Dawnguard/Volkihar questline, by simply implementing some alternate cave passage. It could be something as simple as a cave entrance somewhere in Darkfall Cave or somehwere else in Skyrim, that takes you to Darkfall Passage, or some other area connected to the Forgotten Vale, without having to use Gelebor's wayshrine.


    Since this would be done without Gelebor or any of the wayshrines, it'd mean you wouldn't have the Initiate's Ewer, and would thus be unable to unlock the Chantry of Auri-El, but I'm personally pretty ok with that.


    My only additional (and fairly obvious) requests are that the mod does not interfere with one's ability to play the Dawnguard/Volkihar questline later if one so choses, in other words, it shouldn't interfere with the Touching the Sky quest. So for example, you could make sure that the spectral prelates do not appear/cannot be interacted with before initiating the quest, and/or whatever else may or may not be necessary. That, and the mod ought to be compatible with Atlas Map Markers, assuming there's any reason why it wouldn't be, or the Vale would be a pain to traverse, especially without the wayshrines.


    Thank you for reading and possibly considering my humble request!

  16. Just an idea I had, what if there was a special varaint(Bulk, Optimized, Max Charge, etc.) of the various energy ammo types that was "high-capacity"? I'm thinking it'd be a type of energy ammo that would increase the ammunition capacity of your weapon by something like 50% when you load them. They would probably not be any more powerful than vanilla standard-grade ammo, perhapps they could be 5% or 10% weaker, but it'd be neat a tactical advantage for someone who needed to sustain fire over a longer period of time, rather than just having high DPS or armor-penetration(in which case they'd use something like over charged ammo instead).

    Obviously, this wouldn't make sense to use in weapons like the gauss rifle(unless the ammo cap increase was 100%), and it'd be pretty immersion-breaking in the holorifle as well(since you'd magically be able to somehow fit more MFCs in it), but for most weapons this could be a cool option.


    An alternative way of doing this could be to attach some scripted effect to the ammo that gave it a 50%-something chance to replenish the used ammo when fired, like when using an energy weapon recycler mod. Converting other energy ammo to this variant would of course require more energy ammo to match the chance. This approach could be done simply by using the Ammo Consumed (Percentage): setting, but that would prevent you from getting drained energy cells to use in recycling.


    Anyway, if someone know a way of making something like this and feels like doing so, i'd presonally appreciate it if the mod was made with a compatability version for ECR Energy Cells Recharged


    if there was any potentail for conflict.


    Thanks for reading, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  17. I somewhat agree. But then again, why are guns and energy weapons separate skills at all? There are clearly many kinds of weapons of both categories, there isn't all that much that all guns have in common that doesn't apply to energy weapons and vice versa. In fact, I kind of think it'd be cool if both guns and energy weapons used the same skill, but that they still had plenty of perks (some of which would be simple buffs) that allowed you to specialize. Also, energy weapons could also be partially based on the science skill, as well as the ranged weapon skill. Well, Im just ranting.

  18. Lots of the items that can be found in the Divide fits in just as well in the Mojave, so why not integrate some of that that stuff into normal level lists?

    Weapons like bowie knives, flare guns, flash bangs, H&H tools Nail guns(as well as the nails it shoots), industrial hands, satchel charges and maybe shoulder-mounted machine guns would look decent in the Mojave wasteland. Probably not Red Glare, considering that's supposed to be the "signature weapon" of the Divide.

    Armors like the various riot gear variants could work, breathing masks and the US Army combat armor could work as well, as long as only they only appear on the right characters.

    Then there are the consumables such as auto-inject stimpaks, auto-inject super stimpaks and MREs.

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