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Posts posted by abborre

  1. I looked for a mod that adds a knockback enchantment for weapons and was suprised to not find any. I, if no one else, would appreciate having an enchantment to put on my weapons that gave them a chance to ragdoll and knock back an opponent that is hit. Not knock them very far, it doesn't need to look silly. Personally I would use such a mod for my big, strong characters, to imply that they can actually knock people away with their cheer strength, so I would prefer if the enchantment had no visual effect, not even a shimmer in a particular color on the weapon, but beggars can't be choosers.

  2. I really, REALLY agree that pickopecket needs a minigame, because for a game to be fun, it has to feel fair, it has to challenge you. And pickpocket based on chance is not a challenge, it's just gambeling. And also consider how the game punishes theivery failiures worse than it punishes DYING in combat. if I die in combat, I get to respawn as if nothing had happened and my character gets to boast about how many dangers he has faced and survived, eventhoguh in actuallity, he did "die" a few times. With theivery, getting caught has greater consequences than DYING, becuase you're forced to live with the consequences of being caught. So why would I want this consequnce to be dependant on pure chance? How am I supposed to feel that I deserve my failiures? How am I supposed to accept the consequnces of pure dumb missfortune?

    Though I really don't think it would be possible to impliment a brand new mini game into the game, technically speaking, at least it wouldn't be realistic. What I could imagine trying out would be an implimentation of the lockpick minigame for pickpocketing, you get one "pick" and if you get through, you get the thing, and if it breaks, you're caught. It would at least be better than a chance game, provided it was propperly balanced.

  3. I would love to see a mod that allows me to have the ability to strike multiple targets with one handed weapons as well. I'm currently playing a big, powerful barbarian-warrior character, I used the RaceMenu mod to make her taller than most characters and to make her sword look pretty big, but I didn't want her to be a two-hander, I wanted her to ahve a big sowrd and big shield. My problem is that I'm playing with PerMa, so had I made her a two-hander she could have gotten a perk that'd allow her to hit multiple tragets with every attack, but there are no perks that allow one-handed swords to hit multiple tragets, regardless of how strong my character is or how powerful her sword is. I'd really want a mod that allows sideways one-handed power-attacks to hit multiple targets, that'd be pretty much fair as far as I'm concerned.

  4. Having installed the elemental destruction magic mods I've started playing as a geomancer, but I have no fitting armor to wear or weapons to wield for her. So I figured I'd throw out a simple idea onto the Nexus on the off-chance that someone thinks it's an idea worth the effort of going through with.


    Basically I'm thinking about a set of armor and weapons made of rock, presumably based on the stalhrim gear from the Dragonborn expansion. I presume it'd be relatively easy for someone interested to retexture or recolor the ice parts of the armor so that it looks like an armor made out rock, stalhrim items already has the right rough, chunky, gnarly thing going on that they'd probably be easy to pass off as stone items by simply making the ice grayer and less shiny.

    I might've even tried doing it myself if I had any idea how to make standalone items.


    As far as I myself am concerned, the only things I really want for my own character specifically is really only heavy stone gauntlets, boots and a mace, so if all you want is my personal gratitude there is no point in making anything more than that, but if you like the idea I suppose it'd be cool if you made more than that.

  5. Well, but they have to be sleeping, and they can be at least somewhat dangerous. This idea is mostly for role play purpuses, to make vampirism a bit more interesting. It's not something I desperately want for myself, but I figured it was an interesting idea, worth sharing.

  6. One day I pondered what a vampire who tried to live a moral life would do and I figured they'd pay people to be allowed to drink their blood, thus living honestly. I then realized this could probably be made into a mod, a mod that allows you to persuade beggars to allowing you to feed on them, in exchange for money. It makes sense, since they are poor and really desperate to get enough money to surive, so if you pay them enough they could probably let themselves be fed on, if they where compensated enough that they could buy food until they had recovered, and some extra for the inconvenience.


    I just figured this would (hopefully) be a somewhat realistic thing to impliment, for someone interested and capable, while allowing vampires an alternative, less morally objectionable way to feed.

    I suppose adding a mechanism that makes sure that the feeding can only take place if no one else is around (such a transaction should obviously be made in secret) would be difficult to add, so the responsibility to not drink blood in public could be left to the induvidual role players.

  7. There is a SWF mod that adds a feminized werewolf model to add sexual dymorphism without showing anything naughty. Maybe there should also be mod that adds the suggestion of the male werewolves actually having their bits, without actually showing anything, it could simply be a slight bulge with some fur on it, suggesting that they do have something there, eventhough it isn't, nor needs to be clearly shown. I just figured some people might want their werewolves to look believably male without getting anything explicit. I'd probably use it myself (because why the hell not), but I'm not exactly begging for this mod either, but mabye someone likes the idea enough to do it.

  8. I support this idea. Right after the quest is done, all the creepy black smoke should go away, and soon after it'd be cool if pilgrims moved in and cleaned up the cowbes, corpses and rubble. Any serious overhauling to the tempel (new textures, redone structure or whatever) would probably be more work than it's worth, but adding some convenient corridors (so that the tempel is not just one long, linear, inconveninet dungeon, these corridors could eb covered by rubble so that thye are only avaliable after the tempel has been tidied up), useful equpiment and a living are and maybe a useable shrine to Meriria where she can be prayed to (giving you extra damage against undead or something)

  9. I have so far been unable to find a good convenient mod that overhauls jewelry crafting to be more logical and expansive.


    Studded rings should not be made from a gem and ingot, since an ingot could otherwise be used to make two unstudded rings. Instead, I think that studded rings should be made from the gem and an unstudded ring, that way no metal is illogically and unnecessarily lost.


    Flawless necklaces should not be made from an ingot and two flawless gems, since the necklaces clearly have one large and two smaller gems, thus it should be made from one ingot, one flawless and two common gems.

    Both of these are fairly easy changes to make.


    I also think that all combinations of metals and gemstones should be possible. It makes no sense that I'd be unable to craft gold and amethyst rings if I have a bunch of gold and amethysts.

    This should be fairly easy to make if you know how to create new standalone items with new textures, as all you'd have to do would be to retexture the old wings and just change the color of the gems.

  10. Years ago I downloaded a mod that split the "Transmute Mineral Ore" spell up into two separate spells, which I liked, but I then desided to build upon that mod and make transmution spells that allowed you to transmute every mineral in the game from some other mineral, as well as dual cast to transmute ingots, and also included spells for transmuting dragon bone. This worked well, but as it was technically based on someone else's mod, I never shared it. Now I've had problems with my game and the mod is gone, and my Creation Kit isn't quite working, so I figured I could throw the idea out here to see if by chance anyone else liked the idea(or at least parts of it) enough to create a similar mod for my, and hopefully the rest of the comunitys convinience. I found the mod very useful myself and suspect there might be at least a few who might agree.


    The idea: I think transmution should become major branch of alteration, that requires more spells and magicka to be used, but gives you more possibilities to earn money and aquire rare materials. All transmution spells for minerals should be dual-castable to transmute ingots instead of ore.

    List of spell I think should be made and their alteration tier, give whatever casting time and magicka cost seems fitting (if you actually make this mod, you're the one who decides, obviously, I'm just suggesting):


    Transmute Iron to Orichalcum (apprentice)

    Transmute Orichalcum to Silver (adept)

    Transmute Silver to Gold (expert)

    Transmute Orichalcum to Quicksilver (adept)

    Transmute Quicksilver to Moonstone (adept)

    Transmute Moonstone to Quicksilver (adept)

    Transmute Moonstone to Corundum (apprentice)

    Transmute Corundum to Moonstone (adept)

    Transmute Corundum to Malachite (expert)

    Transmute Malachite to Ebony (master) (requires ritual casting)

    Transmute Salt to Fire Salts (expert)

    Transmute Salt to Frost Salts (expert)

    Transmute Salt to Void Salts (expert)

    Transmute Ivory (mammoth tusk) to Dragon Bones (master) (requires ritual casting)

    Transmute Netch Leather(Dragonborn) to Dragon Scales (master) (requires ritual casting)


    Yes, this would allow one to transmute iron into ebony, but doing so would require the usage of 6 separate spells, one of whihc is a master ritual spell, so I think it's fair enough.

    If anyone has any other suggestions of transmution spells that should exist, leave them here.

  11. Well, I know the cylinder has a mesh, but it has textures to, the cylinders shape looks the part good enough (at least from the angle it's seen), I'm talking about simply opening the DDS and pasting a cut out from a picture shotshell (like this: http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/cpg1410/albums/userpics/P1200006.JPG

    I know this is a 12 gauge shotshell, but there is no way anyone is possibly gonna notice) into the DDS at the appropriate places so that you get the pattern from the 3x6 revolver cylinder.

  12. Yeah, it would probably look best if the barrels where more like something you'd find on a shotgun, so if you feel like changing that, that'd be cool. About the ammo cylinder, the "3 x 6 pie slice" design only really make sense if the barrels look they line up with one of the "slices" of the cylinder. If it doesn't do that, the sliced pie design doesn't make much sense to begin with, and if you do do something like that it still doesn't really matter what the cylinder looks like, it's only visible so briefly during reloads that I won't really notice that it doesn't have the unique design. Tough, come ot think of it, I myself might even be able to simply edit the DDS for the weapon and give the cylinder the appropriate number of 20gauge slots to make it look the part.

    Regarding the ejected casings, I know you can decide what the ejected object looks like, but what I was talking about was the number of casings ejected, if it fires 3 shots at the time, ti has to eject 3 casings at the time, or none at all. Again, thanks for the response and willingness to help.

  13. Neat!


    I had imagined the barrels to be placed in a triangular pattern and line up with the drum in such a fashion that the weapon could conceivably be based on the same principle as the triple revolver I showed earlier (I like for weapons to feel believable), but this works fine to. I also realize the weapon could perhaps use some simplifying, the barrels don't really look like something on a shotgun, I'm pretty sure it makes no sense to have that kind of muzzle suppressor on a shotgun. If the weapon is also supposed to be an oversized revolver I also don't really think it makes sense for the barrels to move.

    It could probably also use some striping down, the GMG is suposed to be a long range support weapon, so it makes sense for it to have those gadgets, instruments and screens, but this weapon is more of an assault weapon, so it probably shouldn't have that unnecessary screen or those bits on the right side.

    Also, I noticed the backpack of the GMG is missing, which sin't a big deal, but I'd prefer if it was there so I could feel like my guy is carrying some ammo for his weapon with him.


    Something I hadn't anticipated also hit me when I watched the video; the weapon only ejects one shotshell casing per shot, eventhough it's supposed to fire 3 at the time. I don't even know if this si possible to fix, since the game may not allow it. In that case I suppose it might be best if the weapon simply ejects no casings at all, implying that they stay in the cylinder like on an actual revolver.


    Regarding atomization, I had imagined the weapon not being fully automatic, though that's something I could fix myself, I'm not COMPLETELY helpless when ti comes to GECK.

    Anyway, you're the one making the mod, all of these are just suggestions, I'm in no position to make demands.

    And once again, thanks for what you've done!

  14. Really? Thanks, that'd be really cool! The reason why I suggested it'd be done they way I did was because that kind of 3x6 revolver cylinder I showed seemed like the most realistic way to get a gun that can fire 3 shells at a time, and I figured the grenade machine-gun already had some of that basic shape going on, with the drum kinda having the potential to being converted to a revolving cylinder, meaning that reload animations and such would work fine.


    I did realize that it'd require a new model, but I'm not really just requesting this mod just for myself, I was rather hoping that perhaps a ambitious modder (the kind of people who makes lots of from-scratch models) would find the idea interesting enough that they'd do it for fun and for the whole community. But if you feel that you could make something like what I described, with me specifically in mind, then I would certainly be grateful for any amount of effort you give it, you probably know the best way to make it better than I do. It would probably still look pretty cool even if the drum remained unchanged.

  15. Thanks for the response, but as I said, I was mostly looking for something with a really good punch rather than rate of fire (and something that doesn't do a ridiculous amount of damage using weak ammo), preferably something heavy looking.

  16. My proposal is: lets make a shotgun that fires three 20 gauge shells at the time. It could be a heavy weapon based on the grenade machine gun and exchange the barrel for a triple barrel and the grenade drum for a revolver cylinder sorta like THIS: http://gizmodo.com/5908568/triple-barrel-revolver-makes-anyone-an-expert-marksman


    Am I the only one who thinks this would be awesome? Fallout lacks in both heavy weapons and diverse, unique weapons. And as far as shotguns go, there are plenty of mods that adds fully automatic ones, but I would like a shotgun with a more moderate rate of fire, that does a ridiculous amount of damage per shot instead! And it'd be nice to see a shotgun mod that isn't just another pump- or break action shotgun.


    It would also be cool if the weapon had a few bonus effects, like increased stagger and/or stun and/or knockdown chance and/or ignoring X amount of damage threshold, to simulate how particularly powerful each blast from the weapon is.


    I think this is a mod that should be made, it seems like it'd be relatively easy to make if the weapon is based on the grenade machine gun.


    If you have any thoughts on this idea, please let people know :smile:

  17. One idea that appeals to me is to charge into battle with no armor and no sense of self preservation.

    Im thinking it would be cool if there was a lesser power or a ritual spell that launched you into bezerk mode.

    While in this mode your armor and block skills would drop to 15 and block might be disbaled and magick would also be disabeld.

    In return you could gain bonuses such as increased damage, attack speed, attack stagger, stagger resistance, movement speed, damage against blocking opponents, increased damage against opponets who just hit you and decreased stamina cost for power attack. It could perhapps also do things such as allow you to regain health and/or stamina when you damage your opponents.

    These bonuses could perhapps be negativly corelated with the base armor rating of the stuff you're wearing, so to encurage you to not use any armor.


    It could perhapps also include psycological warefare.

    As I understand it the berserkers would strike fear into the vikings enemies, when roaring, frenzied, semi-naked(or completely naked), weapon flailing beasts of men came charging at them. Becasue it was so beyond what they could imagine themselves doing and because they knew that the bezerkers where so frenzied that even if you where to wound him mortaly he would barly notice it and take you down with him.

    This could perhapps be recreated by adding a invisible, passive demoralizing effect to beserk mode. It could randomly target nearby enemies with a fear effect causing them to flee if their levels are too low. Perhapps it could also have more subtle effects such as puting enemies on the defensive, compelling them to block more and strike less. The frequency and potency of these effects could scale with factors such as how much damage per second you're doing and how little armor you're wearing.


    Perhapps there could be different version of the bezerk power/spell that where unlocked with weapons skill, or number of people killed in bezerk mode. These could increase the benefits of bezerker mode, but add new downisdes, such as your health constanly draining, unless you're doing damage to an opponent, perhapps even increasing the amount of damage you recieve. Maybe some versions of bezerk mode would require some sort of mushroom, like the viking supposedly did sometimes. Perhapps the ability would casue you to become temporarly weaker once the frenzy wears off.


    These are all ideas that I would make a mod of if I had the talent and skill (and patience/motivation), preferably with options for customization.

    But, I'm pretty lazy so instead I'm throwing my ideas out there to see if someone more capable than I finds any of them interesting. I dont know how practical all of them are, but it would be completely awesome to see at least some of them included in a mod at some point.

    I would love to hear what you guys think of these ideas and If you would like to add something.

  18. I tried that mumbo jumbo stuff, but I could quite make sense of it, and I also dont think thats what I want to do. Not only do I not want to affect the female NPC characters, but I dont want to affect all of my own characters, some of them are healers and seductive thieves who should have the vanilla female animations.

    Im thinking it should be realtivly simple to add a few races who are identical to existing races except that the females use the male animations, the same way the orc race allready does. That would maan that all masculine females could switch to that alternate race and be tomboys, without affecting the other female NPC's OR ANY OF THE OTHER PLAYER CHARACTERS.

    I have made some clumsy attempt at this myslef, but I only manange to create bodyless floating heads. Could someone tell me how that could be done properly?

  19. One way in which I suppose this could be done would be to create a duplicate of all the races.

    The female orcs uses male animations allready. So if a duplicate wa made of every race those could probably be made to work the same way so that the females of those races have male animations. Then all my tomboys chould use the racemenu to switch to the other version of their race, without affecting all female playable and non-playable charactes.

    Is there any chace that someone who knows moding could do this?

  20. Hello.

    I've got a ton of characters, many of whom are female. All my characters ahve different personalities, so of the females some are elegant and others are tough and badass.

    I've already got the mod that makes armors more practical for females, but Im still often bothered by their animations. I think there is at least some mods out there that changes the animations of the female characters to those of them males, but is there a mod that allows you to choose for each character,so that some of my characters can be feminine and some tomboys, without the need to turn on and off a mod between them?


    If any of you guys know of somehting like this, it would be awesome if you could link it to me.

  21. I kinda was gonna read throught what had been said here in this discussion so far but realizing there is 88 pages of it I cant even bring myself to start really :/

    I dunno if that makes me lazy and if I am thus considered unworth of adding my own opinion to the discussion largly beacuse someone else have probably already written what I have to say, but anyway.


    Since this game is about role playing I think Bethesda's aim with the Stormcloak vs Imperial conflict was to give people a chanse to feel that they are devoted to a cause, theyre not only being the generic good guy and saving the world, theyre getting the chance to be inspired by and fight for a ideal.


    The Stormcloaks are brought in for this reason. Theyre a manifestation of the inspiring pride and strenght of Skyrims sons and daughters and that peoples fury, bitterness and dissapointment against the empire for allowing the Thalmors to roam around arresting people. They thus propose to break free from the Empire and stand their ground against the Thalmors.


    This is however where the romantic idealism of the Stromcloaks fail to me, theyre just way to unreasonable. Im not a complete expert on what exactly happened during the great war and what the balance between the Empire and the Thalmors currently looks like, but for all Ive gatehred this is my conclusion. The Empire got wipped bad during the great war eventho the Thalmors suffered losses as well. But the Empire is still probably the most powerfull force in Tamriel eventho theyre strethced thin and the horribel news form the war have made people doubt them.

    The Stromcloaks seem to think that SKyrim, a land wich was first drain of recruits for the Great war, can muster enought forces to defy the entire empire, and then, despite the obvously catastrophal losses still have enought recosures, battle worhty men and women and fighting spirit left to like, litteraly take on the Thalmors themselves? Thats just not resonable.

    The great war is not over, it has only paused. And when the war continues the greatest hope of standing against the elven Nazis is unity.

    And how people get so worked up over not getting to worship Talos is quite ridiculous. The great war will have its round two pretty soon, then youre perfectly free to worship Talos as you wish again.

    And those who reasone that the Emperials where cowards for giving in to the elves demands to outlaw worship of Talos, the empires own founder, are also unreasonable. The Empires best chace of winning was getting a chance to recover, even if it came at the price of not being able to worship Talos. Beacuse surely, if Talos was a great guy he is probably more concerned with the survival of his empire than the fact that people cant officialy worship him for a few years? Or is his ego THAT big?

    The best thing to do is to endure and prepeare for the fight to come, when you get a chanse to direct all your anger against the real villains here, the elves.

    Beacuse, after all, why do you think the elves where so anxious to outlaw Talos worship, they hope to win the war, so why not just not wait untill theyve won it and outlaw Talos then? Was it really just for religious reasones? It was for demoralizing. Proving to the imperial citizens that their leaders where submissive and wouldnt even stand up for their founder. The Stormcloak uprising is if you think about it one of the best things that could have happened the Thalmors. They have made the wounded emprie turn on itself, wounding itself even worse and causing confusion and drying the people of what it has left of their fighting spirit.


    Ulfric calls the Empire the Thalmors puppets, but he is truly the puppet himself. He tears the empire apart FOR the Thalmors, when they are in a far away land he directs his anger against the much closer people who really are trying to preserve Tamriel. In the Thalmor dossier it is even stated that they consider Ulfric a "uncooperative asset" to them, even if they hope he doesnt actually win the war, they just want him to drag it out as long as possible.


    As I progressed trought the game this became more and more clear to me, the Stromcloaks are the romanitc idealists who you imideatly sympathise with after nearly getting your head cut off by the imperials at Helgen, but in general the emprie are the ones seeking to hold Tamrial together to actually oppose the Thalmor.


    Besides most of the Stormcloaks are conservative, nationalistic racist drunkards. No chance Im joining them :P

  22. This is in general a good question indead.

    Elder Scrolls vampire are oftenly refered to as undeads, and I remember reading on the wiki that they can live under frozen lakes, but on the other hand, they can drown in the actual game, wich doesnt seem add up to me. :/

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