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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Fluffed the tail up abit. Gotta fix a few things like the scar etc then I'll send her off to you so ya can tweak her abit more or steel some parts off her :tongue: . http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v283/Valkyrie-Krazo/Untitled-8.png
  2. Don't think it needs to be active but make sure that texture is where it says it is. One hand or both?
  3. Its the load order :woot: Just kiddin'. TBH I have no idea what it is. Mine has done that forever, I just alt tab out of it. What operating system you on?
  4. Ivy, start your editor up, open oblivion and your race mod. Make your mod active. Then on top go to the Characters tab, click races. Select yours. Then on the Body tab theres an option for hand. Make sure it has a texture choosen for it.
  5. Did you install any mods or do any tweaking before this started?
  6. I think you would have to open them in the editor. I can see what they are for you but they may change from install to install if the editor assigns that number..
  7. Its called Tamriel.cmp No problem, lemme know if it works :biggrin:
  8. How are you installing them? Do the mods show in your data file list when you start the game? Did we put a check in the little boxes next to them? :tongue:
  9. Looks like the DDS files go in data/textures/landscapeLOD/generated LOD files to data/distantLOD nif files to data/meshes/landscape/LOD and one cmp file that goes in data/distantLOD
  10. If your manually installing it, using winzip you can see where they go when you open the file. Have a look at this pic. The last column called "path" is the folder they should extract to. Unless the author of the mod made a boo boo... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v283/Valkyrie-Krazo/Untitled-7.jpg
  11. Ok wait a sec here..... What are you using to install this mod? If your doing it manually what are you using to open it?
  12. Make sure your texture size is set to large in your video options. I'm downloading it now to have a look. Will be about 10 minutes.
  13. You can't save it as a .dds? PNG's should also save the transparencies.
  14. If you have installed the Shivering Isles beta patch (, don't worry - download and follow the instructions in the autopatcher and it will walk you through getting the original Oblivion.exe off of your DVD. Then you can apply the patch. Have a read here: Linky
  15. I think I read that if you install Shivering Isles etc you will get that message because it wants only a certain version of that file. Lemme see if I can find that....
  16. This allows you to rename esp files if memory serves me correctly :confused: TESGecko
  17. Take a look at this: Mod Theres also one for flora. This should work for your other request: Mod
  18. I'm not as familiar with load orders etc as some ppl here but I would start with shutting off some mods to narrow it down to which is causing the problem.
  19. Yikes! I hope she is ok. I'll work on the character abit more in the am then send her off to you. I can explain how tweak the race to you pretty well now that I am familiar with it.
  20. Not sure if it will fix the problem or not but worth a try. This mod file is very simple: My link Just download it, read the readme file, and stick the .esp file in your data folder. "oblivion/data" If it doesn't work just delete the esp file if ya don't want it. You'll also have to click the box next to the files name when you start the game under the "data" tab before clicking "play"
  21. Looks like its a bug bro :confused: Bugs * If you buy the Balcony Upgrade before the Balcony area, none of the furniture may appear. * Items that are placed on or in the furniture on the first and second floors, including those placed in display cases, may disappear. There are some mod homes out there that are very easy to install. If ya need a hand just ask.
  22. May have to copy the file to your desktop first. Click Me!
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