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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Lol cool. I'll see what I can whip up after work to help ya along. Never did a custom race myself but sounds fun :P
  2. How bout the faces shape? Something like this or more catlike? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v283/Valkyrie-Krazo/Untitled-5.jpg
  3. If you can come up with a good description of what you want changed on the Tabaxi Race to make it more to your liking I can give ya a hand tonight when I get home from work. The ears are easy. I'll check back when I get home.
  4. Prolly easiest to start with the Tabaxi and go from there. This might be helpful if ya didn't see it already. Link
  5. You talking fluffy like this but in a different color? Fluffy Tail What color do you want it?
  6. Its actually pretty close to that thus far. Heres the view from the balcony:
  7. There are options for npc difficulty in that mod. If you use OBMM to install (or reinstall it) it will actually ask you which options you want.
  8. I think all you have to do is install this Linky Then install whatever custom race mod you want. Do a search for "Tabaxi" and "Tails" etc in the files section. There is also a section just for custom races and one for save games where you can use characters other ppl have made.,
  9. I think you could open the mesh with Nifscope and just remove the collision. I've done it, but completely by mistake...
  10. Actually, here ya go: How to install mods
  11. Copy the zipped file to your Oblivion/Data folder. Then extract. That should do it. I always keep a clean copy of the data folder stashed somewhere just in case installing a mod borks the game. You can always delete the messed up data folder and replace it with the clean one if things go bad.
  12. HGEC seems to be the most popular for skin/body enhancements. As far as hair goes.... Go to the Hair and Face section and sort them by endorsements/descending and find what you like. This will put the most popular first. Rens and Soya are my personal favorites.
  13. Are you trying to install the mods or just view whats in the file? What are you using to extract them?
  14. I'm far from a pro but here is how I do it. Move the parts you wanna transfer all next to each other. Click on something your not moving. Left click and drag the curser near your parts, this will form a box. Surround the parts you want to move in this box. You will see they are highlighted. Hit copy (under edit). Go to the cell where you want them and hit paste (also under edit). This shortcut link might be helpful if your not fimiliar with them also: My link
  15. I agree with the whole non "cluttering" deal. That was the main reason why I retextured the weapon holders to match the wall. As you can see, if they go unused they just look like a black panel. Kinda neatens things up. :wink:
  16. Been working on this for a while. Its one huge room with the displays pictured all around the perimeter. Storage, table displays, enchanting stuff, garden, etc all in one room. One small room off it with a couple beds and some munchies. What do guys/gals look for when house shopping? I understand this is made to my tastes and not everyone will like it but I wanted to get an idea of what some others liked. Thanks!
  17. Of course this is possible...In the picture below I chose Korana's Hidden Elf as the race and D-Huntress for her clothes ( didn't give her an AI package as I have no intention of her being in my game ). It was very straightforward to do this, so them converting to vamps, crashing the cell etc means you are doing something very wrong.. Oh, thanks I'll read thru the tutorial on the wiki again.
  18. Is it possible to make NPC's that are anything besides nilla game races? Mine either revert to Vamps, crash the cell, don't appear, etc.. Thank you!
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