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    Fallout 3, GTA4, RCT3
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  1. Played through the Main Story without even bothering about Side quests and all the cool stuff you could do. I thought the game was open ended at first, so I kept those other quests for later. Boy was that a Mistake when I died in the Purifier.
  2. Well its kinda funny if you think about it. I have to lock my room if Im not @home. Otherwise my 3 little sisters would barge in, play my games and beat my records. :sweat: And Im playing games all the time.
  3. Considering that there need to be new animations and a new model, I think its possible. I dont know if we can use animations from Oblivion and some Models. I second that request. That is a thing thats defenetly missing in Fallout. I often wndred around the wasteland thinking how cool it would be killing that enemy from afar without using my ammo, or making a sound with a sniper rifle. I mean we have swords ingame, why not an modern or selfmade bow?
  4. Seeing, that there are some really cool requests. Several have already been done for Oblivion. They simply just have to be converted. http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=709188 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15617 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22254
  5. Something I came up with while reading though this forum. Thats how it always goes, Ideas just randomly pop into my mind. Im the one that stands up here, Holding high a magic sphere. The Moon shines bright, And I absorb its holy light. Spread my Wings far out to fly, getting ready to touch the sky. Using the power in the night, to expand my magic flight. I will search near and far, until I know just where you are. The one I will desire, you who spreads my fire. I dont mean you any harm, I just want to keep you warm. For now and forever, Well always be together.
  6. Thanks, but Im rather into writing Stories and Poems. Most of them are in german though. And the only english story I wrote can be considered adult only. :confused: I could take out that part, but I figured if I do that, the story will will get kinda boring and feels incomplete cause its a essential part.
  7. I rarely draw, and when I do, I use paint and my mouse. Takes up an awful lot of time, but Its worth it I think. Those Pics are pretty old, from 05 to 07. Havent had the Inspiration for now. http://www.abload.de/thumb/lancerevo8mitgirlsso9.jpg http://www.abload.de/thumb/plymouthbarracudaplumcxruu.jpg This is the newest one I made, a few things have been altered with irfanview to make it look a bit smoother (moon and City lights in Water) http://www.abload.de/thumb/nachthimmel4msj8.jpg Thats it, hpe you like it :whistling:
  8. Before I got MZ, I had a dream about the exact same thing, the only difference was, you got abducted and the escaped the MZ and teleported onto the moonbase that was overrun by alens, and you had to fix it, cause in the final battle, the station got damaged and an corridor xploded, hurling you onto the moon surface. :blink: And your Companions had a spacesuit, cause pressure was low there. even Dogmeat and Rl3 had one. If this Mod is ever made, Ill download it for sure, but it needs a quest and things to do, like maintenance (repeatable quest), explaining to the surviving Humans in that station(200 Years of beeing cut off from earth) that there was a war, or trying to fight Moonmonkeys (CaptainCosmos Mod ftw) Sorry for that crazy Idea, but its freaking late where I live and im tired. xD
  9. Or in MZ, Kinda funny how the LW referrs to him at the beginning. :blink: I was like wtf? when I read that. another thing, why does the wasteland still looks deserted? Aside from oasis, everything is still a desert. cmon, even in reality plants grow in a area where a nuke detonated. Japan for example.
  10. Why is the electricity in every building still working? Shouldnt the electromagnetic pulse of the bombs have fried all the circuts? And how come the terminals in some ruins still run? Dont tell me they have been turned on since 200 years? No power loss once in a while?
  11. I personally think a Commonwealth DLC would be pretty neat. Thinking about the Commonwealth beeing some sort of high tech city. Probably the last big city on earth with a real working society. The design could be something like mirrors edge, all white and stuff, but below, there is the dark area where crime and drugs rule. I mean, they have androids that look like humans, so there must be something sci fi going on there. The story could have to do something with Doctor Li asking you for help with some sort of conspiracy and she somehow has gotten in the way and needs to be "removed". Now she joined the rebelloin and asks you for help. beeing the LW and having experience with fighting and surviving and all that. And in the end becomming the new Leader of the Commonwealth, just like in the SI expansion for Oblivion where you become Sheo. -------- Or even a DLC in which you use the Mothership to travel to Nirn and pay the Hero of Cyrodill a visit. ^^
  12. In this case I suggest a new installation. Could also be that my F3 has a few more files cause I have the german version, but I doubt that.
  13. Your welcome, but I still would love to know what causes that Prob. :confused:
  14. actually modding fallout and returning it to ists vanilla stage is pretty easy. Just do as Mekii said and everything should be normal again. Fallout keeps all its data inside its BSAs. that means, if fallout doesnt find an extra textures, meshes, video, sound etc.. folder in its data folder, it uses its standard models and textures. si uf you have a bodyreplacer and want to uninstall it. delete your meshes and textures folder and Fallout uses its standard body because it cant find the replacing files. *edit*I just saw you need a list of whats in it without mods. Well ill list them up for you. just a sec. Fallout3.esm Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa Fallout - textures.bsa Fallout - meshes.bsa Fallout - voices.bsa Fallout - Misc.bsa Fallout - sound.bsa if you have any dlc, then you need to keep the following files too: (only relevant if you copied them from gfwl folder to data. If not, ignore this) Operation Anchorage: Anchorage.esm Anchorage - Main.bsa Anchorage - Sounds.bsa The Pitt: ThePitt.esm ThePitt - Main.bsa ThePitt - Sounds.bsa Broken Steel: BrokenSteel.esm BrokenSteel - Main.bsa BrokenSteel - Sounds.bsa Point Lookout: PointLookout.esm PointLookout - Main.bsa PointLookout - Sounds.bsa Mothership Zeta: Zeta.esm Zeta - Main.bsa Zeta - Sounds.bsa If I forgot anything, just add it below. nobodys perfect ;)
  15. the way I see it mz seems to have a little bug with the ending of the first quest and imideatly starting the second, which seems to break the cryo lab. I was playing around with the setstage and the startquest commands and found a way to bypass that error and resetting the 2nd quest completely. after that I was capable to complete MZ without any CTD or bug. As you know my game crashed when I was done talking to sally and shoud get the task of freeing the guys in stasis. So, I opened the console before talking to her and finished the 1st quest via console by unsing "setstage (questid) 200" to set its stage to 200. That completed the last objective for me, so I closed the console and opened it imideatly again. Then I manually started the second quest with "startquest (quest id)" and left the console open and directly using the "setstage" command for the second quest. But I set it to "setstage (questid) 0" That did the job for me. I dunno if it helps anyone of you guys, but I think this solution can be used with other quests too.
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