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Everything posted by Osheanity

  1. I tried to create a script for you but as i am new to papyrus i found it to difficult. I experimented with actor scripts so that when the player sits down on furniture an NPC will go over and talk to you but i couldn't find the right code fragments needed. If this is something you want to do learn how to script, doing this project will help your skills grow. My code looked something like this: Scriptname TalkToPlayer Extends Actor Event OnSit (ObjectReference akFurniture) if myActorProperty.GetActorBase().GetSex() == 1 ;do something endif EndEvent its incorrect i know but i was experimenting. Try and find things like this to try, but don't get mad at the community because they don't want to do your own work for you..
  2. I'm currently thinking of creating a relationship overhaul and have many great ideas, the mod will feature heart warming quests along with heart shattering ones. The quests will not be centered around one NPC but the player will have choices with many different characters and with each character having her own unique personality. I'm planning on doing most of the work by myself but for some of the ideas i had i would need an animator. The animations created would help immerse and pull the player in, help to make an emotional connection. Animations included would be things such as a woman crying over a lost siblings. Other animation ideas i'm uncertain of people wanting to do them because of complexity issues but animations such as hugging, kissing etc. For the first release I plan on working only on a male player female NPC combination. Working out all the bugs then depending on what people want a female player male NPC combination. If anyone is interested it would be greatly appreciated if you could PM me. :biggrin:
  3. I can create a new script by going to the papyrus script manager, right clicking and pressing new script which brings up a window with options to the new script, but i get the error on all scripts includding new scripts just made and default skyrim scripts. I tried re installing the SKSE's PEX / PSC files with no luck. I have validated the creation kits files under tools section. maybe a better option would be to set something like notepad ++ as the default editor? but then how would i set it as the default code editor?
  4. Thanks for the reply. Before I posted I had already tried re installing SKSE and the creation kit, probably should have said that :p I also did the creation kit file validation scan through steam with no luck, is that the same scan u were talking about? Sorry I haven't bothered to look because I'm writing this through my phone and I'm at the hospital atm.
  5. I'm having a problem opening up the creation kit to look at scripts, i can open up the creation kit and do every feature excpet look at scripts, SKSE is at the latest version so is skyrim and the creation kit, everytime i try and look at the code i get an error message from SKSE saying "Couldn't read the arguments." Anyone know of a fix!? Thanks for the help!
  6. Yea We could Defiantly work something out, as I'm trying to add 5 to 7 complete guilds with eventual quest lines, it would be cool to add in your work as well. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif I'm learning as I go so I can see how this will go, PM me if you want more details or if you wanna give me more haha Thats completely different from what I'm trying to do and a hell of a lot harder, I would have to add new factions, plus hours of scripting to set the triggers on how NPC's will react to your actions etc sorry but thats our of my league man. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif
  7. I'm currently thinking of building a mod where you are able to create your own guild in game. My idea for this would be you look for a special vendor you find him, for a hefty amount of gold you can organize what kind of guild you want IE being Assassins, Warriors, Mages, Spys or Thief's, maybe adding in an option to build a vampire coven. First Release Would be Consisting of.. Adding NPC's To Follow you around.Creating the guild Vendors and options along with specific hide outs for each guild option. (Guild Option being an Assassin or Warrior guild etc)Recruiters for each guild (An NPC Vendor) List your ideas and tell me what you think.
  8. Thanks this is great! I'll give you lots of credit when I release it, again thanks so much! and sorry for the late reply was camping with some friends :)
  9. I just finished a script that brings up a message box when the object is activated, you have two choices either get teleported or just leave it alone. But when the player gets teleported i want to add an effect to it anyone know how to do this? My Script looks like this: [i]Scriptname AAATeleportScript extends ObjectReference [/i] [i] [/i] [i] [/i] [i] [/i] [i]ObjectReference Property TeleportMarker Auto[/i] [i]Message Property YourMessageMSG Auto[/i] [i] [/i] [i] [/i] [i]Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AKActionRef)[/i] [i] int iButton = YourMessageMSG . Show ()[/i] [i]If iButton == 0[/i] [i]Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(TeleportMarker) [/i] [i]ElseIf iButton == 1[/i] [i]Debug.Notification ("You feel the power of the stone fade as you remove your hand")[/i] [i] [/i] [i]EndIf[/i] [i] EndEvent[/i] Thanks for you help :)
  10. Never mind I was able to do the script on my own.
  11. Okay I scrapt the Debug.MessageBox and created a whole new property with buttons, what the script now looks like is this Scriptname AAATeleportScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property TeleportMarker Auto Message Property YourMessageMSG Auto Int Count Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AKActionRef) Count = Count + 1 If Count== 1 YourMessageMSG . Show () ElseIf count == 2 Game.Getplayer().MoveTo(TeleportMarker) EndIf EndEvent what I want to do now is find out how I can get the buttons to work and if my script is done correctly.
  12. Okay, I'm a beginning modder and I'm stuck, I'm trying to add standing stones that when activated teleport you to another stone. what my first script looks like is this. Scriptname AAATeleportScript extends ObjectReference Int Count ObjectReference Property TeleportMarker Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AKActionRef) Count = Count + 1 If Count== 1 Debug.MessageBox ("You feel a warm relaxing presence as you touch the stone, but its calling out to you, asking for some Magicka.") ElseIf count == 2 Game.Getplayer().MoveTo(TeleportMarker) EndIf EndEvent Thanks for your help! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
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