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Everything posted by marakujaflu

  1. Thank you very much!!! I have the same problem with the same music! You have saved my life. This worked. You go to a town (this is for forcing a city default music), then alt+tab to your desktop. When you return to skyrim (using mouse is better, but alt+tabbing again works the same), you should hear the music that is stucked. To me, in example, it was a combat music of The Wheels Of Lull mod. I removed via console the music in question (removemusic _lull_MajerMusic) and BANG ! City music was back again without flaws. I needed to clarify this because it's not necessarily one of default combat music that is stuck: it could be any kind of music, especially if you mod your soundtrack with mods like Sounds of Skyrim or install mods that has their proper music (like Wheels Of Lull). Just My 2 cents
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