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    Skyrim - Skyrim SE

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  1. Yes, absolutely .fuz files are the best for packaging with your finalized mod! I did notice a lot of people giving up on doing new dialogue, because when they went into the game - they couldn't see any results. Hopefully, this little tidbit will solve that for them :smile:
  2. So, you've made an NPC. You did the voice and have the .wav and .lip file. You've created your Quest and built the SEQ file - gone into the game and your NPC DOESN'T OFFER A DIALOGUE OPTION! Guess what? You've done everything correctly. But … when you go INTO the game to test your NPC, you need to SAVE your game then LOAD YOUR SAVED GAME. NOW … approach your NPC and guess what? He/She will now offer the dialogue option. Hope this helps. Best regards, LeianneG
  3. So, you've made an NPC. You did the voice and have the .wav and .lip file. You've created your Quest and built your SEQ file - gone into the game and your NPC DOESN'T OFFER YOU A DIALOGUE OPTION! Guess what? You've done everything correctly. But … when you go INTO the game to test your NPC, you need to SAVE your game then LOAD YOUR SAVED GAME. NOW … approach your NPC and guess what? He/She will now offer you the dialogue option. Hope this helps Best regards, LeianneG
  4. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to read/get a user's (player's) computer date/time using papyrus script. There are multiple ways using the Utility class to get in-game time, real time passed etc. etc... however, in order to take my mod to a whole 'nother level - I would need to determine what month/day it is IRL for the player using my mod. Anyone have any suggestions … recommendations? Anyway to incorporate another scripting language within papyrus, like VBscript or javascript? Thanks in advance for any help or direction!
  5. Thank you so much! Both you, OldMansBeard and you, Cdcooley - I will keep the larger file because it works flawlessly, and I'm only introducing errors by trying to farm out my functions :)
  6. Yeah, saw that my inheritance is backwards .. sigh, inherits UP not down - also the reason I can call Utility.Wait() - or just Wait() is because the function is compartmentalized and is declared as a global. The function in the 'Child' that I need to access from the 'Parent' requires variables from the 'Parent' ... so can't make the function global. Arrghhh ... my head is starting to hurt! Is there ANY way that I can 'bypass' this apparent character/line restriction on the script? It's just SO darn handy having all my functions in the ONE script! Edit: They are both attached to the same ObjectReference (DefaultTrigger) so making them siblings would probably be the most efficient, if not the most elegant option. Because it's a default trigger, can't add the 'child' to the base object unless I copy it and make a 'myDefaultTrigger' ... which isn't really an issue. But I never thought of the sibling - appreciate you suggesting it
  7. Hmmm not sure if this helps, but I use this .. PlayerREF.ModActorValue("health", 1) ;adds +1 to player health permanently If you want to do a generic script, where you can change / set the attributes of different aspects (ie; health, stamina, alteration etc) PlayerREF.ModActorValue(myAttribute, 1) ;adds whatever property value is in 'myAttribute' soo... you could change the myAttribute to be 'health', 'stamina', 'alteration', 'destruction' etc.. in the property settings Edit: Make sure you declare your attribute string so script would be: ******************************************************************** Script myGenericAttributeChange extends ObjectReference String myAttribute Event OnActivate(blah blah) ;Do blah blah PlayerREF.ModActorValue(myAttribute, 1) ;or whatever amount you want EndEvent *********************************************************************
  8. ;This is the PARENT Script Script myParent extends ObjectReference String PlayerChair ; whole bunch more variables declared Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) if akActionRef == PlayerREF Utility.Wait(2.5) ;calling external script above, using function - no problem! ;NOW need to call Child script function myChild.myFunction(PlayerChair) ;does not work endif EndEvent ;This is the CHILD Script Script myChild extends myParent String Function myFunction(String akString) ;do something and return to parent script EndFunction I'm having trouble with my scripts and was hoping someone might be able to help me with this bit ... I have a Parent script and I've made a Child script that extends the Parent I can use the external script Utility and access it's Wait Function just fine .... but when I try to access myFunction from the myParent script I have, I get the error; Cannot call the member function myFunction alone or on a type, must call it on a variable Anyone have any idea why it will not allow me to access the function in the child script? Have tried; myFunction() ; using import myChild ... and myChild.myFunction() .... not working. sigh. EDIT: The ONLY reason I am trying to make a CHILD script holding functions to be accessed by my PARENT script is .... I am at line 912 in my script (which works perfectly with the functions inside of it) - BUT my script will NOT ALLOW ME TO ADD A SINGLE CHARACTER MORE!!!! Is there some OTHER way to overcome this restriction?
  9. Ignore this ... was double posted while editing - sorry.
  10. In response to post #24733199. #24733474, #24733594, #24733919, #24733969, #24734114, #24734584, #24734984, #24735109, #24735199, #24735449, #24735464, #24735474, #24735764, #24735829, #24736169 are all replies on the same post. @phantompally76 "SirTopas, what about the thousands of hours mod USERS have logged playtesting mods, providing quality control, reporting bugs and glitches, providing feedback and suggestions to mod authors? Hmmm???? Not having ever created a mod does not invalidate one's opinion or stance on the matter. Without mod users, there would be no mod authors. Don't you ever forget that. " ********************** ADDRESSING THE ABOVE STATEMENT ****************** USERS who have donated their time, work and talents improving a mod - are no longer JUST USERS ... they are ALSO contributing Mod Authors! Sorry, but I would still be a mod author WITHOUT mod users .. as I make my mods FOR ME FIRST - and then, if I feel you or someone else might enjoy it - I choose to SHARE.
  11. In response to post #24598619. #24599869, #24600084, #24600544, #24604719, #24606369, #24606589 are all replies on the same post. Psijonica - thank you for thoughtful intelligent responses to my post. The rest of you who commented - please read the post before responding with complete and utter nonsense. If you can write ... I'm going to conclude you can also READ.
  12. I DO NOT agree with fear-mongering in any way - that being said, burying one's head in the sand is not wise either. A very important consideration / prediction ... The Creation Kit may eventually become a tool to be licensed or otherwise charged for use. This would make perfect business sense for Bethesda / Steam in order to 'move' modders to their site and remove free sites like the Nexus as competition. Consider what would happen if they did this. Most modders would quit modding - this would reduce NEW content on free sites considerably. It would also encourage those modders remaining, to put their work behind the pay wall - to reimburse at least the cost of using the CK. Personally - I've just copied all my 'free to use for now' CK files and backed them up. I sincerely recommend any other modders to do the same.
  13. You're second script should be correct, however having your stage 0 marked as the 'start-up' stage, you may need to progress the quest to stage 10 OnRead(). Try that and let me know if it fixes it for you.
  14. HAHAHA Rabbit 51 - me too!!! I've never gone over level 50 without starting my character all over again! :)
  15. Personally ... I just wander Skyrim, have one nice home and explore without doing any 'quests'. I bought the deluxe and legendary games with the maps showing every location in the game - I have been playing since the game came out and have not yet found every location - not even close. -- I don't refer to the map at all. For me, this keeps the game fresh. I stumble on places (some in the weirdest locations) all the time and never know what I'll run into, or find. The quests have a beginning, middle and end ... I want to 'live' in Skyrim, wander through the wilderness (no followers) and explore every nook and cranny. If I get a bit bored with that, I make myself a mod that offers something different to serve my wanderings better such as specialty merchants or different skill trainers. Or peruse the nexus for an interesting mod. There is also hope that the project 'Beyond Skyrim' will be completed in my lifetime, and I would love to explore all of Tamriel in the 4th Era and how it may have changed :) I think the ONE biggest thing that keeps me in Skyrim - is the quality of the graphics - I can pretend I'm really there; when I'm in my shower bathing - I actually sigh, and relax as I get 'cleaned up' after a long day of mucking about in a smelly dungeon. But that's just me :)
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