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Everything posted by ProfDraco

  1. Dawnguard goes above the shield because there's not (normally) a bow that goes there already. IW does add the Silver Hawk Bow, so it could work. Dwarven crossbows actually go behind the armor, making it impossible to see on full display. Most other display have the trident or double axe go in that spot. On a different subject, I would, if I had the talent, make a patch that rearranges the gallery a bit. The Ring of Khajiiti should go in the Daedric Gallery instead of the Jewelry case, the Madness, Amber, Seducer and Saint armors should be in the Armory, otherwise the Daedric armor should also go in the Daedric gallery, all of the Sheogorath things could be grouped together in that lower hall instead, which would open up a lot of free spaces for other add-ons. Add-ons like the Ada Bal from the VIGILANT mod which, being the only real "daedric artifact" included in that mod, should probably be in there instead of the Vigilant Hall. Also perhaps an expansion of the Natural History wing to include some of the more lore-friendly Milahil creations.
  2. With the crossbows, would you have them spawn in the Armory or have a separate room for them? A lot of the armory is getting quite cramped as-is. On a similar topic, I found it weird that Immersive Weapons and Armors adds Redguard stuff, but the LotD team never made an armory display for them. Sure it'd be on the smaller side, but the Forsworn one is pretty sparse. As for arrows, the Saints and Seducers patch displays arrows for the new sets but they're put up automatically when the bow is displayed. For the Armory I was thinking something like the Jaysus Swords case where a single arrow would activate the quiver display. It doesn't need to be 1:1, after all, we can make a taxidermy bear with one pelt and a handful of claws.
  3. I think an easier solution would be a summonable container, like Skyrim mods do occasionally. Maybe a whistle that calls a pack brahmin to your location to offload junk to?
  4. Has anyone though of making, or actually in the process of making, a mod similar to icecreamassassin's Legacy of the Dragonborn from Skyrim? I'm talking about a large (mostly) lore friendly building/museum where the player can display unique weapons and armor, enemy displays and other relevant things. Even incorporate other mods if the authors are keen. I've looked but no-one seems to have tried it for Fallout, and given how popular the Skyrim version is, it seems a waste. As someone who is obsessed enthusiastic when it comes to collecting things, I'd love a mod that scratches that itch. I've put a lot of thought into it already, as well as ways to differentiate it enough from ice's so as not to infringe on his work. Unfortunately I lack the talent and resources to make something this ambitious myself, or I would've a few years ago. Is there anyone else who enjoyed or still enjoys Legacy who'd be able to make this happen? I've already put some ideas down. If anyone wants to add any ideas or is willing and able to make this happen, PM me. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mwx1wTalRB6NVUYAVv5k0MH1o9mNns8Cv57yrf1VMQM/edit?usp=sharing
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