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Everything posted by Wolfskin75

  1. OK, so it sounds like, to me.... Let me know where I get it wrong... 1. you installed some mods with Vortex. 2. Then you uninstalled Vortex without Purging and uninstalling the mods in order to try MO2? 3. Then you switched to MO2 for a while, didn't like it, and at that point did you uninstall the mods you installed with MO2 or, did you just swap between the two without uninstalling the mods as well? Because if you did that, then Vortex is finding mods that it doesn't know what to do with Try this: Try removing the following two files and restarting Vortex:C:\Users\<NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\fallout4\masterlist\masterlist.yamlC:\Users\<NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\fallout4\userlist.yaml Then start Vortex, it should rebuild the lists that really helped thank you.
  2. alright. it work. All of it worked. Vortex is doing what it is supposed to. Your first complaint is with the mod authors. Encourage them to use a meaningful name. Agreed. this is something that happens a lot with mods. I had to even clean up "Version 1" mods.. Also, the "guess" button actually works.. who knew. :)
  3. My version 0.17.11, custom install version of Vortex, Window 10 64bit Someone was trying to convince me that MO2 was better. I found it much more confusing. So, I uninstalled MO2, rebooted and told Vortex to once again to manage it. Here is a screenshot: Right here. As you can see, the Source is from Nexus Mods. there is no report of a Nexus Mod ID so I am unable to verify what it is. the next on the list is the same but it has a nexus id 24479, which is unique Npc- Female raiders nude. and so on. I know what they are but I have now way of labeling them so I will know what the are when I am installing them. I have tried deleting it and re downloading that mod. Here what downloaded.
  4. I did, 9:00am this morning I posted " I did play around with MO2 (didnt like it) but deleted. Is that an issue. Cause I have all my tools installed and I am now reinstalling vortex. "
  5. As soon as I get back home I will provide the information. I have been out all day with the family. It's fallout 4, I have used vortex before and I didnt have this issue. I downloaded them all from nexus mods. But i have switch with mod managers that manages my fallout 4. I will get more specifics in a bit.
  6. Already did it. Before posting this. Still nothing.
  7. This is all Fallout 4, They are all downloaded from nexus mods. I am in the mods section when I see this. I pull up the actually mod and see what it is. It doesnt mean any good cause the mods then will not update. Even when I double click it, it brings up some the infor but thst doesnt matter cause I cant edit any of the information anyway. Even if I knew the name it wouldn't matter... I am not able to change that. I have actually able been able to open the mod in the folder which is fact name correctly. I did play around with MO2 (didnt like it) but deleted. Is that an issue. Cause I have all my tools installed and I am not reinstalling vortex.
  8. Is there a way to a) change the name of the file in Vortex to something that tells me what it is? b.) allow me to open up that mod so I know what is it when where it is in my download file? This is just a taste of what vortex looks like. Main File
  9. I was invited to edit a follower's face. The author of the mod and I had a conversation about and they wanted me to edit it and see what I could get. I would assume that would be a racemenu thing since the facegen would be included with the mod? Am i missing something?
  10. It's in the character building screen. (using SKS64 and race menu) I am using CBBE bodyslide armor along with a custom built preset that I am using for my Unique character build.
  11. I am getting a seam between the hand and the forearm. I have all CBBE slim bodies installed (or at least I think I do) but I am still getting the issue? Any idea? what information would you need to know?
  12. I am wondering what animated camera is? Is it a mod or a collection of tools?
  13. I amhave apperently been out of the modding business for awhile. Well at least Skyrim SE. I used the Bijin's as NPC replacer. I used all of them but I do not remember in which order to install and then merge them in one file. Any help (I am using Cbbe and will replace everyone including Selena and Val) would be appericated.
  14. Thank you for this. I am going to miss bodyslide and uniques. I tend to play with smaller chested MC's then is normally the case. but. I hear the game is good so I will suffer through it. lol
  15. Hello, I FINALLY was able to start up FONV. (had the "Installer" issue) but Thank you for your help.
  16. Hello, This is will be my first time playing New Vegas and I was looking at the mods I will use and realized very quickly I have NO IDEA about New Vegas mods. So, could someone please lay the groundwork for me. I am have played Fallout 4 vanilla and Super heavily modded (255+). I tend to work with appearances (CBBE, Bodyslide, KS hairdo... etc) but nothing looks the same for New Vegas. Any suggestions or super helpful tips to get me going with New Vegas mods?
  17. I was testing a Homeplate mod and I teleported to Diamond city. The Guards didn't any clothes on. They had the pads on but no "Athletic outfit" I have a lot of clothes mod... and all for female. None that I know of that eliminates or replaces it. Any ideas? I wouldn't even know where to look in FO4edit for it either.
  18. To be honest some of my questions go completely unanswered. I don't know if I don't make sense, if people are sitting back telling themselves . If I give this guy the answer.. he will only eat for a day.... " Or they don't want to give me the answer... cause.. I don't know. but they just hang in My Content Mocking me. :)
  19. I figured out the answer to this thread. It seems that is something the modder did or didn't do (aligning the Mesh where it would go). So, I also learned that I can manually move into place. That is terrifying. Since the body nif's doesn't have a head. It there anyway to load a model with a head, like a dummy to stand in so I can move the mask mesh, or whatever mesh into my preferred alignment.
  20. Please let me know when you finish this. I would like to take a look at it.
  21. I am wondering a couple things. A.) could you included an "answered" button for a thread? or even a delete button. Some of my questions are answered but they are all still open. B.) what is the etiquette question about how I post a new question because an older question was answered and it actually led to another question without it look like I am bumping the old on?
  22. I am in the process of making custom outfits for my game. I have been running into asset that seem to float over the model in Outfit studio. It's not all the same either. Some helmet and mask fit "as expected" ,meaning able to join with an outfit such as pieces from another mod such as a tshirt and such. Others, such as the Gasmask from The Mercenary - Pack as well as some of the gear straps and the CROSS Institute Tech Mask. What am I missing?
  23. What I ended up doing is doing a massive batch build and copied all the Material/Mesh/texture folder over and then using that to build the outfits and such. I also, fixed one of my biggest problems: I replaced the defult cbbe skin texture with my Players Unique skin texture with a simple material file creation... swap. Which I have now.. and it looks awesome
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