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  1. In response to post #24562744. #24562994, #24563154, #24563259, #24563324 are all replies on the same post. @aceventura Yeah. I get people being mad, but I saw those comments on W&C and felt disgusted. If those are the sort of entitled and immature people most mod authors have to deal with all the time, then I can understand why they'd want some $ for it. @FiendishGhoul...I've seen some of the virulent language here on Nexus as well. Certainly not as bad as on Steam, but it's there. Expect to see a lot of ban reports coming in today.
  2. Kind of a silly question to ask on a modding forum. Modding is beyond worth it. To equal all the joy and replayability I've gotten out of modding Skyrim (which is 100% free), I would've had to purchase 3-4 new games, costing me $100-$200 dollars. Hell, just finding, researching, and tinkering with mods is fun to a lot of people.
  3. This was my issue as well. Correct in inventory/spells, incorrect in active effects.
  4. This was my issue as well. Correct in inventory/spells, incorrect in active effects.
  5. Wow. Looks beautiful. Though I do believe it's Atmora, not Altmora. Also, I suggest you try coming up with some in-game reason for why you can go to a continent "frozen in time" (not just frozen in ice) and not get stuck, and how NPCs can live there. It's not 100%, but be prepared for lore fiends complaining a lot when it's released if you don't have an explanation ready.
  6. Kryptopyr I believe is hoping to update "The Choice is Yours" with an option to skip the Dawnguard and join the vampired directly in the future.
  7. I use all those mods (well Deadly Combat instead of Duel), plus a few others. You still do damage to enemies, trust me. If you aren't, I suggest lowering your difficulty level.
  8. Yeah, good guide, but a few things definitely seem like "personal opinion" and should be marked as such. Deadly Combat may be old, but it works, and does things other combat overhauls do not. HD 2K textures again are fine to use and definitely an improvement on the official DLC textures, I hear tons of people using Hypothermia as a lighter alternative to Frostfall with no issue, and why in the world would you replace Better Magic with SkyRe? I know little about the former, but even if it is broken/outdated, SkyRe does a lot more than just overhaul magic and is definitely not the best choice for someone looking for a straight upgrade from Better Magic.
  9. Yes, I'm aware of the issues with this radiant quest at this particular location. The thing is...I haven't started Summerset Shadows. I haven't even started the Thieves Guild questline. There simply is no bandit leader, and no quest arrow on the local map upon entering the dungeon. And I've already tried all the fixes listed here in the bugs section: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Kill_the_Bandit_Leader and have the USKP installed. Any help? Thanks.
  10. So I encountered this bug once before. Couldn't figure it out but managed to revert to a save from before the issue appeared and carried on. But now it's back, and it's applying the effect retroactively to older saves, meaning I load a save from before when the problem first occurred and the bug effects the old save immediately. Here's what happens: I enchant a piece of Nordic Armor with +22 Fortify Health and +13% Fortify Stamina Regen. I equip it, check active effects, and see my enchantments as they should be. Later I unequip this armor (say for Diplomatic Immunity), then afterwards re-equip the armor. At this point, I check my Active Effects and it says the armor is only giving me +11 Fortify Health and +6% Stamina Regen. If I look at the item itself under the equipment tab, it still shows the correct, original enchantment, but only half of it is being applied. Now this wouldn't be the absolute worst problem, since most of the time I only change equipment when I'm upgrading. But the problem is this bug effects unique items like Dragon Priest Masks as well. And it could be affecting weapons every time I change from sword and shield to crossbow or vice versa, but I just don't know it since weapon enchantments aren't show in Active Effects. Has anyone else encountered or heard of this bug and can offer advice or point me in the right direction?
  11. Thanks so much. Validating the game cache in Steam seems to have fixed the problem. Can't believe it was something that simple.
  12. I was playing Skyrim this afternoon no problem. Quit to take care of dinner and walk the dogs, then came back and found I couldn't get the game to load. The only change I made was updating The Cloaks of Skyrim patch from Complete Crafting Overhaul RemadeWell I couldn't get it to load through SKSE with my mods in MO. I could launch the vanilla game just fine. So I check out my Papyrus log and get this http://pastebin.com/0TPigiht No idea what it means. The last two entries seem to portend to Arissa the Wandering Rogue and Convenient Horses, but I've never even used the first mod. Regardless I don't know what to do about it so I do some research (google) and find some people with similar issues and people recommending using TES5Edit to see where it stalls out. So I boot it up with all my mods...and get no issues. So I move on to another suggestion...checking out the LOOT report. Which is where things get strange... http://pastebin.com/W21THbff It's basically telling me that every plugin that has a master can't find that master...including Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. What is going on? I have no clue how to trouble shoot this and any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Just to be clear, RnD has food spoilage as well. And a better one imo, since it allows you to configure spoilage rates by food type (for instance, dairy and unsalted meats spoiling quicker than other foods, bread taking longer than veggies, etc.). But I'm with you on the compatibility patches issue. Definitely what made me switch as i also miss RnD's option to turn off disease cures from shrines.
  14. Slightly off-topic arrogancy, but have you looked at the Ascension overhaul? Seems like a slightly less-drastic Requiem with more transparency into its workings. And it's getting a big update in the near future.
  15. Yes and no. But I thank you for your time, patience, and temperance. I understand...kind of...why a mod would need the assets from the DLC. I guess what I don't understand is why a separate version for each DLC isn't offered. Many other mods I've run across seem to work requiring only one--the one the mod version is aimed at. Most mods that need the assets from a DLC are offered in a version for DG and another one for DB, IOW. For people like myself, that's ideal. Maybe there's no answer, but... I have the non-DLC version of the mod that first made me ask the question. It's brilliant. I'm fond of it. But it is not the only one of its kind. It is, however, seemingly the only one that requires both DG and DB...at the same time...in order to play even one of them. The only one that I'm aware of in any case. If you tell us what mod you're talking about, we could probably explain why there's no ONLY-DG or ONLY-DB versions. So far, you've been rather vague and thus it is difficult to give specific and concrete answers to your query.
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