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About ToxicInfinity

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    United States

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  1. In response to post #50331052. #50346087 is also a reply to the same post. Probably just doesn't have a 16:9 monitor. Though I have no clue since I don't know him/her personally :P
  2. In response to post #39491315. #39496050, #39497250, #39531815, #39534800, #39535005, #39554390, #39554680 are all replies on the same post. I don't create mods, so maybe this seems like a stupid question. I think this is a great temporary solution, however, couldn't someone planning on stealing mods teach themselves enough code to simply remove the requirement of F4SE before reuploading it? If a mod doesn't in any way actually need the F4SE, but instead requires it with a "fake" requirement where it won't work without it but doesn't actually need it, couldn't someone download the mod, remove the requirement, and it then works? I'm thinking along the lines of content mods, such as gun mods. I haven't noticed if many or even any of the gun mods require F4SE, meaning they don't need it to be created. But say a mod author makes a gun mod and makes it require F4SE in an attempt to stop the stealing. Then, someone could download it, change the mod to work like most gun mods do now and remove the F4SE requirement and re-upload it to Bethesda.net, the protection has failed. Maybe this isn't as easy as I think it is since I have no coding or mod creation experience, but I thought it might be worth considering this issue if it is fairly easy.
  3. In response to post #31693505. #31693770, #31694215 are all replies on the same post. You don't have to pay a cent to use the manager. I don't why you would think that. This site is completely free along with their program. You can opt to get faster download speeds, no ads, and other perks buy donating money to them and becoming a premium member, but that is in no way required?
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