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Everything posted by diyeath
At this point, I'll believe it when I see it. That project seems a whole lot like vapor-ware.
Logical conclusion is a bunch of angry script kiddies are using a simple program to DDoS the site, probably because they were so stupid they admitted to piracy or some nonsense and thus were banned from the site. Frankly, those people need to get their butts kicked. So hard they never forget the lesson: what you do on the internet is never truly anonomyous so you should treat it like you would real life. Bet they didn't think that nexus could track them and if actual damages were caused (provable damages) Robin could sue to shirt right off that person's back, or their parents.
You're right, I've reported the post in question already, I don't air other people's dirty laundry for the world to see. That's between myself, the mod author in question and the staff so I think we're on the same page there. This is about concerns that the system as its currently set up allows for the out right ignoring of bug reports. I believe that's counter intuitive to the spirit of the system as it's denying the (potential) issue exists which in turn is deceptive towards those who would download the mod and those who are experiencing similar issues and looking for a resolution in the comments section of the mod. Especially if proper troubleshooting with video evidence exists. I'd like to get a response on that part specifically if you wouldn't mind and thanks for taking the time to respond. :)
You're about as right as someone thinking they can drink rubbing alchohol instead of vodka. Lets just leave this to the mods so sort out please, that's the purpose of this thread.
Bleh, it's too hard to talk about this without mentioning specifics. I'll message you with details. Please, if you end up agreeing with me, don't use that information to shame them or whatnot.
Sharing that information is kind of like calling them out in public, I'm just not prepared to do that because it works in contrast to my goal of revised policy that is unbiased and I like to believe I'm a little more mature than that. Sorry. :sad:
Before his mod was updated, about a year ago it worked fine so I had endorsed it and used it. How fraud works is this: If you do something to misrepresent a product (mod) which obtains a benefit (endorsements/donations) you can be sued and/or have criminal charges brought against you. I'm not saying either of these things would happen but the law is the law, the likelyhood of punishment is completely irrelavent. Case and point: Nexus's stance on piracy. Doesn't matter if you won't be punished for it by your country, it's still illegal and thus isn't welcome on this site. To further that people have been banned for endorsement fraud on nexus before. Not that this is endorement fraud (as it would have to be intentional instead of being a byproduct), I'm using it to show that nexus does indeed punish people for fraud and that the system as it currently sits isn't really viable as it allows for situations like this to spring up. I'm advocating for a policy change that reflects an unbiased system.
It's in relation to ENB so that simplifies the moving components quite a bit. I verified it accross multiple clean installs and multiple ENB versions, the issue completely dissapeared when I used a different ENB preset including much more demaning ENB presets such as K ENB. We're not talking about a little dip in frames. We're talking about turning your character's head and dropping to 0.8 from 44 fps consistently. I don't want the staff to get involved in unblocking me, I've blocked the mod author and have no intention of ever using their mods again. My issue is that this is abuse of the system, not only can I no longer unendorse but removing feedback of a potential issue is potentially fraud (it actually could be consdiered fraud since there is a monetary value involved with donations).
So, I ran into a funky issue, I won't name anyone specifically. If mods are interested they can message me and I'll name names there but I do not believe in publicly calling people out in a lame attempt of shaming. I had a problem with a mod, traced the issue to back to the mod through deduction (the issue went away after the mod was removed and alternatives to said, popular mod had no issues what so ever ergo there was a very high chance that the issue specifically stemmed from that mod author's mod). So later that day I get a response from the mod author which essentially calls me a liar and then goes on the invalidate the troubleshooting that I've done to pinpoint the source of the issue. My response is civil, no harsh words were used and I expressed my disappointment but said literally said it was water under the bridge and I point out that if I remove his mod and the issue completely goes away there's a good chance the issue is with their mod. I go back today to see if there's any progress and I've been blocked. Frankly, since his mod has problems that I can replicate through multiple installs I don't care about being blocked. What I care about is the abuse of the blockign system. For a mod author to abuse the block system to stop civil discussion on a potential issue is a blatant abuse of the system, akin to artifically inflating one's endoresements or votes. Again, I will not name names but if mods feel the need to investigate I will provide details in a PM. Thank you for your time and have a good day. P.S. here's the redacted (to protect the identity of the mod author) reponse which resulted in me being blocked.
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974, #24752079, #24752334, #24752454, #24753799, #24754219, #24754259, #24754609, #24754739, #24754979, #24755419, #24755704, #24755774, #24755999, #24756039, #24756394, #24756489, #24756599, #24756669, #24756944, #24757404, #24757709, #24757794, #24757819, #24757959, #24758109, #24758244, #24758549, #24758604, #24758779, #24758789, #24759069, #24760799, #24760824, #24765454, #24765899, #24766564, #24766884, #24767039, #24767164, #24769074, #24769604, #24770129, #24770469, #24770524, #24770899, #24771494, #24771584, #24771729, #24771929, #24772554, #24773334, #24811954, #24812669, #24813194, #24813974 are all replies on the same post. @ ramccoid or perhaps it means that the internet was in flames and galvanized the community into action. endorsements mean exposure and popularity, downloads is generally a better indicator of how good your mod is, as are the comments people leave behind. This is simply a math equation with variables. If you screw up a variable of course you get a skewed answer such as Manny's "the community is ungrateful". This crap is getting stupid. Why are we fighting over things that were never an issue? Because some mod authors and some mod users were silly and did bad things? Grow up people, lol. Lets move past this tragic event guys, enough is enough. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24751059. #24751189 is also a reply to the same post. As I stated, that's the minority. I'm going to make a pretend real life example Say a group of people known as the Klukors want to share candy with the world and according to their ethnic beliefs they need to share candy with at least 1 person a day. Now say there's a group of klukors who are upset that some people don't eat candy so they go on a hate campaign, insulting everyone for not eating candy and declaring them unfit to be human. Are all klukors crazy, hate-filled people? No. The ones who are spreading hate are hate-filled. The vast majority are just normal people. See where I'm coming from? I'm trying to be really nice about this but what you're saying is prejudice based on the actions of a minority group. Since when is that acceptible? This isn't the dark ages, we're supposed to be more enlightened than that. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24750829. #24750879 is also a reply to the same post. I'd argue what it did was seperate the wheat from the chaff. The community isn't toxic. Kids spraying hate-filled angsty messages are toxic. What most people are failing to see is that what you see on the forums are largely a vocal minority. Do you tar and feather a group of people based on the extreme actions of a small percentage of that group? That's your choice to make but don't expect anyone to symathize when you villify the entire community for the words of a minority group. This concept isn't exclusive to this community either, you can apply the same principal to any ethnic group for a real life example. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24743634. #24743894, #24744099, #24744554, #24744644, #24744769, #24744904, #24745164, #24745394, #24745804, #24746019, #24747414, #24747454, #24748174, #24748274, #24748914, #24749009, #24749129, #24749259 are all replies on the same post. @ EnaiSiaion Just like how the free market dealt with IPs in the U.S. using the government grants to buy out the competition instead of build a national network, right? The free market is a complex beast fueled primarily by ambition and greed. Giving it free reign has historically resulted in bad stuff and as we had seen from a week's worth of paid mods it would have translated into poor quality products with the provider of products not honoring the implied warranty that comes with every purchase made. From a legal standpoint alone mods shouldn't be monetized in the way steam monetized them. DMCA takedowns, implied warranties and theft of assets are all factors which I don't think were adaquately considered by Valve, Beth or the modders on boad with paid modding. WHen you charge money for a product you expose yourself to a whole new world of laws and regulations and you can be sued for not living up to those expectations. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24742594. #24742759, #24742849, #24742924, #24742934, #24743009, #24743059, #24743149, #24743254, #24743299, #24743359, #24743449, #24743474, #24743514, #24743524, #24743584, #24743604, #24743624, #24743724, #24743739, #24743769, #24743774, #24743884, #24743929, #24743984, #24744049, #24744139, #24744159, #24744279, #24744479, #24744519, #24744574, #24744719, #24744789, #24744794, #24744929, #24744964, #24744989, #24745004, #24745054, #24745174, #24745279, #24745339, #24745449, #24745494, #24745729, #24745734, #24745839, #24745939, #24746154, #24746294, #24746544, #24746674, #24746704, #24746719, #24747064, #24747169, #24747379, #24747459, #24747514, #24747554, #24747774, #24747799, #24747909, #24748204, #24748329, #24748344, #24748534, #24748849, #24749024 are all replies on the same post. Its your choice to be outraged. Yes, some people are silly and the internet brings out this personality issue with certain people. However we all have choices in how we react to outside stimulus so to that end I reject your notion. You can either be the bigger person or you can sink down to the vocal minorities level. It seems that you self admittedly sink down to their level. Be the better person. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24745044. #24745229, #24745464, #24745559, #24745634, #24745674, #24745769, #24746064, #24746434, #24746794, #24746974, #24747029 are all replies on the same post. @ ChizFoShiz now you need to consider implied warrany as it's a legal term which is applied when you charge money for a product. -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24745044. #24745229, #24745464, #24745559, #24745634, #24745674, #24745769, #24746064, #24746434 are all replies on the same post. @ ChizFoShiz corrupting thought process is different than being corrupt. Very, very different. The only ones I'd truly consider corrupt are the ones who took down free mods to host them for money on steam. People like chesko are not corrupt in any visible way. I'm basing my opinions off of emperical data collected over nearly 2 decades. That system worked fine and very, very few people complained. In fact the only one of note that I can remember is Locaster. So when you say that bringing up the fact that entitelment goes both ways shows even more entitlement I can't help but laugh because you're showing more entitlement. Its a gigantic fallicious loop perpetuated by ignoring that we had a system which worked for a very long period of time before this whole steam fiasco. I'm not against paid mods as much as I'm against paid mods that mod authors couldn't possibly hope to support enough to justify the price tag. We all know that singular mod authors can't support the mods properly and that's fine, we're talking about potentially tens of thousands of users vs one poor guy trying to deal with all the bug reports and whatnot. But without the proper support it's not right to sell your product and we can see this in the quality of the paid mods, most of them were horrific quality with only a very select few being of good quality. I think that you should sit down and consider all the moving pieces and chronological order of events in order to form a reasonable opinion. I personally am in favor of a more agressive approach to donations, I really don't mind if there's a big fat "donation" button at the top of the description, blinking away in obnoxious seizure-enducing strobe effects because there's no implied warranty involved (which is a legal thing which modders would be subjecting themselves to and thus opening a can of legal worms). -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24745044. #24745229, #24745464, #24745559, #24745634, #24745674 are all replies on the same post. @ ChizFoShiz entitlement works both ways. For nearly 2 decades we've had a community that had no issues with creating content without guaranteed monetary incentive. Money absolutely corrupts thought process and this is a perfect case study of that social phenomina. -
In response to post #24699154. #24699914, #24700424, #24700529, #24700669, #24700794, #24700844, #24700949, #24701494, #24701854, #24702124 are all replies on the same post. That's pretty mature of you to come here and say that. I'm sorry you ended up on the recieving end of so much abuse. I hope you don't take those crazies who were threatening you as the normal, they're the vocal minority. I encourage you to come back to nexus, at this point everyone knows what happened and I think I can safely speak for most other mature members when I say I understand your position and not being used to that kind of flak. As far as I'm concerned its all water under the bridge. In any case, regardless of what you decide I hope things are better for you now. Take care!
In response to post #24662889. #24662979, #24663134, #24664289, #24664594, #24664599 are all replies on the same post. Well considering you're keeping SMIM up on nexus I see no issue with that. Kinda self-defeating though, anyone worth their salt knows about this site and will see its free here. If your goal is to drive traffic away from steam you very well might accomplish your goal as they'll come here and see the mod for free.
Quick updates to the site, money money money edition
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24654374. Well stated, what good is the carrot if there's no fear of the stick? -
Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
My concern with selling mods is quality assurance. There are times where after 24 hours you start finding bugs so I find the implementation...horrific. -
New mod author comment moderation features and updated terms of servic
diyeath replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #15643660. That's really good to know. You rock Dante, as always!