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Everything posted by Bullet_shrapnel

  1. The major problem I have with it is that every single match I've played one team always completely wipes the floor with the other in about 5 minutes. I'm also of the ilke who prefers to soak up a couple of bullets before becoming a bloody corpse.
  2. Apart from somewhat hilariously blasting enemies several feet with shotguns, the only real use I've found for the physics is when trying to defend a bomb. Cover it with a crate or barrel than bathe the area is smoke grenades and nobody is going to find it any time soon.
  3. Fair point, and one I didn't really consider. I guess that's one of the biggest ironies over the whole Manhunt incident.
  4. How so? With games like Manhunt out I don't see why there can't be a mass of gore spurting from headless necks! Right, and look at the massive poo storm that raised, ban this sick filth etc. Developers probably don't want that kind of attention. Unless they work for Running with Scissors, of course.
  5. I doubt it could get away with it. See when the soldier looses a head? A mild spurt and it ends. Err...
  6. Probably because of the amount of vital organs and heads that are going to be flying around. Apart from the 'bug decapitates soldier' bit, if you watch some of the later footage carefully you can see legs and arms lying around on the ground.
  7. I watched the trailer a few months back and had a distinct 'meh' feeling come over me. Especially when the player shotgunned the tanker bug and killed it very quickly, looking entirely scripted to me.
  8. I think 3 people mentioned Deus Ex at the beginning of the post you nincumpoop! :P *pretends that he didn't skim read the topic*
  9. No one has mentioned Deus Ex yet? Shocking. Compelling storyline, FPS and RPG elements rolled into onto package and a great deal of choice over your actions. Trumps everything else I've ever played hands down.
  10. PC have the ease of modification, the internet, the fact I can run games from import without illegal chipping and a superior online experience, generally speaking. What I generally use my Xbox for is LAN gaming, it being so much easier and simpler to haul it and 4 controllers across the city than it would be to move my PC. Besides, there's a wonderful simplicity to console games in that I never, ever have to worry about specifications, and the 'ooh, will it run on my PC?' crap I have to go through with PC games. Thou speaketh the truth. God bless the Alt+Tab buttons.
  11. The medic system is a sound one but just doesn't work within the game. Why? Because being limited to only have 3 meds a level is hardly a problem when, on occassion, you can see from the start of one level to the end. The point at which I got shot in the head by a Japanese officer whilst waiting for a revive and had to sit through another agonizingly long load time was the point at which I uninstalled.
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