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In response to post #24597869. #24598039 is also a reply to the same post.

gh0stwizard wrote:
Eiries wrote:
I will be glad if you will be able to implement such features with "protective" option enabled by default.

There's a lot to read, so I'll just cut it out:

This box is ticked by default. You will need to untick it if you want to allow mod authors to profit off your work.

Based Dark0ne already has it covered.

Second last paragraph in the article above:
This box is ticked by default. You will need to untick it if you want to allow mod authors to profit off your work.

It already is.
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In response to post #24596944. #24597759, #24597794, #24597919 are all replies on the same post.

phellen wrote:
oqhansoloqo wrote: That's a great idea, I think.
akkalat85 wrote: That's kind of a cool idea. Maybe give them a month's free premium membership or something along those lines.
hector530 wrote: "After all the modding community wouldn't exist as it does today if it wasn't for the nexus."

maybe for TES, but other games did well without nexus

Personally I think (and have always thought) Nexus should simply make a tipjar app where you can (if you want) tip the artist if they link it to their paypal account or something similar to that.
That way you aren't getting bogged down into legal issues with paying for mods which may have dmca issues, etc..simply giving a personal little reward to someones hard work..gives modders incentive to make good works, and everyones happy.

Mods of the month getting bonuses are ok, but some people may find far more enjoyment out of some obscure mod that was overlooked a year ago verses the latest elf clothing that got popvoted.
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Thanks for keeping the Nexus clean of paywalls - otherwise I would have done the same as some other people : remove my poo from the nexus (and probably leave the community forever too, which I'm really thinking about for the Steam Workshop...).
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In response to post #24597589. #24597689, #24597789, #24597819 are all replies on the same post.

LtRhapthorne wrote:
Millenia wrote: Nexus will never have paywalled/paid for mods. All it has is a simple donation popup feature that mod authors can opt into.
OiramX5 wrote: Hey Millenia, nice to see you still with us :)

Do you plan to continue your mods in nexus?
Really like the guns you made it!
LtRhapthorne wrote: It's not that, it's the fact that this has killed the atmosphere of modding.

Maybe it's just change. But before the concept of being paid people made mods because of their vision of the game not the bottom line.

It's not the community I fell in love with 7 years ago, before I even had a nexus account.

i think people are overacting a bit. modding isnt dead, no one is making a living selling mods, this only on steamworkshop
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In response to post #24595839. #24596394, #24596734, #24596949, #24597129, #24597184, #24597244 are all replies on the same post.

teppic1 wrote:
Ithlia wrote: The mod author has to turn that option on for you to be able to donate to them...as I understand it.

Out of curiosity I turned on the donation thing and it shows up on my profile page. I looked at turning it on for one of my mods and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm not sure why, I just couldn't.
teppic1 wrote: The author mentions he accepts donations but I can't see any links at all for it. I might be being stupid.
Ithlia wrote: Go to one of their mods, click on their name where it says Uploaded by, right under total views. That should take you to their profile page. The donation thing is on the right.
teppic1 wrote: Ah, found it. Thanks :) It's odd that it's nowhere on the mod page.
icecreamassassin wrote: It got toggled off during the update. I had to manually turn it back on for my mod
Ithlia wrote: Well the mod author has to do that manually as well.

and your welcome :)

If nothing else the Steam news may mean that authors here get more donations. I hadn't donated before, but I'm going to donate a little to several authors now.
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In response to post #24597589. #24597689, #24597789, #24597819, #24598324, #24598784, #24598839 are all replies on the same post.

LtRhapthorne wrote:
Millenia wrote: Nexus will never have paywalled/paid for mods. All it has is a simple donation popup feature that mod authors can opt into.
OiramX5 wrote: Hey Millenia, nice to see you still with us :)

Do you plan to continue your mods in nexus?
Really like the guns you made it!
LtRhapthorne wrote: It's not that, it's the fact that this has killed the atmosphere of modding.

Maybe it's just change. But before the concept of being paid people made mods because of their vision of the game not the bottom line.

It's not the community I fell in love with 7 years ago, before I even had a nexus account.
hector530 wrote: i think people are overacting a bit. modding isnt dead, no one is making a living selling mods, this only on steamworkshop
danielleonyett wrote: what? so you assume within the 1st few days that ALL mod authors are going to start charging for their mods??? people are getting WAY too dramatic about this. Like Dark0ne said "we've got to let the dust settle and see what comes of all of this. It's too early to tell."
Yet everyone's running around screaming "I QUIT!" or "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!" Get a grip, people....
LtRhapthorne wrote: You're welcome to think that. But modding is dead to me now.

Some of us can't afford video games in general much less paying for mods. I'm not saying its the end of the modding community as we know it, but I'm legitimately concerned that a mod I want to install will suddenly have a five to ten dollar pricetag. That concerns me, but yeah, let's wait till the dust settles and see where this goes. I am happy that modders are getting recognition, but this should be a donation system rather than charging up front...but that's just my opinion (feel free to ignore it) Edited by AngryCupcake91
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