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  1. by announcing months/year early you have committed the classic self dooming of every fan project ever. you have put a spotlight on it that the IP lawyers are going to hone in on to try and prevent the initial release.
  2. Your post is basically how quite a few modders got their start. They couldn't find what they wanted, so they learned how to make the ones they wanted i usually just link to the creation kit tutorials page for these kind of threads, though this guy would also need a 3d modeling tutorial and a chill pill.
  3. it is possible but i haven't quite found the right combo of bone scales yet. i was trying to make the head slightly larger, but the way fo4 seems to merge multiple skeletons together, also the face seems to work different than skyrim... my results were... well... i assume these are the reasons it is not yet able to be done via looksmenu. http://i.imgur.com/jIcvLBV.png http://i.imgur.com/2rp0Vv8.png
  4. two years later this saved me oh my god i was getting so mad i had checked all the texture layers setting interpolation 50,000 f*#@ing times. disabled high res makeup for skse, bam.
  5. In response to post #39665590. #39665740, #39665835, #39665905, #39673125, #39673695, #39679360 are all replies on the same post. becuase my steam numbers are cooler than yours. no really. something like 3500 hours in skyrim ck for me. bow before me. i think i've spent more time in it than anyone at bethesda has >_>
  6. "My mods will not be available on Bethesda.net for console users." i would suggest rewording this. it can be taken as "oh that guy isnt going to do it so screw it i will" perhaps "will not and may not be made available on bethesda.net"
  7. Mod Organizer's author's decision. Since the thread was started, it is now possible to do everything necessary with the Creation Kit and Papyrus compiling. See the Creation Kit sub-section at this STEP page: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Mod_Organizer#tab=Third_Party_Programs Then use SublimeText (32-bit portable version if OS is 64-bit). Set it up in MO like any other 3rd party program. Configure it to compile Papyrus scripts (http://www.creationkit.com/Sublime_Text_Setup). All that, does two things 1. All script types will compile in the CK 2. SublimeText can be used to edit & compile outside of the CK. Workflow for using ST with MO for both editing and compiling: ill give this a try and come back just so this thread has something along the lines of confirmation. that will only work if your scripts don't depend on any other scripts. else building will just fail because it won't find the ones it depends on.
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