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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. with both Thor and MHM apratenly out, i continuet my crusade against weaklings who dare to oppose my authority. Of cousrse there was no-one around, so i focused my rampage on the remians of the fallen....NOT IN A PERVERTED WAY. I burried the corpses 6 feet under the gelid snow. I tough :"this will keep them warm...heh"
  2. those are indeed good loking armors! The one it the last 3 shots reminds me of the Dark Seducer armors (maybe just the helmet).

    The sword in the last screenshot is beautiful!

  3. nicely done. How do you plan to give it the detials? Will you make a high poly model and then bake the normal map on the low poly model? Or are you gonna texture everything?
  4. covered in snow and shimpanze fur i was laying face down for a few hours. In this time i realized what the meaning of life was...and this time it wasn't 42...but stuffing snow into everyone s thorat until they die.

    My firsat victim was Thor. I aproched him slowly. He turned and saw me...but he couldn't react. He was scared...scared of that evil energy that was floating around me. As i shoved snow in his thorat i saw tears comming from his eyes...that was the last time i ever saw and felt human emotions...A NEW LORD OF SNOWY DARKNESS WAS BORN!

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