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Posts posted by Unavi

  1. CC was watchig, observing me. No, he was studing me. He wanted to know what i will do next. My mind was closed shut. He couldn't see anything. Suddenly he made a suprised face! I tought he realized my plan...but no..he was bluffing... unfortunatly i understood that too late, as i felt blistering pain in my back. CC jumped over me with ninja skillz and landed a round house on me. I tought it would be the end for me, but fortunatly one kick isn't enough for putting me to sleep. Of that was aware even CC....
  2. Did you get the same message when you put it in the icons folder? or it just didn't show up? I put all my icons in that folder and they work, but i've discovered that they won't work if the .dds file has mipmaps or more than one layer. Maybe this is the problem.
  3. "end? i was just starting to have fun!" I grabbed CC's arm and landed a heavy punch on his face...and another...and another...and another....CC started to howel...MHM couldn't move....he was scared. His legs were still frozen, but even if they weren't he was to scared to take action. My last puch threw CC a few hundreds meters away right under a big pile of snow, that has covered him....

    Now it was time for MHM....

  4. The most expensive Paperweight ive ever seen.

    I had the occasion to play it only once....those things are pretty rare here. (xboxes don't seem to like the weather here and are even less popular....i have never saw one in RL)

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