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Everything posted by SandMouseAnarchy

  1. Hmm, OK just putting thought to text here... If a COBJ points to a form list instead of an ObjectMod then will it appear in the workbench menu as a single buildable item or a further list of items? I'm guessing the former. Also, I stumbled on do_WorkbenchKeywordSlotList (that might not be the exact name, I can't remember) It's a formlist that lists the order of categories in the workbench menus - I tried adding a formlist there with a mod inside, but it didn't show up in the workbench menu - I wonder if that means that the nifs etc need a corresponding keyword named the same as the formlist to show up or if I'm just in denial about the possibility of subcategory menu's haha. I'll keep messing with it today and see what happens ^.^ Still looking for ideas if you guys can think of anything ^.^
  2. Thank-you for the great reply BigAndFlabby! ^.^ Damn, yep that's what I was afraid of.. No workbench menu using formlists apart from for building multiple items off one COBJ. Hmm, I take it a form list can't be used instead of an attachpoint in the armor record? (that was going to be my next experiment) No, that doesn't sound like it'll do anything... Back to the drawing board I think ^.^
  3. I can find the workshop menu formlist, where a script can add categories to the form list ect, but I can't seem to find a formlist for any workbench. I'm trying to insert subcategories into the categories in a workbench menu, (specifically the power armor workbench) I figure that the workbench menus function in the same way as the settlement workshop menu does except for there being no vanilla example of a subcategory in a workbench menu, and not being able to find a workbench formlist has lead me to believe it's hard coded or at the very least has an obscure naming convention. I think a quest script will definitely be needed on this one. So can anyone help me locate a workbench formlist? Does anyone know if they exist or what they're called if they do? (my goal at the minute is to retrofit a settlement category injection script to get the subcategories into the workbench menu, but without a formlist to reference I'm pretty stuck for ideas. Any help would be fantastic) ^.^
  4. I'm trying to add a modification via a submenu/subcategory in a workbench crafting menu. (I already have the mod setup and can be built in game from a workbench but I want to put it in a subcategory) For example- Vanilla menu's are structured like: Xmenu -> aCatagory ->dmod bCatagory -> eMod I want to make a structure like: Xmenu -> aCatagory -> dSubcatagory -> gMod bCatagory -> eSubcatagory -> hMod Can anyone explain how to do this? ^.^
  5. Aye ^.^ rad ideas Old Hand! I like the idea of the mama/papa character, especially them being a robot! Really cool, I'll look into how the voicing is done for robots as I happen to know a few voice actors/impressionists ^.^ Love the idea of some sort of confrontation with the BoS too, a multiple choice quest to help the BoS disband/kill the atom cats or to merge the BoS and Atom Cats, or to side with the atom cats and team up against the BoS (we can throw some atom cats guys into the final BoS battle for good effect) and maybe a quest to help the atom cats steal supplies from a BoS outpost. Like it! I'm not sure I personally know enough about the Boston BoS, and the enclave to feel confident in answering that kind of question for Bugthesta, but we can definitely elude to a few lore appropriate backstories :) I think I'll have to do a lot of solid research for that one first :) I also like how you said - the ability to send atom cats to red rockets. That's a cool idea, I could even have a few atom cats things spawn in when an atom cat is sent to a red rocket to make the settlement seem more... Atom cats-y... ^.^ Thanks for the input and ideas Bro! Much appreciated.
  6. Hi all, I'm in the middle of making a power armor mod that will feature some changes to the Atom Cats (and BoS) to integrate my armor into the game and lore, but also give power armor more usability and functionality. So I'm looking for ideas, no suggestion is too crazy here folks... with enough effort I'm sure anything is possible ^.^ Some of my ideas so far: 1: Quests. (so far as I know) the Atom Cats are missing a few missions and side quests, I believe there's been atleast one mod that's restored some content there... (there was supposed to be a race in power armor around the Atom Cats garage for example) I'll do my best to integrate those mods or at the vary least make them fully compatible. They could also do with a few repeatable missions, find and fetch missions etc. The more quests that are completed the more the settlement should "expand" and become more affluent, a few new recruits, vendors get a wider inventory with more caps, a few extra living accommodations etc. Maybe even a travelling Atom Cats merchant(?) - I'm going to make a quest to fetch parts to build a custom power armor, find magazines etc. 2: The garage itself should be a fully functional settlement (there's mods for that which I will integrate or make compatible) and the settlement should eventually be given to the player after enough grinding for them. 3: The garage needs a bit of a spruce up, with some cool and collectable items hidden around. 4: A few variations of the Atom Cats outfits will look good. 5: The Atom Cats should be able to repair power armor as part of a bartering/dialogue menu maybe even replenish fusion cores. 6: (because I will be changing features to standard power armor (Base speed, accuracy, damage rates etc)) The Atom Cats (and BoS) will offer heavy armor and heavy weapons training/perks. Maybe with accompanying side quests or achievements (like running into and knocking over 50 people grants +2 knock back effect/stager and +10 melee damage resistance for example) Power armor race around the garage - notes - There should be a few routes/tracks around the garage grounds to race, there should be a lap time leadership board where the player name appears after completing a race. Coming first in a race will get a prize, and first in all races will get a perk boost (like +5 speed etc) The weight of power armor and amount of armor pieces on the frame should effect speed (making modding and lightening power armor necessary to race effectively) There should be a jetpack only track. Cool and collectable items - notes - After a new recruit joins or after certain quest stages, armor piece variants should randomly spawn around the garage. A custom Atom Cats helmet will spawn somewhere after all the "main" missions are complete. Expanding the Atom Cats Settlement - notes - Like the missions from struges to plant food, make beds etc in sanctuary, the Atom Cats should ask the player to do similar things (build new frames, new workbenches, make a shack for a recruit etc) I will be integrating an alternative start mod with this too so that the player can choose to start as an atom cat, at the garage so these missions will make good beginner low level/tutorial quests. The more the settlement is expanded, (clearing buildings, killing mole rats etc) the more race tracks should become available. The settlement should visibly grow and change in a lore friendly way. Quests - notes - Find and fetch parts and equipment Clear local dangers Help build/restore the garage Complete armor/weapons training Find magazines Complete races Target range Quests to fetch equipment should unlock new modifications in the power armor workbench or new purchasable items in the garage shop. So guys, any ideas to make this a truly cool mod? All input welcome :)
  7. How about assigning two npcs to the same bed will give a random chance for a baby to spawn it on one of them, maybe with a notification saying something like "two settlers are now parents" and you could even have a mini mission to go welcome the new arrival (the baby). Really cool idea by the way! You could even replace the baby with a child after a period of time for added emersion ^.^
  8. I'm away from ck at the moment, could anyone give me a brief explanation on how to make certain recipes only available for male/female characters? I have a feeling it will involve a male/female condition in the 'filter conditions' box in the crafting recipe record? Thanks guys ^.^
  9. Hi everyone, I'd like to port a hair mod I made for skyrim a while ago, but the hair uses an extra 18 bones. Can hair/cloth bones be made in 3ds max? Maybe with a plugin like hdt autopilot? I haven't found much info on hair for fo4, so any info about hair, and the limits of what we can do with hair would be most welcome ^.^
  10. Hi all, Like the title says - in an object mod there is a property modifier called ebBodyPart where you can select a 'body part' from a drop down box, I can't find any documentation on it, so, what is it? And what is it used for? Thanks ^.^
  11. Thanks for the comments guys, Thanks for linking me to your tutorial RedRocketTV, it was awesome, you have a great delivery! ^.^ I've watched the videos and taken a look through the elevator script and I'm still looking through CK - and... Well... It's looking like good news! So, like Reneer says, doors have to be linked in CK (I'm unsure whether or not it can be done by script) but linking doors physically shouldn't be necessary. Seeing as teleporting to a transitional cell seems to be an optional field in every door reference, the vanilla Doors could be rewritten to teleport us to our transition room, and the game will teleport us to the new cell automatically when it's loaded. But that'd mean changing out every door in game, not very practical. So I think it would be best to have a script/quest script to intercept a door activation and run 'GetTeleportCell' To get the cell we're teleporting to, then teleport to a transition cell and run 'PreLoadTargetArea' or 'PreLoadExteriorcell' to get the next cell loading in the background, then check 'isTeleportAreaLoaded' if true then teleport out to the teleport cell we got from 'GetTeleportCell'. Your thoughts guys? I've been looking through the object reference documentation on creation kit, and it says that both PreLoadTargetArea and PreLoadExteriorCell are used to load exterior cells, so is there a 'PreLoadInteriorCell' function? Or even better is there a 'PreLoadTeleportArea' function? *Edit* So it seems to me that the difficulty is in getting a cell to load in the background, everything else seems fairly straightforward ^.^ Does anyone know how to load an interior cell in the background?
  12. Thanks again for a great reply SKK50! Real gold. Yeh, the mod - I hope - will add little lore friendly starting quests for each location picked, so unless the vanilla start option is picked, I think it would be best to pick the main quest up like the 'start me up mod' with a quest "rumour of a vault" or something like that where the player would have to go find vault 111 before the quest to tell nick valentine starts. The mod will keep the game mostly vanilla, no real dismemberment ;) so just like you say, I think the first major milestone is going to be understanding MQ101 and MQ102 and seeing how the other modders did theirs. Good shout with champollion, I'll go check that out :) Thanks mate!
  13. Thank-you RedRocketTV! I'll check out your video right now :) Oh awesome, and thanks for linking me to Seddon4494's video, I'll check that out too :)
  14. Thank-you SKK50 for the great reply, exactly the kind of advice I was looking for ^.^ and cool article, thanks for the link, it was very helpful. It sounds like MQ001 and MQ002 will need to be completed in the background before the player is teleported to the new start location. That way everyone's mods will start up as normal, like you wrote about in that article :) Are the S.P.E.C.I.A.L and 'choose name' menus stages for MQ001? Or are they required to be set before MQ002 finishes?
  15. Very interesting guys! I'll definitely check out the elevator transition - that sounds pretty promising, at least for loading a cell in the background. And I'll go find that YouTube video too ^.^ RedRocketTV, do you have any documentation or an updated tutorial for using packins? (not that I know what a packin is haha) I think that if the game needs a link in ck, hopefully this can be done dynamically with a small script on the exit door.
  16. Hi all :) Among other things I'm working on at the moment I'm also exploring the possibility of my own alternative start mod. The alternative start mods that exist already are great, but they all still start at the character creation scene in pre-war sanctuary. What I'd like to develop is a framework whereby instead of the intro video for a new game - the player is given a menu to choose an option for where to start. Eg: pre-war sanctuary, vault 81, nuka world, institute, bos in Cambridge etc. Then when the option is selected an appropriate video plays (fo4 intro, or the nukaworld trailer etc) then the world space loads up and places the player near a light, repositions the camera and starts the character creation menu. Technical difficulties - I've read that there's a lot of things that need to run at the start of a new game that run while you're in pre war sanctuary, that can't be avoided - probably the reason those alternative start mods don't cut that bit out. so the work around idea I'll be trying is - Skip the intro video, the game starts normally, but as you enter the sanctuary character creation scene, the screen stays black with the game still starting up normally in the background, The 'where to start menu' shows and then the intro video plays. while the video plays, the game kicks the player out of character creation, and let's everything load normally again in the background. The opening quests etc are automatically completed, and when the intro video finishes the player is teleported to the new location they picked and any new intro quests can be started - like defending the bos in Cambridge or finding that cat in vault 81. Does anyone with knowledge of the starting procedures/quests etc know if this is possible without breaking the game? What to look out for? What to avoid? Thanks :)
  17. Something a bit different - Just like the tittle says, it would be very cool to have a small room load up instead of a load screen - then a notification will pop up saying "world loaded/ready" and you walk through a door to exit into whichever world space/area was being loaded in the background. the small room could be anything from a mini settlement for making a few chems before the next level, to a mini assault course where you try to finish before your world loads, or a firing range etc. Is it possible? I imagine a script will intercept the load screen event and load the room instead (the easy part) but how can we get the game to continue loading the area/world space in the background that the initial door or load screen was for? And ofcourse, then how to tie an exit door to the world space that's loading in the background?
  18. Hi all, I'm looking into the possibility of having an npc spray paint a decal on a wall. Like a gang tag or a "down with McDunner" sign. I think it would be best to have the npc pick out a wall around them at random, so that the decal could appear anywhere, not just on selective wall pieces. Does anyone know how to do this? I suppose that spawning in the decal is the easy part, relatively speaking. But how does one go about making an npc choose a random wall to stand at? Is there a 'detect nearest wall' or 'detect 90' surface' script for example? Any ideas would be massively appreciated :)
  19. Hey mate, I've got a couple mods up in the air at the moment that I'm working on - but this sounds cool and I think a lot of people will like a mod like this ^.^ So, shoot me a message mate, and I'll help/collaborate where I can :)
  20. Hey mate, have you edited the human skeleton.nif? Or the camera node in your weapon's .Nif? It looks like the camera node that's being used is staying at 0,0,0 and isn't syncing up with the character animation. It could be that the camera node isn't connected/patented/linked right in the one of the .nifs that you're using. Can you/have you tried copying over the camera node from a vanilla Nif?
  21. I've got an idea mate - are you using the vanilla menu categories/keywords (stock, bayonet, muzzle.. etc) for the Omods you're adding to your weapon? If you are, maybe that's why all the vanilla mods and categories are showing up? So - maybe you can use new keywords instead in the nif and the Omod, and change the display name of the new categories/keywords to match the vanilla categories names, give every Omod a conditional keyword "ma_*someword* to replace the ma_Hunting rifle. Then only new categories and the mods with the matching conditions will show :) Hope it helps mate, I think this is a way to do it, but I haven't got CK in front of me at the moment though so I can't check for ya, so sorry if it doesn't help haha
  22. Hey mate, All non human creatures (that I know of) use the same bone names in their skeletons, so by changing the race entry in the armor and armoraddon records in creation kit - any clothing or armor can be worn by any race, but expect it to be all stretched out and rubbish. So, not that I've actually* tried it yet - but in outfit studio, you can for example start a new project, and use the super mutant body nif as your reference and make the outfit as normal and it should work fine :) Hope that helps mate :)
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