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About PET6235

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  1. ". I'd also even out the argument a little more so that the reasons he gives for understanding are her lines to say." I hate to sound dumb, but can you explain that?
  2. Figured that was the case. then by all accounts this is how i'd play out if I were doing a tabletop. Alea: Why won't you marry me? We know we are both interested in each other Dragonborn: How can I give my heart to a woman that I know when all is said and done will become twisted into nothing more than a wild dog? Alea: E-Excuse me? Dragonborn: Did I stutter? Aela: (snarls) So,,,you do hate what I am. Dragonborn: No Aela this is not what you are. This is what you choose to be. You weren't born a werewolf, you dipped your blood in the cauldron the same as I did, but the difference is when given the 2nd chance I chose to embrace my humanity rather than forsake it, Aela: Going to the Hunting Grounds is not the curse you're making it out to be. Are you angry that we'd be separated in the afterlife because of sovngarde? Dragonborn: it isn't about sovngarde. Maybe for you the hunting grounds are a paradise but I am not content losing what makes up who I am, my independence, my humanity. I lost that once twice before. I never want to lose it again. Aela: So what are you going to do? are you going to expel me from the Companions because I'm the one that's still a werewolf? Dragonborn: And what good would that do? Even if I did it wouldin't be for the right reason. Oh I could come up with a sorts of excuses but in the end my reasons would be entirely selfish, no being a werewolf does not change the fact you are still a shield-sister, but I want you to understand why I could never give myself to you with the knowledge I have. Maybe something will happen happen maybe Hircine himself will swear a vow that it would not go that way, but right now, I just, I just can't Aela: I-I guess I understand, but it hurts knowing you feel that way about me. Dragonborn: Trust me it hurts just as bad on this end. I know this was long, but what do you guys think?
  3. Ok this is something that has bothered the living heck out of me ever since getting attached to the companions. Everytime I ask what happens to werewolves after they die I'm left with the same answer (They go to the hunting grounds) My question is what happens to their souls when that happens. Do they remain sentient, do they keep a human form, or do they essentially become just pet hunting hounds? I could see the appeal of the hunting grounds if it was essentially a wild man's sovngarde where people hunted both in a human and werewolf form I could see the appeal but if it's the latter I don't see how Hircine would get this reputation of being any more honorable than any of the other princes, getting exactly what you paid for/wished for is not a strange and new concept for daedra you get exactly what you pay for. it's always a case of be careful what you wish for. Plus again if it's the latter I can definitely see the prejudice if you find out your fiance is a werewolf why would you give your heart to someone who when all is said and done will become twisted into little more than a glorified hunting dog? Especially if you are a nord that has a guaranteed spot in what is essentially the elder scrolls equivalent of heaven waiting for you Dragonborn or otherwise? Again something that I can't get a clear answer on. what do you guys think? Also note: I pair my Dragonborn with Aela all the time so if that whole marriage scenario seems oddly specific, it's because well...it is. And yes I do get into my Rping I like to think about how my character would react as if he were a real person.
  4. Quite frankly, if we are going to have to start paying for mods, then I think their needs to be an option for patrons to commission a work much Like people at deviantart artist have their works commissioned. If people pay for stuff, then they better get what they pay for.
  5. In response to post #24643869. "ZERO IMPACT ON YOUR ABILITY TO LIVE." Which means it has a very limited shelf life, and as expenses such as housing, medical and other necessities have gone up, people are quitting gaming because they can't afford it anymore. I quit gaming for this exact reason. Many others are too. Yes it is a rough area to navigate and it's not like many of us don't understand why the decision is made, but many of us are also aware that the bottom line of this system will be "Fork over more cash," or leave. that is what happens when your bottom line is profit (Which is the case for most large companies) If one must choose between gaming or hospital, most are going to choose hospital. The people who this will hurt, are the sharers and the hobbyist those that do this stuff for free just because they want to share. I know that in this day in time it's crazy but those people are out their. If history is any marker, Bethesda and Value will find a way to make it to where any form of free modding is considered illegal by act of piracy and if you want to mod, you either mod in the name of the company, or you don't mod at all. The one upside I see for this is that we may see people start making games, (After all if I'm being forced to start from scratch, I might as well just make my own game.) sorry for the long rank. Just don't make the mistake of thinking everybody who can't afford to fork over cash is a freeloader that feels that these people are obligated to provide their content for free. Just don't be surprised when some people are hurt that they can no longer support the author they love simply because they can physically not afford to.
  6. ApacheiSkyHair got infected? That's a shame. The uploader took the time to talk to me and they seemed like a very nice person, and someone just had to be a jerk and desecrate the files that the uploader took the time to upload. For those who somehow think this kind of thing is amusing, keep in mind even something as simple as uploading the file to Nexus is not the easiest thing to do and these programers don't do it because they have to but because they want to. Also for those who download please make sure your virus protection is up to date obviously people have shown they have little regard for others property, but that doesn't mean we can't do our part to protect ourselves. Good luck to Dark0ne and the staff at nexus on trying to keep the site clean and safe. best of luck,
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