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  1. what im suggesting is instead of relying on the absolute path from the log file, use the "mod path" and "folder path" data to get an absolute path, for example: ArchivePath={mod folder}\{mod path}
  2. The thing is, you said you've moved your folders several times, and changed drive letters, and Vortex knows where to find them, if they were where they were supposed to be, unfortunately, you put them where they weren't supposed to be, so Vortex couldn't find them. That's not a shortcoming of Vortex, even the OS has a problem dealing with that, you can't just copy, move, re-letter hard drives etc and expect anything to work properly after that, (maybe if you use something like Application Mover" that knows to change all your shortcuts, registry entries etc when you move a file/program only thing is, its not an OS problem, NMM has a config file that shows where the mods folder is, including the drive letter, so its a simple matter of getting the path from the config file that is read when you import mods and getting the filename from the logfile, like NMM did in the first place, as to move an NMM install you simply copy your mods directory and go into settings and tell it where the new path is and it never gives you an error finding the archives, infact theres a data type in the log file called "mod path" that is a relative path instead of an absolute path that can be combined with the mod directory in the config file to get the real path of the archives. The thing is, you said you've moved your folders several times, and changed drive letters, and Vortex knows where to find them, if they were where they were supposed to be, unfortunately, you put them where they weren't supposed to be, so Vortex couldn't find them. That's not a shortcoming of Vortex, even the OS has a problem dealing with that, you can't just copy, move, re-letter hard drives etc and expect anything to work properly after that, (maybe if you use something like Application Mover" that knows to change all your shortcuts, registry entries etc when you move a file/program
  3. I have taken notice of something in the NMM import function I find worth noting, to preface, in the past my NMM and game installs have been moved from disk to disk along with my steam installation to avoid doing a complete reinstall that could take weeks on my home internet connection or splitting my steam library to multiple disks. When I did the upgrade to Vortex and I attempted to use the import function and it could not find the mods because instead of looking for the archives in the current mods folder, for mods that had been installed prior to moving to the newer, larger, faster HDDs the import tool checked the install logs and decided to look for the mods in their previous locations, I found a solution in putting drives at the old drive letters and copying my NMM install to all the old install paths, it did work, but I see an improvement could be made by setting the import tool to check the current mods directory for the archive files instead of blindly checking the exact location in the log files, I even edited the log files to show it the new location with only limited success, as some files it would still look in the old directory despite the log file edit showing the new path. I believe a fix could be made by simply checking the config file for the mod archives folder and checking for the filename in that folder, improving the tool greatly. Edit I would like to say that while the above looks like a rant, I'm not actually that aggravated or annoyed by the situation, just think that I'm probably not the first person to have the issue and I have a suggestion to prevent it from happening again to anyone else
  4. this must have had something to do with my load times. my average program start time dropped by 25 min and 33 seconds. it now opens in 33.2 seconds on average.
  5. 0.46 is super slow on my computer, 0.45.7 wasnt. I have a core i5 cpu and 4 gb ram. This makes absolutely no sense.
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