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  1. EDIT: After redoing everything, and just letting it sit, after about 20 minutes the loading thing went away and it started working.
  2. Hey all, I've got 500+ hours in game, and while I wait for new content, I've started a new character/world to mess around with. Mostly I just really want to get that "plant Everything" mod. But I can't figure out how to start the process. I've got Vortex, as I've been running modded Skyrim, Fallout, etc for years. Vortex can't even find Valheim. I went to the folder manually, and now when I try to select the game in Vortex, it just gives me a "Switching to profile: default" page that spins but never loads anything. Is there something else I'm supposed to do? I did a bunch of googling, checking Reddit, etc, but there's no real step by step process that I could find. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Ah ha, thank you very much. Honestly this looks like a copy/pasta, and if so, rethink your life. Tossing unnecessary posts just to prove how "knowledgeable" you are doesn't help if the stuff you're posting has nothing to do with the OP. On the off chance this isn't a copy/pasta, what are you talking about? I'm asking if the files are hosted locally due to concern about my satellite internet bandwidth. No where do I say I'm going to upload any files, or download any files, or hack anything. I don't know if you know what satellite internet is like, but let me tell you, it's not great. I have 50GB per month, and if I exceed that my bandwidth goes to poop. If I have to download an entire album every single time I play the game, my internet is going to go to crap in like, hours. If they're on my pc, then I don't have to worry about it.
  4. Where are the audio files? I've got really crappy internet, and am hoping they're on my computer. However, given how often they glitch out, I'm thinking they might be on the Beth servers. Does anyone know? If they are on my pc, where would I find them?
  5. I'm having to buy a mic, myself. Looking at them sort of pisses me off, because I don't want headphones, I've got speakers. I just need a decent mic with a mute button.
  6. Thanks for the responses, and yes I guess I just picked a bad time to get into mods. The ones I tried were all incompatible with 1.3 I'll just have to see if the ones I want update, and go from there.
  7. So it does look like it's a version problem, but it also looks like most mods aren't compatible to the new Beta update. Guess it's a bad time to get into mods, eh? I'd still love advice from veteran modders, if anyone has input.
  8. Greetings! I've downloaded SMAPI, it seems to be working. I can launch the game etc. I tried to install my first mod I've gotten off Nexus, and it doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. I went with something that seemed simple, an enlarged refrigerator; https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1191. I followed the install steps, and have the "ExpandedFridge" folder inside to my Stardew Valley mods folder. I've changed the "config.json" file to 4 as instructed, but when I load the game, the fridge inventory is the same as always. Is it because the mod hasn't been updated to the new beta version? Or is there a step I'm missing somewhere?
  9. Heyo all, I was thinking it'd be really nice to know how much exp I'm gaining as I go along. A lot of games already do this, it bothers me that Skyrim doesn't. Maybe it's immersion breaking? I don't know. I've done some googling, and looking around Nexus, and I can't find a mod like this, but for all I know there IS one already. Help or suggestions would be appreciated. :)
  10. After reading this for the last few weeks on the main page, I decided to actually click on it. Mainly, I thought (for some crazy reason), that this meant there weren't going to be horrendous ads anymore. There's more ads than content anymore. The background gets totally taken up by ads. It's awful. I've gone ahead and signed up for Premium, just so I don't have to have ads. Congrats.
  11. I'm not sure how defending myself equals attacking other people, but ok...? There have been a LOT of people here having these issues, that we've been having since 1.5 was released, and people come in and don't read anything and then go "try doing *insert utterly basic thing here*", and I'm sorry if I get frustrated, but if we're here, modding games, and playing games for 28 years, we get the basics. We know the very first things to try, and only when we can't get those basic things to work, do we come HERE and ask. Having 25 people in various threads go "have to checked your cache?? DUH LOL" is insulting to people trying to actually figure this out. And yes, I did a complete reinstall. I uninstalled FO4, I even uninstalled Nexus and ALL mods. I went through my hard dive and deleted every single file I could find that had anything to do with Fallout 4 and Nexus. Reinstalled totally vanilla, still have the same issues. Once I got past those issues, I then installed Nexus and my mods again, and everything worked fine for almost exactly 7 days, and then things started not working again, even though I had changed nothing in that time. And before I get asked, again, abut UI mods, no I don't even have an Interface folder in my Data folder. http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f16/Sertith/Photography/IGN%20Stuff/datafolder_zpsdcijfnjx.png
  12. Ok, after having no trouble for a few days, it's now CTDing on start up again. Iv'e tried all the things that I tried before, and it's not working. Now and then, if I delete my .ini files over and over and over and over it'll start to work, but when I stop playing for the night, and try to start it up again the next day, CTD again. I have to wonder if you think I'm an idiot, or what. Drivers, man, really? Hundreds of people having problems with the 1.5 update and all you got is drivers and validating the Steam files? Literally the most common thing that people automatically check for first? It's a shock you don't tell me to turn it off and then back on. Gimme a break.
  13. Oh yeah, it was a mod that did it. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11900/?
  14. I'm going to guess you did get those items.....
  15. At first that was the only thing that would get my game to start at all. But after deleting the fallout4.ini and fallout4prefs.ini about 5 times, it starts working. Sometimes I have to do it 2-3 times before the game will start. Remember if you DO delete them, you have to restart the game using the Steam launcher. The nexus launcher wont recreate the ini files.
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