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Everything posted by Di0nysys

  1. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/002/747/KCCO.jpg Been there :/
  2. If the animation event is listed under Attack Data, you could set it's chance to 0. Otherwise, there isn't much that can be atm without a behavior editor.
  3. Narrow it down. Make sure it's cleaned of ITM's, UDR's and errors in Xedit. If that's done, then u can narrow it down to a custom nif ur using in that vicinity. Run your meshes through Nifscan. U can grab it off nexus. Usually it's a badly named node (duplicate name) or bad collision. Unfortunately if it's a collision issue Nifscan won't pick it up. So make sure u fix any newly added collision. If u need tips on that, lemme know.
  4. The nifs have a separate texture than the landscape dds. Unpack the Dawnguard bsa, grab the nif name (bonepile01.nif), open up in nifskope to see the texture path, then edit accordingly.
  5. I basically have one large object in my level that gets translated a bunch of times during the course of the level. The problem is it's way too big to fit in any given roombound at a time. Would there be a way to exclude this object and have it render always regardless of roombounds?
  6. People modded that in already. Search for Last Seed and iNeed.
  7. I don't have that issue. You could have used the wrong skeleton.hkx while exporting the kf's. HkxCmd converts anims fine for me.
  8. In Wyre Bash, right click on the plugin, copy to master.
  9. Make a master ESM mod that requires ur users download it, and have all your other plugins slaved to it. Any time u use a shared item, make sure it's one that's referenced in the ESM and u should be fine.
  10. The heightmap editor has a nice erosion and smoothing function that can produce some interesting results. Experiment with different erosion and sedimentation levels and let it generate. It usually does take a while for it to finish calculation. But in my experience the results usually look good. Edit: You should consider making your worldspace slightly larger especially for LOD generation and ocean cutoff. In the regions tab, create a 32x32 region in order to make sure your world doesn't just cut out after 10 units.
  11. Blender's plugins are very bad for anything you wanna do. I don't understand why there's an entire process of messing around with Nif values just to import a model into Blender. Seems really ass backwards to me. Do yourself a favor and get 3dsmax. Its plugins are better updated and at least nifs can be imported straight into it and exported without any hassle or issue. Max is available for free to students on the Adobe site. If u can, get the oldest version you can find (2015 preferrable as the plugin is most stable for that release).
  12. There certainly could be better discoverability on the Nexus. Just about every user driven content site like Nexus faces these issues, and they all have very different ways of dealing with it. I certainly see a lot of mods that should be more recognized fade into obscurity because of the day they release, or the lack of any substantial coverage, or bad screenshots, or just simply because the hotfiles on that particular day are taken up by 3 skimpy followers, a bikini armor and a leaf retexture. Nexus could certainly improve on this front.
  13. You can assign the collision to the NiTriShape (look for the header number of the Collision, then assign that number to Collision Data), and then move that along with the geometry as one unit.
  14. It's floating because it still has the original mesh's collision. You have to redo it's collision or put it inside a NiNode and rescale that instead.
  15. Use a regular trigger, with the collision layer set to 'L_Trigger'. However, u won't be able to detect whether the static is Intrigger since the function requires the object enter the trigger to trigger it.
  16. mpscandleflame01.nif uses the candleflame01.dds texture, a simple hue change in the texture (gimp or ps or w/e), then renaming the path to your custom texture should change it's color, unless there's other factors controlling color. I can't visibly see it's model to tell u exactly as it's a particle, and it's not supported by any version of Nifskope. But open up the trees and go look for the BsShaderProperty nodes, under those, you'll be able to change the attributes to your candle color, texture paths etc. Make sure you don't delete any nodes, and in case you copy nodes over, always do spells > sanitize > reorder blocks before saving your custom version.
  17. That project looks pretty cool. If u ever decide to move to a proper engine, Gamemaker is great for 2d stuff, even better than Unity.
  18. They seem to have either sunk the model into the ground, or cut the extra parts in Max or Blender. That mesh is definitely a Telvanni model.
  19. Blender's export/import plugins are very dated, and u'll be doing a ton of after export edits in Nifskope for stuff to work. Recommend u instead get into 3dsMax. It's free, it's an industry standard, easy interface, and it's plugins are all up to date and give me very little headache. Just an advice.
  20. It's a mesh from the Dragonborn DLC, lookup the Telvanni assets. It's one of the house meshes.
  21. The audio mix could be better, But very cool animation, really awesome vid. SFM?
  22. Checkout the Skyrim Voice actor forums under Skyrim Mod Talk, a good voice sample would also go a long way.
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