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Posts posted by DarkFaeGaming

  1. Hey there they should function perfectly fine.

    I made a tiny box on top of a house to add a key, while the regular box is pretty big this one was considered as cheat or easter egg to get into the house early.

    So I made it very, very, very, tiny and well hidden. ^^


    When it comes to the scale of other objects it depends... I am not at the GECK right now, but the base form of creatures has a built-in scale value.

    You can change that value directly in the base form, but this will affect all references of that creature.


    If container have such a scale function in the base form either, it will also affect all references of that container.


    HOWEVER, as you say you use it in the render window, then this is actually the scale of the placed reference. It should NOT affect the base form.

    So all other references of that container should still have regular size.

    Awesome, cheers

  2. As the title says, if I scale down a storage box for a housing mod, so that it fits nicely on shelves, function as normal? Just scaling with the S button in the render window, don't know about other methods.

    EDIT: Also, if I scale down one, will others I place in also be scaled? Or only ones I duplicate/copy+paste?

  3. Trying to do my first housing mod, and I just have a few things that I'm unsure of, and I'm hoping to get answers. Not very experienced in the GECK/Creation Kits
    If I group objects in the render window; a table, crafting hot plate, and some storage crates, will they all still function as separate objects and work as normal in the game?

    How can I place things like ammo or bottles, and have them as only decorative static, and not able to be interacted with and moved around and taken?

    That's all I can think of right now, but I'll edit this post if anything comes to mind



    I'm pretty rookie with it myself, but what sort of effect are you trying to have happen with this script?


    Just for the script to say "Hi" when the player drinks, let's say, a beer.


    XD Fair. I think I have an idea, but let me boot up the GECK again tonight or tomorrow morning, and I'll let you know. Because I have the idea, but not the words to describe what I'm thinking lol. I need to poke around at it myself anyway, so I'll check this quickly when I'm at it.

  5. First things first, I'm doing this for my own personal use, unless the author of the house in question gets back to me and gives permission for me to upload the edits


    I'm trying to change an old housing mod a bit, primarily by adding an electric hot plate into the house's interior, in order to function better with storage and stash organizer, and just keeping as much as possible in the single cell, as the mod in question just has a campfire outside.

    But I'm trying to test with just that change - adding the hot plate into the house - and when I go into the house, it's not there.

    I did check with a different cell - added a hot plate to the Goodsprings Schoolhouse - as a test, and the hot plate appeared there as I'd intended, but still no appearance in the modded house. I did make sure I had both selected and deployed as per usual in Vortex, and made my tweak load after the house, but no luck. Went through on GECK to make sure there wasn't a second cell somewhere in case I'd been using a test cell or something, but as far as I could see, everything should be working.


    Any help would be appreciated. The mod I was trying to tweak is the Goodsprings Safehouse.

  6. Hey all. Just want to know if anyone's made a (preferably YouTube, but will take anything) guide or anything, or even just has some pointers or general advice for making a prefab structure using pre-existing structure pieces, like the wooden floors and everything. I literally just want to cut down on the time I always spend putting together the same structure whenever I start a new game XD


    Also, is it possible to include furniture when making a prefab and still have it functional - ie beds and crafting stations?


    Thanks in advance

  7. Anyone able to make a mod that automatically dismisses a companion without having to go through the dialogue options? It's a little dramatic to reach max affinity with one, and have relationship, and then basically tell them to either go home or go and wait at a settlement.

  8. According to the Wiki, Opal sells shipments of ceramic, concrete, copper, rubber, steel, and wood. However I can't seem to find these on her vendor container in the Creation Kit while trying to increase quantity of shipments available. Went through all the levelled lists that might have them, and nothing.
    EDIT: Trudy from the Drumlin Diner also has the same issue. Sells shipments, but can't find said shipments in the CK.

  9. Tried to upsize the shipments via CK, wanted an option for x2, x5 and x10 shipment sizes, but it didn't have any effect in game. Just went onto each shipment on the CK, didn't touch the ID, just increased the quantity in Component Data and changed the name as appropriate. Went back into game with each plugin one at a time, waited for 36hrs each time outside of Diamond City, went back and checked both Arturo and Myra/Percy and they just had the old shipment sizes

  10. Hi all. Been having trouble getting sorting mods to work properly. Used to run Valdacil's Item Sorting - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3877?tab=description - which worked for MOST scrap and junk and that sort of thing, as well as armour/clothing, holotapes, ect, but not chems or food or grenades/mines or ammo. Decided to try VIS-G - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33383?tab=description - but having the exact same problem. When using Val's, I also had a weight mod running which stopped all scrap from working. Once I got rid of that, some scrap and junk was fine, but there's still a lot that's simply not sorting at all. Scrolling through Vortex doesn't show anything that should interfere at all with anything. If a mod list is required, let me know if there's a faster way than typing out every single installed mod. If any more info is needed, please just ask


    EDIT: Turns out I'm an idiot, and just needed to fix the load order

  11. Been trying to implement the Castle Fully Restored Inside and Out mod - tried both V1 and V2 - V2 on this link https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31858?tab=description

    However, every attempt to view it in game still has a pile of rubble at the Northern entrance where the player enters with the Minutemen. There is also rubble still in the wall behind that section, which can cause the player to get stuck when jumping around. Image is here; https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/777355776026800663/8A64414EFFB2C3663CBD0DC6AAE821A76775E265/


    I've checked it on the CK which shows the rubble gone as it should be, and also tested each of my mods that affect the environment, as far as I know, and haven't been able to pick it up.

  12. Always wanted a mod which would give the option for the player to have allies in the battle quests, and the quest for the Jagged Crown, to have the soldiers for whatever side you're fighting for stay out of the fight so you could clear it yourself without having to be concerned about friendly fire. I'd rather go solo and throw fire storm spells around to clear it quickly, than having to spend time making sure I'm only killing enemies.

  13. Trying to add an enchantment that fortifies all schools of magic, similar to the Saarthal amulet's enchantment, but scales up like other enchantments. Unfortunately, during test, only destruction scaled up like it should.
    Screenshot of the base enchantment and the "final" scaled one. Base enchantment in-game just said 8% for everything, and when enchanting (Current character is max+ enchanting and uses uncapper), destruction was 39% and all the others were still 8%.


  14. Trying to add an enchantment that fortifies all schools of magic, similar to the Saarthal amulet's enchantment, but scales up like other enchantments. Unfortunately, during test, only destruction scaled up like it should.
    Screenshot of the base enchantment and the "final" scaled one. Base enchantment in-game just said 8% for everything, and when enchanting (Current character is max+ enchanting and uses uncapper), destruction was 39% and all the others were still 8%.



  15. After finding out that Headbomb's Better Sorting is not compatible with One Handed Master Spells, I decided to remake just the spell esp of the better sorting so it would work with the OHMS. Unfortunately, though most spell names change in-game as they should, the masters - and some others - don't. I have a copy of the esp available below, if anyone could troubleshoot for me.



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