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Everything posted by Jellicent

  1. Try this: player.addspell 0004deeb player.removespell 0004deeb
  2. There is a mod which can help you, if you are willing to install it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14007 I'm using it myself since I couldn't see anything under water, too.
  3. There is a 4GB RAM patcher for the TESV.exe I've been using it since I got myself Skyrim, which was about a month after release. I've uploaded it since I have no idea where I got it. http://ompldr.org/vZmhoOA
  4. Are you using any mods? Or did you modify your skyrim.ini, skyrimprefs.ini? If not..uhh, maybe some driver problem? That's the only thing I can think of without any info.
  5. I have to facepalm this. Really? Just because a mod doesn't freeze/CTD you doesn't mean it works the same for others. It's not like you are using the exact same system. Both of your files could be corrupted, just saying. Anyways, the most common thing that can happen while playing for a longer time with these freezes is that your savefile is going to be corrupted, despite deleting all mods. Try what happens with a new savegame, do you also crash? If yes, it's something about your mods. If not, it's your files. If the second option applies to you you should probably delete everything, also the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and make a new installation of skyrim, then the mods. Before installing any mods you should make sure it's not your system and try to play without any mods for a decent amount of time.
  6. I couldn't identify whixh MOD it was but I had the same problem and deleted the 3 or 4 latest MODS I Installed and that fixed it for me. Lucky you. I did the same but nothing worked for me. It was already somehow locked into my savegame.
  7. I had the same problem. What I did was delete and uninstall everything. Really uninstall, not just deactivate. First all mods. Then Skyrim. And I deleted my old saves (with a 300h+ char) and made a new one. Made sure everything worked fine and then I installed the mods one by one, always checking if it was messing up anything. Now everything works fine and my aimimng is just fine. :3
  8. Yes, actually they should be .jpg. An alternative is to use fraps. Works like a charm.
  9. Use "sucsm 5". That makes it pretty slow. You could also go for 1. :) That should help you.
  10. Uh, I have seen a couple of posts by you and you should really quit with the size change on the text. Nobody wants to use a magnifying glass to read it. I'm not even trying myself because it's not worth giving myself a headache for. Not trying to be rude, it's just very difficult to see what you have to say. :thumbsup: Alright, thanks for the "answer". I guess it's just a taste thing. I have all my fonts like this on the whole system. :P And I use glasses.
  11. Well, your question is really a bit to unspecific. It strongly depends on the mod itself. I for myself usually say "no, don't overwrite". Everything works like a charm for me, which might be because I did a complete new installation the last days, including mods, and putting everything into a decent order. A good load order sometimes really helps.
  12. Before you try to remove a spell you have to have the spell on you. Even if you look like having the spell.. you don't have it. So you have to add it first. Then close the console. Then open it back up and remove it. Then it should go away. Works like a charm for the Draugr eyes bug. Maybe try 00023abd, it's the ID for a wispmother. It's the only thing I could find so far, sorry.
  13. Saying that you didn't have any problem with your mods while playing the old savegame is like saying "Well my girlfriend likes it rough but my old one didn't". It probably makes no sense to you but to me, because wtf. Anywho, I don't know if you tried playing through the intro before you re-installed everything and yadayadayada. I'll just assume you didn't so you can probably not know if your mods aren't causing any problems, since you never went through that intro. Just me assuming. My suggestion is to do what NEMISIES1 suggested and before installing all mods... For the love of God, try if you can get past the intro and character creation. Play until your hands are unbound and make sure you can attack/block/sheathe. If everything works you can go crazy with your mods and install them one by one, sometimes testing if it still works. With a new game, not with the one where you already have your hands unbound. To make sure everything runs smoothly. And last but not least you should also probably delete your SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini. Good luck.
  14. It seems really to be some texture problem. You could maybe try to use some skin texture mods and see if it changes anything. I'm using an ATI gfx card so I can't really help you about the nVidia thing. I once played Skyrim on my old rig which was with a Palit GTX 460Platinum, I had no problems with anything back then. I didn't use any mods back then, either. (Now I use around 60 mods.) The only thing you could look for would be a custom driver or a driver solution for Skyrim around the internet. Maybe you'll find something handy. Make sure to back up your system though. I wish I would remember the name of the awesome custom driver I once installed for nVidia.. It solved many problems and increased stability and performance.
  15. Just post it already. Nobody is going to be able to help you when you don't tell us what's wrong. And since you have already opened this thread it would be a waste of space to leave it like this.
  16. Well, you might want to try the other way. Disabling all mods, uninstalling Skyrim. Installing Skyrim again and then see if it works, without mods, of course with a new savefile. Then you can start adding/enabling the mods again. I'd recommend testing it after every mod that somehow changes the look or behaviour of the character. E.g. new 3dmodels or mods that change the movement in any way.
  17. I don't use a download manager, I also don't use Chrome, but I use a browser based on Chromium (which is what Chrome is based on) and I don't have any problems downloading files. Maybe just don't use a download manager, what about that? I have experienced the same problems as you did using NMM and I always download these files, which I fail to dl with NMM, with my browser.
  18. If you are experiencing this problem from the beginning it might be a mod, that's true. And it's most likely gonna be "alternate start", as Promiser said. If it happened more or less suddenly while playing you can fix it by just restarting the game and load the file where you know the problem hasn't occured yet. I had this happen to me a few times while playing with the free flying camera and accidentally loading a game or saving it. It made my character behave is if the hands were bound and I could also not draw a weapon. Not even a power attack. I guess my response won't help so much but I feel better off writing it. Maybe it helps other people. Edit: abd1234: Unchecking doesn't always help since some files also might override your original Skyrim files. Making sure the mod is gone would be uninstalling your Skyrim and reinstalling it, adding the mods one by one (also in an intelligent order) and then trying to load your game again. By the way, uninstalling Skyrim doesn't automatically delete your savefiles and .ini in the the "X:\Users\<currentusername>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim" folder. You might want to delete the .ini if you are not sure whether the changes you applied to it are good or bad and let the game create new ones. (IF you modified the .ini!)
  19. In case you remember all the stuff I'd just recommend that you get your items back by using the console. www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console You can look up the commands there. IDs can be found out ingame or also on the wiki.
  20. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/778342-weird-combat-anymation-with-bow/ I'm having the same problem. You can see what I have done and tested in the thread. So far I think it's somewhere in the savegame. As stated in my thread I even did a new installation (with not a single mod installed) and tried to play with my old character, but the weird bug was still there. The only thing that helps so far is creating a new game. It's not a fix sadly. So it seems that removing the mods or creating a clean installation doesn't help, that's why I assume it's somewhere in the savegame.
  21. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/778342-weird-combat-anymation-with-bow/ Now this sounds familiar. And I thought I was the only one.
  22. Well, the topic says it pretty well.. I don't know when this first occured and how it did but I can tell you that I have tried everything to fix it. I disabled mods that would/could have caused this, then I disabled all the mods. Then I did a clean install of Skyrim again, tried.. Nope, still not any difference. I decided to install all the mods again and see if anything was faulty and might fix it. Didn't work. I've been lurking throught these forums, trying to find something similar or the same problem for about 2 hours but I couldn't find anything. And since it doesn't seem to be a mod related problem I thought I'd just start a thread and ask you guys. Cause it really just looks like my character has become a snake. Here's a nice pic: http://i.imgur.com/ntHnq.jpg The actual angle is around 85° in 1st person, using the body line as a reference. But you can clearly see she's not at 85° with the bow, lol. The best part is that it is also f***ed up in 1st person, the view is right but the animation is somehow f***ed, since it seems to be the whole model, as if my character would have a broken spine, or a very flexible one, since she can also do a 360° "bow".. It wouldn't piss be so off if the arrows would come out right, because it looks hilarious. But they have a weird starting position, as you could tell. So they are not accurate anymore, which forces me to not use the bow anymore. It saddens me because I love using the bow. ._. So, thanks for the fish and hopefully somebody already encountered something such weird as me and can help. ^_^ Edit: Seems that I was wrong. I've made another new save, just for the sake of hope and it's working again. So it must be the savefile. Something went really wrong with my characters physics sometime, maybe when I died or something. It seems that the only way of getting rid of this is going for a new game. If anyone has another idea you can post it, since it's not really fixed.
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