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Posts posted by monganfinn

  1. Shor is the Soul King aka Sovngarde total Bleach conversion.

    - just a joke


    I wouldn´t really add to much content into Sovngarde, whole towns etc seem over the top and dungeons aka graves in the land of the dead?


    But brawls - perhaps also with weapons and drinking contests - you could drink poison thus draining your life and turning the drinking contests into something more challenging than Sanguines, which bring the player some nice little, heavenly tokens as reward?! - That would be genius!


    A portal beside Skuldafn would be quite lore breaking - but nowadays you can jump on a dragon and should be able to fly there again.

    Otherwise we could implement a death - Sovngarde - rebirth (by dragon shouting you back into life!) cycle.

  2. There are already mods to repair Whiterun and Winterhold and several mods that overhaul the cities to add more houses to them.

    Whiterun hardly needs slums outside of the walls, there´s more than enough room inside the walls - I say they were simply to lazy to fill that room.


    Perhaps the player could be somehow involved in the repairs through mini quests such as: "bring us that" etc

    Or the barkeeps could tell the player to check out the rebuild cities, remarking how much better Skyrim has become after the war ended.

  3. You are Dragonborn, thus you don´t need some poor mortal army, you can send dragons into battle!


    After having cleared Labyrinthion aka the old Bromjunaar, main seat of the Dragon Cult and having defeated Alduin, thus having become the overlord of the dragons, you and a few companions relocate to Bromjunaar and excert your influence from there.

    Calling on the guilds you are the leader of you can put pressure on the different faction leaders and jarls.

    Refugees, tired of the war, populate Bromjunaar.


    With the dragons at your call you can force the other factions into cooperation - a new season unending where you carve out territory for yourself or end the whole civil war itself if your speech skill is high enough.

    In a duel of shouts you defeat Ulfric, thus, per tradition, absorbing the Stormcloaks into your army.

    Offering a diplomatic solution and a military might strong enough to oppose the Thalmor, Balgruuf, the one intelligent jarl, supports you.

    Leaving only the imperial cities to take. Then in a moot you are elected High King.

    Finally a Thalmor/Imperial army tries to invade Skyrim through the mountain gates. - respawning enemies that offer endless grinding.


    Or you take the path of a true conqueror and use the dragons to bring all the other holds to heel.


    Then iyou are crowned High King by the moot. - Nobody may attend since you killed them all.

    Finally a Thalmor/Imperial army tries to invade Skyrim through the mountain gates. - respawning enemies that offer endless grinding and massive battles.

  4. And soon Eorlund Gray-mane will be history as the best smith in Skyrim.


    A whole quest line like a guild quest line. You start with the guards and then the Jarl of the hold from which the guards hail asks for an item. Afterwards the courier will bring you requests for smithing enchanting from different persons across Skyrim . - That way there won´t be too much unspoken dialogue.


    The price should be fixed, never saw a mod where one could choose a price, but the price should be influenced by the perks of the speech skill tree and the skill in smithing and enchanting as well as the item requested.


    After finishing the item you would either have to deliver it or the courier will visit you again and deliver the item for you and gives you the money.

    That would also be an immersive way to earn some extra money at the beginning of the game.


    Sadly just my two cents to your idea.

  5. Do you think of something similar to this: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51633, only as a castle/fort instead of Ivarstead.

    We could transform Castle Volkihar into a human fort and then have draugr, Thalmor etc attack them.This would at least give the player something to do.

    And seriously that castle is abondonned anyways, why does no human faction claim it!!


    It is already a player home right?

    There are mods to have many followers aka guards and housecarls at the same time.

    The job of the commander would be to recruit followers en mass.

    Quest mods so the player would have to work for the upkeep of the troops aka followers, for example he has to invite a merchant to live at Castle Volkihar, this merchant than provides goods to the castle the player then has to purchase, similar to how houses are upgraded. So the player could buy catapults, ramparts, forges, etc. That way the player has to take care of the economics.


    And finally respawning enemies. Defensive structures aka catapults, ramparts etc added to Castle Volkihar. The sieges themselves should be similar to the civil war sieges where the player has to perform strategic important deeds.

    The UFO mechanics would allow to rudimentarily set guardposts for the followers through the player himself.


    Have fun!


    Aren´t there already several mods that let you have forts to yourself, rather than commanding the guards around it would be more necessary to think of what the player will do with his time. The many follower mods should have the guard functions covered, though not the dialogues.

  6. I believe the player shouts are separate from the other Thu´um users anyway, if so one would simply have to add a massive fear effect on the player shouts.

    Perhaps one could also add a speach line where the NPCs scream "It´s the dragonborn!"

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