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About rbtoj

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  1. So I was reading this article about Fallout 4 and performance (link here), and they found that memory speed makes a huge difference in performance in any system. I tried it myself and got about 10% more fps at the entrance to Diamond City by OC'ing my RAM from 1333 to 1600. For the record, my system: Core I5 2500k @ 4.6GHz 8 GB RAM of DDR 1333 (now at 1600) XFX 390X stock.
  2. Yes. The pipboy is allright for quick stats and quest information, but is very cluncky for inventory management.
  3. So I was thinking: with so many items in this game and their importance for crafting and so, why not have a inventory system that can be easily sorted, and be able to display more than a handful of items at a time? Also, being able to see the actual object model would be cool (like in Skyrim). Any thoughts?
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